Below are links to fanfiction that is--as far as I am aware--not archived on either Fanfiction.net or Archive of Our Own. Authors/Prior Hosting Webmasters' exact summaries/descriptions provided where available.
The webmaster does not guarantee they have read all works linked to below and will not vouch for the quality of them or content within them unless a specific note has been made. Fics I have been able to ascertain contain troubling topic matter are marked with a skull () for violence/sensitive content, and works I have determined to be NSFW have been moved to a more appropriate section of the site (see Delita on the contact page for details). Fics I think are particularly worth a look have been marked with a heart (
). These markers, however, are not comprehensive, and they is no guarantee an unmarked fic will be SFW and free of disturbing content. This page very much enables you to replicate the wild experience of browsing for fic circa 2001.
Note: If you are the author of any of the works below and would like me to remove links to archived copies of your writing, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am happy to comply with creators' wishes should they desire that their work disappear back into the mists of Internet history.
シャイニングバインド~。 by shdwjanus (Livejournal, 2001) [Webmaster's Note: Delita/Ramza, written in English despite the title]
Algus by Crystal Zeal (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2008): "A look at Algus' life, from beginning to demise."
Antipyretic by ovo_lexa (Livejournal, 2009): "There are two ways of getting ahead: the slow, safe way that takes a lifetime to master and the fast, dangerous way that takes others’ lives."
Baking with Ramza and Pals by Crono (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Ramza and the gang decide to make cookie. But the gang is baking-illiterate, which means, they can't bake! Will this cookie making hobby turn into a big cookie disaster?"
Beowulf and the Silver Angel by D.C. (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Nice story about Beowulf and his encounter with a, uh, seductive angel."
Betrayal of Hope by Benjamin Davis (RPGamer, 2000)
Big Brother: Three Beoulves by Mithrigil (Livejournal, 2007) [Webmaster's Note: In the midst of a number of other Ivalice shorts]
Blades of Grass by knightess (Livejournal, 2007): "Delita contemplates his role in life. Ramza is powerless and can only watch. Notes: This is basically a 'novelisation' of a scene from Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, with many of my personal takes on the scene thrown in, as well as Delita's perspective of things. I think it is a very powerful and moving scene, and... just felt like writing it."
Chirijiraden - Vanishing Memories by CD (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2005): "Based in the history of FFT set 12 centuries prior to the lion war. Set around the owner of the chirijiraden samurai blade and his lover, Aeris." [Webmaster's Note: Only Ch. 1 available]
Children of War by Nanaki (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2006): "Both the 50 Year War and the Lion War left many deep scars on Ivalice, and many people simply did not survive the conflicts. But the heroes of the wars who survived didn't just sit idly down afterward. They celebrated the best way humans can... Now, the children of the war are venturing out into Ivalice on their own for the first time. When a greedy young prince finally bites off more than he can chew, in the form of Donalbain Sadalfas, a revolution erupts. One that gains more strength and devoted followers every day. Now, the most powerful warrior in all of Ivalice is unsure of which side to join..." [Webmaster's Note: Only Ch. 1 available]
Clouds FFT Adventure by Cake (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Here's a cracking-up Parody of what really happened when Cloud suddenly came into the FFT world!"
Cold by DK (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2002): "Algus, Teta, Fort Zeakden, and the events that shape one man's hatred."
The Color War by Daniel Seltzer (The Gaming Intelligence Agency, 2000)
Confessions by Taran (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2006): "Delita is one of the most complex characters in FFT. What happens after this Macheivellian soul takes the throne?"
Confused and Lost by Shira Anne (RPGamer, 2002)
Cor Draconis Sacri by llamajoy (Bishonen Ink., Unknown): "The heart of the holy dragon. (Agrias & a late night conversation.)"
Crest of the Dragon by Luna Crescent (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2005): "Dragoons have always been known as the Dragon Knights, warriors whose abilities mimic that of a Dragon. However, there was one lineage of people who possessed the blessings of the Dragons, a family whose name was tarnished and nearly wiped out by an act of betrayal. During the Lion War, a Hero is born, the world is plunged into darkness and brought into the light again, and a single soul struggles to live true to her beliefs. ...Or you could say this is what happens after I mess with the FFT story. Don't worry, nothing big is taken out, but I've added stuff, as you might have noticed. I guess this is sort of a novelization, but with so much more. You'll notices small changes right from the start, but the good stuff doesn't happen till later. Hope you like it!"
Crown of Violets by cyberphuck (Tumblr, 2019): "I wrote Argath/Tietra because I like a challenge. It ended up pretty out of character though so it’s not going up on ao3."
Dark Remembrance by Michael Greenhut (RPGamer, 1998)
A Day at the Beach [Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3] by Cidolfus Orlandu (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "If you loved his first story, you'll like this one even more! Ramza and friends decide to spend a day at the beach when suddenly, Agrias is swept off her feet by a handsome gentleman from FF3! Will this new love last? Special appearences by FF3 cast."
Difference by cephiedvariable (Livejournal, 2005): "Delita and Ramza. Not intentionally slashy, I swear"
Delita's Halloween by Crono (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "This is a heartwarming story of Ramza and Delita back in the 5th grade. Delita realizes that Ramza has done so much for him so he's going to pay back Ramza--but will he go as far as...kill?"
Devil's Gamble by Midnight_Fox (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "A Yaoi fanfic about Vormav and his subordinates...don't wanna spoil anything else ;) *WARNING: THIS IS A YAOI FIC*"
The Duray Papers by Jonathan Weng (RPGamer, 1998): "Here is a collection of funny short stories, each of them telling the story behind an infamous mistranslation from Final Fantasy Tactics. The title, The Duray Papers, on makes fun of the misspelling of Olan's last name in the prologue."
Drunk! Cidolfus Orlandu (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Here's a hilarious fanfic sent in about T.G. Cid and Mustadio facing off--while they're drunk! Read and laugh at how Mustadio learns his lesson well! Plus, a small appearence by Cid Highwind!"
Elmdor's Little Problem Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org): "Kind of an inside joke... but those of you who play the game my way just might get it."
Faces by mintbaby (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2002): "Set directly after the final battle of Final Fantasy Tactics, Ramza must come to grips with his fulfilled destiny in order to accomplish the one that awaits him."
Final Fantasy Tactics: The Seven Lands and The Seven Stars [Pre:Title, Prologue 1, Prologue 1, Prologue 1, Prologue 1, Bk. 1: Ch. 1, Bk. 1: Ch. 2, Bk. 1: Ch. 2, Bk. 1: Ch. 2, Bk. 1: Ch. 2, Bk. 1: Ch. 2, Bk. 1: Ch. 3, Bk. 1: Ch. 3, Bk. 1: Ch. 3, Bk. 1: Ch. 3, Bk. 1: Ch. ?, Bk. 2: Ch. ?, Bk. 2: Ch. ?, Bk. 2: Ch. ?, Bk. 2: Ch. ?, Bk. 3: Ch. 1, Bk. V: Ch. ?, Bk. V: Ch. ?, Bk. V: Ch. ?, Ch. 1-3, Ch. 1-3, Ch. 1-3, Ch. 1-3, Ch. 1-4, Interlude 2, Ending, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Epilogue 1, Back Cover Blurb, Misc. 1, Misc. 2, Misc. 3, Misc. 4, Misc. 5, Misc. 6, Misc. 7, Misc. 8, Misc. 9, Misc. 10, Misc. 11, Misc. 12, Misc. 13, Misc. 14, Misc. 15, Misc. 16, Misc. 17, Misc. 18, Misc. 19, Misc. 20, Misc. 21, Misc. 22, Misc. 23, Misc. 24, Misc. 25, Misc. 26, Misc. 27, Misc. 28, Misc. 29, Misc. 30] by endeavorsreward (Tumblr, 2016-2020): "Ivalice was hanging on by a thread at the end of the Fifty Years War—with the peasantry and the soldiers both in a state of unrest, the sudden power vacuum in the royal family could have burned the entire kingdom to the ground were it not for a hero who rose from obscurity: Delita Heiral, the man who’d rise to lead a golden age [...]" [Webmaster's Note: Excerpts from what seems to have been a *very* extensive adaptation/novelization project (Author's explanation here and here as to why this wasn't archived on a more traditional site); I have taken the liberty of separating out a few of the titled pieces that stand alone as single works]
Final Fantasy Tactics: The Way of the Warrior by Legion (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2006): "Fifteen years after the Zodiac Brave Story, another force begins pursuit of the Zodiac Stones. And it will take one man, Ramza's son Aralius, to find the Way of the Warrior and bring peace to Ivalice." [Webmaster's Note: Only Ch. 1 available]
The Final Manipulation by Matt Blackie (RPGamer, 1999)
The FFT Drinking Game by Cid (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Here's a neat Drinking Game for all you FFT fans"
FFT Online by Crono (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "What happens when the gang of FFT goes on a chatline? Find out!!"
FFT Online: A Follow Up by Bishonen_Girl (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "A funny follow up to Crono's FFT Online."
FFT Picnic by Mustadio-Chan (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Just as the title says, this short story is about the Gang of FFT going on a picnic."
FFT's Wacky Thanksgiving Hell-iday by Pretty Stalker, Crono, Vinny, and Pruntos (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Whoah..this is one hell of a fanfic that Crono and her friends wrote while on chat. Check out the weird things the FFT gang does on Thanksgiving!! "
The Fifty Years' War by Alex Weitzman (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2001): "Two wars occurred for Ivalice within the span of 60 years. Ten of those were the Lion War, where the faith of Ivalice was put against the hearts of the people themselves. However, the majority of that 60 years was spent in another war. Spurned by pride and aristocrats alike, this long, fruitless war would bring more than its fair share of suffering, scheming, death, and heroes. Join us as we travel through history and see roots and wings alike..." [Only Ch. 1 available]
Ficbit Challenge 5: 18 Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org)
Ficbit Challenge 6: 3 Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org)
Ficbit Challenge 6: 12 Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org)
Firelight by Chris Vogel (RPGamer, 1999)
Flower Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org): "The genesis of this story remains a mystery to me. But... it's cute."
Fragments, Agrias and Meliadoul by ladysisyphus (Letters From the Wasteland, Unknown)
Fragments, Delita by ladysisyphus (Letters From the Wasteland, Unknown)
From Peasant to King: The Story of Delita Hyral by Ybrik Metaknight (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2003): "'From Peasant to King' follows the events of Final Fantasy Tactics, largely from the perspective of Delita Hyral. It serves a dual purpose: To fill in the gaps (some of them quite large) between glimpses the game gives players of Delita's tale, and to reveal background information about six characters I use in "Seven Swords". Because of this second, lesser purpose, the first few chapters will, from time to time, shift focus to one of the supporting characters. Without further ado, I now present you with 'From Peasant to King: The Story of Delita'!"
From Riovanes With Peanut Butter by MiniMog (The Gaming Intelligence Agency, 2000)
The Full Monty--FFT Style!!! by BlindGirl182 (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Ever seen the movie "The Full Monty?" Well, just imagine our lovable FFT characters starring in this movie!"
Girl School Flirt by Cidolfus Orlandu (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "This story is for all those Mustadio fans out there! Apparently, Mustadio gets a job--working in an all girls school!! With so many girls gaga over him, will he ever be able to keep that job?"
The Great Monster Troupe by Limited Moon (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 1999): " My interest in writing a fic like this was simply to explore Orlandu, Queen Ruvelia, and King Omdoria's background. These three characters had almost no character development (in fact Omdoria and Ruvelia are never actually "seen", just referred to). This is a little more comedy oriented than "Sparks of War" was, and it's a bit longer to boot (but not by much). Well, enjoy!" [Only Ch. 1 available]
Grief by Naomi (RPGamer, 1999): "This poem is about Delita and his guilt. I always thought that was kinda interesting, so I wrote about it. If I messed up the quote, sorry. : >"
Grief and Nostalgia by littlemaiko (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "A sweet short story about "what if" Miluda, Izlude, Meliadoul and Wiegraf were all friends from childhood."
Hades and Persephone by Moonsheen (Dreamwidth, 2006): "Delita, Ovelia. A seduction, of sorts."
Heart-Shaped Box by endeavorsreward (Tumblr, 2018) [Webmaster's Note: Besrudio post-canon]
A Hero's Soul by Andy Simpson (RPGamer, 2001)
How Many by TheRPGenius (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2005): "A warrior reflects on actions of the past."
...I Got This by Crystal Zeal (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2008): "'Did you get your end in all of this, Ramza? I...I got this.'; A look into Delita's life, from end to beginning."
I'll Not Forsake You by Medina Grey (RPGamer, 1998)
The Intermittent Year by Matthew Schuele (RPGamer, 1998): "This is another case of wanting to explain an unexplained time, as in my previous fan fiction piece, The War of the Magi. First (in the game) there's a prologue, then there's chapter one, which chronicles the events from Ramza's graduation to the prologue, and then chapters two, three, and four. Chapter two begins where the prologue leaves off, and from there on the story continues throughout the remaining chapters until the end of the war--and the end of the game. But in between the end of chapter one and the prolouge, a year passes.What takes place during this year? How does Ramza meet up with Gafgarion and Agrias? Surely Ramza and his troops weren't just sitting around at home all year. Something happened between chapter one and chapter two, and while it may not be important enough for the game to chronicle it, it had to be interesting none the less...."
I Owe "Them" Something by Christopher K. Winn (RPGamer, 2001): "This is my first fanfic and it took me far too long to write (I actually started it back in November; it's been a hectic year. Anyway, I would appreciate any and all criticism and/or insults. This is not a retelling of the poem "Beowulf" though much in this is borrowed from there. I borrowed Unferth and Wiglaf was already in the game (Wiegraf is simply a bad translation of Wiglaf). I also borrowed characters (or their names at least) from other Square games just for fun, nothing more. Also, my Japanese is very bad and most of the words and terms I used in here are probably out of context, especially since I really don't know what any of them mean. ^__^ I just took them out of a dictionary and hoped for the best. Please don't make fun of me. It will make me sad, I will cry, and then I will come to your house and kick your ass."
An Interview with Ramza Beoulve by Crono (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Crono interviews that famous heretic! Find out what he's all about!"
In the Eyes of Atticus by Zachary Balloch (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2003)
In the Life of a Holy Knight by Andy Simpson (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2001): "A long war, fifty years long, between Ivalice and Ordalia has strained both kingdoms' resources. Yet brewing in the background, more tensions could lead to a civil war thereafter between the Princes Larg and Goltana of Ivalice. As a young knight of the Order of the Holy Sword, it is up to you to find out just how real these tensions are, and how they can be abated. But beware! You could be impaled by Prince Goltana or teleported forward in time to the world of Final Fantasy VII. Or you could find a way to end the 50 Years War and prevent the Lion War altogether!" [Webmaster's Note: CYOA Format; Only Ch. 1 available]
The Kidnapping of Princess Ovelia by Matt Blackie (RPGamer, 1999)
The King's Man by _Vile_ (Final Fantasy Neoseeker Forums, 2004)
Kletian Bowa by DarkLore (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2003): [Webmaster's Note: Only Ch. 1 available]
Knight Blade: The Death and Rebirth of Izlude by Perry Shinra (Izlude Tingel Fan Club, 2002): "Well, here it is. The first and perhaps last serious fanfic I plan to release anywhere. It's a Final Fantasy Tactics fic and focuses mostly on Izlude, though it does feature material on all the main Temple Knights. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't actually finish the game and I find about as much value in Izlude as I would in a diseased forest moogle, but the Final Fantasy Tactics world lends itself to good serious fanfiction. I enjoy the fact that it usually gives a lot of leeway on the characters' personalities. Besides, Red Chocobo asked this of me, and far be it for me to turn down a lady's request. Enjoy."
The Last Night by Ryan Mitchell (The Gaming Intelligence Agency, 2000)
Last Poem by cephiedvariable (Livejournal, 2005): "Olan burns, yes I ship Olan/Balmafula. Shut up. >__>"
Leave Me by Lia Strife (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2003)
Life and Loss by Shira Anne (RPGamer, 2002): "This fanfic is not consistent with my other fanfic, "Mercenary Soul" so most facts/events will be different."
Light the Way Home by Eric Bakutis (RPGamer, 2002): I don't usually do these, but I felt inclined to explain myself because I'm sure someone is going to write in and rag on me for writing a crossover. First, about Cloud... it is well-documented in gaming circles that there is a side-quest in Final Fantasy Tactics that allows you to find and add Cloud (and his Materia Blade) to your party... if you haven't seen that part of the game, you'll understand why he's in this fic. I thought it was very cool that Square added Cloud's character to Tactics (although he starts out Level 1 in what is usually a Level 20 party) but I was a bit disturbed that they took the time to incorporate a whole sidequest into Final Fantasy Tactics for Cloud, but said nothing about how he gets home. What happens to Cloud, after all? There's no mention of him in the end of the game, and Orlan [sic], the narrator, says nothing about whether Cloud was still in Ivalice or left after Saint Ajora was defeated. So, this fic was really written as a way to tell the story of just how Cloud 'got home' and returned to his comrades in Final Fantasy VII, a niggling little detail that Square left out of Final Fantasy Tactics. So, even though some might term it a 'cross-over' fic, when one considers the fact that it was Square, not I, that did the crossing-over (and we aren't talking John Edward here) I think putting Cloud in a Tactics fic is justified."
Like Home by llamajoy (Bishonen Ink., Unknown): "Ramza, Alma, and the inescapable scent of home."
Lines FFT Characters Would Never Say by Samantha Hodge (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Just like the title says..hilarious lines the FFT gang would never say!"
The Love of War by Pres. Rufus (Avalanche HQ, Unknown): "A fanfictional account of the events of Final Fantasy Tactics by Pres. Rufus. After the incident at Fort Zeakden, Ramza has deserted his allies and they must now live on their own, only to be reunited with their friend two years later... [Spoiler Alert] (:"
Malak's Mishaps by Kate Malloy (RPGamer, 1999)
Male Bonding Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org): "Still probably the best one in this section."
March by midset (Livejournal, 2010) "He continues walking with a heavy heart and his ever intricate mind"
Means to an End by gargoule (Livejournal, 2013): "Ovelia's thoughts on being a pawn during the war and probably a goodly part of her life."
A Mediator's Life Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org): "A little ditty about my favorite Tactics job class... "
Mercenary Soul by Shira Anne (RPGamer, 2002)
The Mis Adventures of the Hokuten Mercenaries by Neo_Izlude (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Inspired by Crono's "I'll Make a Knight Out of You", this comedy is based on a young boy named Hiroshi who is trying to get into the academy, despite his mischievous behavior."
Mogri by Brooke Bolander (RPGamer, 2001): "So. I got this idea from FFT, so you know it's gonna be an odd one. And for those of you who might be a little confused, moogles tell the seasons a bit different from us. Green-Time would be spring, Harvest-Time would be fall, etc. That's all - shoo, shoo!"
Mustadio in Black by Cidolfus Orlandu (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "This comedy involves Mustadio as (you guessed it) and MIB. Special appearences by Cid Highwind and Sephiroth."
The Nail by endeavorsreward (Tumblr, 2018) [Webmaster's Note: AU in which Alma, rather than Teta, dies at Zeakden]
N. O. K. D. Mooncalf (Mooncalf.org): "In which Ramza and his snobby prep-school buddies save the world! Or just natter on about nothing."
Or Suffer Their Author to Breath Free Air by Mithrigil (Livejournal, 2007): [Webmaster's Note: Delita/Ovelia, written for a kinkfest for the prompt "politics in bed - a diplomatic and mutually beneficial agreement"]
Overlooking Orbonne by BobCFed08 (Izlude Tingel Fan Club, 2002)
Promises to Keep by ZeoRu (Noire Sensus, 2003): This hypothetically could happen directly after Ramza defeats the Bloody Angel, while the Dead City begins to fade. I’ve decided to take things from a pair of defeated villains standpoint, as they are the pairing, of course. Vampirism is a valid status ailment in this game, btw…Too bad there are so few characters who can inflict it. I tried to stay within the game somewhat. For those not sure of Balk’s abilities, he can seal one’s actions, one’s movement, or ones soul (petrify). He can only seal souls of Undead units, and if he’s disarmed ( without his gun), he has to use his skill through his touch instead. So…I’m staying in game somewhat… ::wild laugh::
Proposition by Roger Ostrander (RPGamer, 1999)
Ragnarok's Children by Evan Jenkins (RPGamer, 2000)
Ramza and Friends Go Camping by Crono (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Alright! Finally, a funny story where the FFT gang goes camping! But everything seems to be going wrong, like Rad eating all the food and Delita bringing the food in an electric refrigerator!(no plugs in the wilderness, idiot!) Can the gang survive a day in the wilderness? This will be in chapters, pretty stalker writing one, and crono writing another!"
Ramza's Hidden Feelings [Ch. 1-2, [Ch. 3-4, [Ch. 5-7] by Kilakandra DiMenia (Caves of Narshe, Unknown): "A fanfiction by Kilakandra DiMenia set within the game timeline that is, as the title suggests, from the POV of Ramza and deals with his inner thoughts and struggles as he undertakes an important mission."
Ramza, What Did You Get? by James Masato (RPGamer, 1998): "This is my interpretation of what might have gone through Delita's mind in the last scene of FFT...when he kills Ovelia."
Schooling with Daravon by MiniMog (The Gaming Intelligence Agency, 2000)
Seeking Out the Truth by Morrigan (RPGamer, 2000): "I decided to write a story about the little details the narrator, Alazlam Durai, gives about Olan and the Durai Papers in Final Fantasy Tactics' ending. By all means avoid this if you fear spoilers, and do read on if you have already beaten it ^_^. This is my first fanfic, and if you see a few grammar mistakes, know that English is my second language. ^^; I also decided to shed some light on a more or less important character of the game. Enjoy!"
Serendipitous by cephiedvariable (Livejournal, 2005): "Ramza and Balbanes meet the Hyral Children."
Sneaking into Your Backyard, With These Flowers For Ovelia by Moonsheen (Dreamwidth, 2005): [Webmaster's Note: A short Delita/Ovelia piece]
Spiritst by Aeris23 (The Gaming Intelligence Agency, 2000)
The Soldier and the Dragon by endeavorsreward (Tumblr, 2020): "In honor of FFVIIR, a tale of Cloud and Ivalice; excerpted from the adaptation project as always. To be released in parts as they’re completed."
The Soul of a Knight Blade [Ch. 1, Ch. 2-3, Ch. 4] by BobCFed08 (Izlude Tingel Fan Club, 2003)
Speaker for the Dead by cephiedvariable (Livejournal, 2005): "a longish fic I was really, really intending to finish."
Stained Ground by Brad Holman (RPGamer, 2002): "Thought I would try a FFT fic, one that dealt with the thought of a commoner. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh yeah, this fic is dedicated to David for his love of the game, thanks Dave for introducing it to me."
Ten Braves' Stories by Graham S. Johnson (RPGamer, 2001)
T. G. Cid's Last Memories by Paul Furfari (RPGamer, 1998)
They, Like Us by Saki Wright (RPGamer, 1999)
Timecrash by endeavorsreward (Tumblr, 2017) [Webmaster's Note: FFT/FF8 crossover]
The Tingels Go Camping by Izlude (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "A Funny parody about the Tingel family going camping for Meliadoul's birthday (poor Izlude)."
To Seal the Hydra's Heads by Mithrigil (Livejournal, 2008): "AU, Canon what-if: What if Ovelia had taken a more...active role in politics?" [Webmaster's Note: Contains mixed in bits of other Ivalice titles.]
Twenty Stories by Moonsheen (Dreamwidth, 2006): "20 excerpts from the memoirs of Ramza Beoulve..." [Webmaster's Note: Probably one of my favorite fics listed here; every entry is superb.]
Vagrant Tactics: Legacy of the Dark by Various Authors (Final Fantasy Neoseeker Forums, 2004)
Vigil by Laura Cullem (IcyBrian's RPG Page, 2008): "The night before the battle at Bethla Garrison, the new leader of the Nanten is ready to be reborn."
Way Back Then by BlindGirl182 (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Whoo hoo! This has got to be my favorite fanfic ever! Talks about how Ramza, Delita and Zalbag run away after being bad little boys."
Where I Come From by Bishonen_Girl (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "A short sweet story about Beowulf's true origin and the truth about his parents."
Wiegraf's Brithday Party by RJS (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "It's Wiegraf's Birthday and the Death Corps are planning the celebration...uh oh.
Wishes by littlemaiko (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "As a big fan of Izlude and Wiegraf, I could not stand the events at the Riovanes Castle. So, I came up with a ‘what if?’ situation. What if... no, I won’t ruin the storyline. Enjoy what littlemaiko has in store for her fave villains! Oh, one word. Read “Grief and Nostalgia” first, because that one contains the basis of the character relationships described in this story. ***This fanfic contains spoilers about the events at the Riovanes Castle.***"
You Know You Play Too Much FFT When... by StarPhoenix (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "The title says it all! If you actually do some of these things... "
Zodiac Brave Story, The Morbol Plague Infection [Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6] by StarPhoenix (Ramza-Chan's Page of Final Fantasy Fun, Unknown): "Following the events of FFT, a new plague has begun to spread by Morbols in attempt to turn them into Morbols themselves. Can Meliadoul save herself, her infected friends?"
Untitled by cyberphuck (Tumblr, 2013) [Webmaster's Note: Short snippet between Ramza and Zalbag re: Ramza/Delita.]
Untitled [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] by helios-olympus (Livejournal, 2007): [Webmaster's Note: All very short pieces, with a lot of focus on the Temple Knights; ocassional shippiness for Rofel/Kletian and Wiegraf/Izlude]
Untitled [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] by Moonsheen (Dreamwidth, 2005-2006): [Webmaster's Note: Various fragmentary untitled ficlets]
Untitled by reynardfox (Livejournal, 2005): "Tiny bit of fanfiction. I think I must have glanced over the text on the community icon last night, and my subconscious ran with it."
Untitled by terra (Livejournal, 2008): "So, I rewrote some Gilbert and Sullivan lyrics to the tune of Final Fantasy Tactics. The sordid result is posted below."