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Below are some download links to fonts I created that reproduce DaBubba's Ivalician character set in a more pixely style and replicate the in game zodiac symbols. There are additionally some links to FFT-themed fonts by other creators


Pixel Ivalican (Pixel Ivalician): A pixel font based on the Ivalician character set decoded and developed by DaBubba [Right click to download here].

FFT Zodiac (4 5 6): A font that recreates the zodiac symbols as they appear in game (characters correspond to the number keys and "-" and "=" keys) [Right click to download here].


Final Fantasy Tactics (Final Fantasy Tactics): The font for most of the text in Final Fantasy Tactics [Available here].

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance): The font for the text in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance [Available here].

SO Final Fantasy Tactics (A B C): A font consisting of glyphs showing FFT's character art. [Available here].

Comic Ivalician: DaBubba's original font for the script seen on the FFT world map. [Available here].