
Below is a list of generic units, showing their names and menu quotes as they appear in the original Japanese and in the War of the Lions translation. I compiled this list using the Final Fantasy Wikia, DaBubba's Generic Soldier Quotes on GameFAQs, G's Cemetery, the Tetsuya's Games Page, and the Final Fantasy Tactics Investigative Project.
If you want to have fun browsing these guys at random instead of scrolling through this massive honking list, you might want to try out the Random Unit Generator I built. :)
As of July 2, 2022, I should have a total of 256 units for each gender, although I cannot seem to track down any information as to to the units "Vang" and "Vashkoda" that appear in some name lists for the original game's translation. Please feel free to contact me with any information about units I might have missed or any typos/absent information/incorrect matches.
Male Units | Female Units | Fun ObservationsMALE UNITS
アベル | Abel | Abel
Japanese: 「私は双子の弟です。
War of the Lions: "I'm the younger of twins!
アルバート | Albert | Albin
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are seven kinds of cloaks."
アルベルト | Alberto | Arthur
War of the Lions: "It would appear that Bravery affects the damage inflicted by a knight's sword."
ソリューズ | Alexi | Solyeuse
Japanese: 「半分いやなんです。
War of the Lions: "For some reason, I lack enthusiasm."
エイブラハム | Abraham | Abraham
Japanese: 「び、びっくりしたあ~ きゅうに話しかけるなよ。
War of the Lions: "Egads! Do not startle me like that!"
アンダーソン | Anderson | Augustine
War of the Lions: "It would appear that Speed has some connection to the damage inflicted by a knife."
カッツ | Akintunde | Kerrich
Japanese: 「雨が降ると、雷系の力が強まるぞ!
War of the Lions: "Lightning-based magicks grow stronger when it rains."
アンディ | Andy | Alistair
War of the Lions: "Beware of items that appear to be the same!"
アーノルド | Arnold | Arnald
War of the Lions: "Make use of Archer's Bane when assailing archers."
アイルト | Anton | Iselton
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are eight kinds of guns."
バダム | Badum | Bardolf
Japanese: 「常に冷静であること、これが俺の戦闘術さ。
War of the Lions: "Always remain calm—that is my strategy."
ベイカー | Baker | Blavier
Japanese: 「何かいいことがありますように!
War of the Lions: "May Fortune smile upon us!"
バーニィ | Barney | Percival
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the weapon with the highest attack power is equipped first."
バートン | Barton | Habreham
War of the Lions: "Select Remove and press the left button!"
バスカーク | Baskirk | Baldric
War of the Lions: "You can become a powerful mage with Faith of 70 or above."
ビーン | Bean | Piers
Japanese: 「『毒』は、じわじわと効いてくるぞ、注意!
War of the Lions: "Beware the effects of poison, which are insidious indeed."
ベック | Beck | Laurentius
Japanese: 「寝る前に歯を磨こう!
War of the Lions: "Brush your teeth before retiring."
ベネディクト | Benedict | Benedict
Japanese: 「つらい…。
War of the Lions: "'Tis hard to bear..."
バークレー | Berkeley | Bartholomew
War of the Lions: "To Poach is to truly live!"
ベルナール | Bernar | Brice
War of the Lions: "I do so love the feel of a fine new cloak."
バーナード | Bernard | Bernard
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the shield with the highest Block Rate is equipped first."
ブラックバーン | Blackburn | Blackburn
Japanese: 「敵の弾丸をよける!なんてこと出来るのかなあ?
War of the Lions: "One may say 'I dodged a bullet,' but is it truly possible to do so?"
ブラッキィ | Blake | Bryce
Japanese: 「身分の違いなんて関係ないさ!
War of the Lions: "Class differences mean naught to me!"
ボーヴィル | Boville | Paul
Japanese: 「宿題のない世界ほど素晴らしいものはないよね!
War of the Lions: "A world without homework—could anything be more wondrous?"
ボイス | Boyce | Voyce
War of the Lions: "Higher Bravery makes bare-handed attacks more effective."
ボイル | Boyle | Boyle
Japanese: 「チョコボに乗りたい!
War of the Lions: "I should like to ride a chocobo!"
ブランドル | Brandol | Francis
Japanese: 「怒られるのですか?
War of the Lions: "Pray do not grow angry."
ブライアン | Brian | Bran
Japanese: 「何事にもコツがあるぜ!
War of the Lions: "Everything requires a special knack."
ブリッド | Brett | Bouchard
Japanese:「町によって売っているアイテムは、まちまち! な~んちゃって…。
War of the Lions: "Offerings differ in each city. If you can't find what you seek at one outfitter, try another."
ブルース | Bruce | Bruce
Japanese: 「かんじ(漢字)が、にがて(苦手)なのだ!
War of the Lions: "I shall never master orthography."
ブルーノ | Bruno | Brien
Japanese: 「俺は、ロングヘアの子が好きだなあ…。
War of the Lions: "I prefer maids with cascading tresses."
バグシー | Bugsy | Betrand
Japanese: 「一人で戦う勇気なんて俺にはないよ…。
War of the Lions: "I lack the courage to fight alone."
バスター | Buster | Powle
Japanese: 「敵の誰かに狙いをつける、ってのも一つの攻略法だぜ!
War of the Lions: "One solid strategy is to focus all attacks on a single foe."
カイン | Cain | Kain
Japanese: 「私は双子の兄です。
War of the Lions: "I am the elder of twins!"
カールソン | Carlson | Cuthbert
Japanese: 「1コだけ動かない星があるけど、あれって何星かなあ…。
War of the Lions: "There is one star that never moves. What could it be?"
カーマイン | Carmine | Carmine
Japanese: 「火傷したら、冷やすのもいいけど、油を塗るのも効果的だよ。
War of the Lions: "Ice is fit for burns, they say, but a swipe of oil does as well."
カシム | Casim | Kenrick
Japanese: 「戦争が終わったらショップの親父、失業だな…。
War of the Lions: "Once the war is over, the weapon sellers will need a new profession."
リデル | Cedric | Ridel
Japanese: 「あ~ら、何かしら?
War of the Lions: "Yes? Whatever could it be?"
Notes: DaBubba notes that this character speaks in a feminine voice.
チェンバレン | Chamberlain | Chamberlain
Japanese: 「タイタン! ん?タイターン!かなあ…。
War of the Lions: "I hear Ordallia was long ago spelled 'Ordalia.' Such things change over the ages."
ブレイク | Chang | Fulke
Japanese: 「最後まで、ついて行きます!
War of the Lions: "I shall follow you to the very end."
チェスター | Chester | Charlys
Japanese: 「魔法を放ったらすぐにその場を立ち去るべし!
War of the Lions: "When a magick is cast, flee at once!"
チップス | Chips | Gimbald
Japanese: 「別に…。
War of the Lions: "'Tis naught..."
ジョドー | Clayton | Jonathas
Japanese: 「どこかにギャンブル出来る所はないものかねえ?
War of the Lions: "Where can a man go for some gambling around here?"
クライブ | Clive | Clive
Japanese: 「俺の夢は小説家!資料集めのために参加してるのさ。
War of the Lions: "I dream of becoming a novelist! I am here to do research for my book."
コールマン | Coleman | Colson
War of the Lions:"After a dry spell comes the rain."
コリンズ | Collins | Conphas
War of the Lions: "Merchant cities are ideal for finding items from foreign lands."
コメット | Comet | Elewys
Japanese: 「この戦争、何かスッキリしないわね…。
War of the Lions: "Something about this war sticks in one's throat."
クロフォード | Crawford | Claudien
Japanese: 「歴史学を勉強してます。
War of the Lions: "I am a student of history."
カーティス | Curtis | Coster
Japanese: 「隣に可愛い子がきますように…。
War of the Lions: "If only a comely maid could accompany me!"
ダイスン | Daison | Gerbold
Japanese: 「明日のためにやってるんだ!
War of the Lions: "I am doing this for our future!"
ダラス | Dallas | Dalmas
Japanese: 「束になってかかってこいってんだ!!
War of the Lions: "Come! I shall trounce the lot of you!"
ダニエル | Daniel | Danyell
Japanese: 「滝で修行? そんなあ~。
War of the Lions: "Train beneath a frigid waterfall? Not I!"
ダビッド | David | Davyd
Japanese: 「砂漠でひとりぼっち 寂しいだろうな…。
War of the Lions: "How lonely it is to be out in the desert all by oneself."
デイビッド | David | Renver
Japanese: 「色々疑問はあるけど、俺は戦ってて楽しいよ。
War of the Lions: "Despite my reservations about this war, I do so love to fight."
デビッド | David | Rolfe
Japanese: 「じゃんけん! グ~!
War of the Lions: "Let us play at rock, paper, scissors! Rock!"
デイビス | Davis | Daimbert
Japanese: 「まちぶせ、この手があったぜ!
War of the Lions: "I prefer to lie in wait for my enemies."
ドースン | Dawson | Dawson
Japanese: 「1コづつ、だっけ?それとも、1コずつ、だっけ…?
War of the Lions: "At times I feel like blaming myself, and at times I feel like blaming a higher power."
Notes: DaBubba notes that in the Japanese, Dawson is asking a question as to which hirgana spelling to use for a specific word.
ディーコン | Deacon | Owyne
Japanese: 「召喚は、忘れた頃にやって来る!
War of the Lions: "Espers always show up just when you forget you summoned them."
デニス | Dennis | Robyn
Japanese: 「デスは恐いデス。
War of the Lions: "The very thought of dying scares me to death."
Notes: DaBubba notes that there is a pun in the original Japanese, where "デス" stands as both "death" and "is."
ディベルカ | Deverca | Deryk
War of the Lions: "Using Reflexes increases a unit's evasion rate."
ディアス | Diaz | Orrick
Japanese: 「知識よりも経験!
War of the Lions: "Experience trumps any book!"
ディック | Dick | Radolf
War of the Lions: "Use Concentration to inflict guaranteed damage!"
デイトリッヒ | Dietrich | Deitrich
Japanese: 「アイテム士の俺でもいいって言ってくれる子、まってま~す!
War of the Lions: "I await a fair maid who can be satisfied by a mere chemist such as I!"
ディロン | Dillon | Reynfred
War of the Lions: "Reaction abilities are rarely triggered when Bravery is low."
ドグ | Dog | Drystan
Japanese: 「マンダリア生まれです。
War of the Lions: "I am from Mandalia."
ダーナー | Donald | Donner
War of the Lions: "Rend their weapons and the battle's good as won!"
ドノバン | Donovan | Ywain
Japanese: 「『待機』だって重要なコマンドだよ。慎重に考えてねっ!
War of the Lions: "Wait is a command of great importance. Use it wisely!"
ドーマ | Dorma | Wymond
Japanese: 「夜の森は薄気味悪いよ。
War of the Lions: "At night, the woods are an eerie place indeed."
ドレーク | Drake | Drake
Japanese: 「何も考えてないように見えて、本当に何も考えてないのが僕!
War of the Lions: "It may appear as though I am not thinking a thing. And indeed, I am not!"
ドレーパー | Draper | Drew
Japanese: 「『装備変更』て『行動』とみなされちゃうのさ。
War of the Lions: "'Reequip' counts as an action."
ドレファス | Dreyfuss | Tristan
Japanese: 「戦争反対!言うのは簡単。
War of the Lions: "It is simple enough to state that one opposes war. But is that enough?"
エッカート | Eckart | Ethelbert
Japanese: 「戦争で死んだ場合、保険金もらえるのかなあ?
War of the Lions: "Will anyone pay out benefits if I should die in battle?"
エディ | Eddie | Edmund
Japanese: 「俺って??ぢ何のために闘ってるんだ?
War of the Lions: "For what am I fighting?"
エドガー | Edgar | Eadburt
War of the Lions: "I maintain there is no better weapon than a gun."
エリオット | Eliot | Esmour
Japanese: 「解らない言葉は、辞書を引こう!
War of the Lions: "If there be a word beyond your ken, avail yourself of a dictionary."
エリック | Eric | Erik
War of the Lions:"If it is information you seek, find a tavern."
エバンズ | Evans | Erasmus
Japanese: 「イグロースじゃないよ、イグーロスだよ。
War of the Lions: "It is pronounced 'EAG-rose,' not 'Eag-ROSE.'"
フェルドマン | Feldman | Ricard
Japanese: 「『フェニックスの尾』略してフェニ尾だね。
War of the Lions: "Some abbreviate 'phoenix down' as 'fenix down.'"
ツェッペリン | Fernando | Kennard
Japanese: 「こっそりおやつ持ってきてま~す。
War of the Lions: "I've smuggled in some small victuals."
フィッシャー | Fisher | Willielmus
Japanese: 「のんびり行きやしょう。
War of the Lions: "Tarry a while. The day is not yet through."
フィンク | Fink | n/a
Japanese: 「眠い時には寝るのが一番!
War of the Lions: n/a (DaBubba gives this quote as "When you're tired, the best thing to do is to go to sleep.")
Notes: Info regarding this character's War of the Lions name and quotation is missing from the Final Fantasy Wikia. He may be Akintunde (presumably different from the OG name), Oswyne, or Sigurdh, who are all named in the site's list of generic characters but do not appear on the quotes page roster.
エステベス | Flansburgh | Ethered
Japanese: 「戦闘に駆り出されませんように…。
War of the Lions: "Would that I might be spared from battle!"
フォーダム | Fordham | Fiebras
Japanese: 「エリクサーの瓶を割った時のショックといったら…。
War of the Lions: "I once shattered a vial of elixir. Can you even fathom my horror?"
フォワード | Forward | Folke
War of the Lions: "Make the most of status-inducing magicks for inevitable victory!"
フォックス | Fox | Foxes
Japanese: 「雪が降ると冷気系の攻撃が強くなるよ!
War of the Lions: "Ice-based magicks grow stronger when it snows."
フレドー | Fred | Flambard
Japanese: 「予想効果表示に注意しようぜ!
War of the Lions: "Be heedful of your attacks' estimated effects!"
フレディー | Freddie | Frederick
War of the Lions: "One can learn much from the help system!"
ガイラー | Gailar | Gyles
Japanese: 「戦争が終わったら… 失業だな…。
War of the Lions: "Once the war is over, I shall be unemployed."
ガルシア | Garcia | Caspar
War of the Lions: "To prevent your items from being destroyed, make use of the Safeguard ability."
ガストン | Gaston | Guston
Japanese: 「何も解かっちゃいないんだ!
War of the Lions: "Must you be so obtuse?"
ガイスト | Geist | Gylbart
Japanese: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 「やった!息止め3分の壁撃破!
War of the Lions: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I did it! I held my breath for 3 minutes!"
ゲルハルト | Gelhardt | Gerhardt
War of the Lions: "There are ten styles of bows."
ジラルド | Gerald | Gerald
War of the Lions: "One must bring boots if one is to venture into the mountains!"
ギリアム | Gilliam | Gauwyn
Japanese: 「ストックのアイテム売っ払って逃げちゃおうか…!
War of the Lions: "Mayhap I ought sell off what we have and simply run away."
グレン | Glen | Clifton
Japanese: 「逆から読むと意味をなす場所があるらしい…?
War of the Lions: "The feral chocobo calls with a boisterous 'wark,"' not the domestic breed's mild 'kweh.'"
グッドマン | Goodman | Godfrey
Japanese: 「今、いいメロディが浮かんでたとこなのに!
War of the Lions: "Curses! You have chased a lovely new melody right out of my head!"
ゴードン | Gordon | Cornell
Japanese: 「今度の旅行はロマンダ遺跡めぐりにするか…。
War of the Lions: "Perhaps I shall tour Romandan ruins on my next holiday."
ゴルドン | Gordon | Ganelon
Japanese: 「ひっく! しゃっくりが止まらねえっ。
War of the Lions: "Hic! Confound these hiccoughs!"
グレッグ | Greg | Gregory
Japanese: 「ぶつぶつ…。
War of the Lions: *grumble* *grumble*
グイン | Gwynn | Gwayne
Japanese: 「二日酔っす。
War of the Lions: "I should not have had so much to drink last night."
ハミルトン | Hamilton | Halstein
War of the Lions: "An excess of unwanted weapons? Throw them at the foe!"
アマルガン | Hampsten | Addison
Japanese: 「占星術? 信じないね、そんなもの。
War of the Lions: "Astrology? Heavens, no. Who believes in that folderol?"
ハンニバル | Hannibal | Haimirich
Japanese: 「こっそり教えてください、僕のBraveは50以上ありますか?
War of the Lions: "Is my Bravery over 50? Come, you may whisper the answer in my ear."
ハロルド | Harold | Johannes
Japanese: 「次はどのジョブにしよっかな~と。
War of the Lions: "Which job shall I try next?"
ハリー | Harry | Hamon
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are 22 styles of swords, including knight's swords."
ハインライン | Heinlein | Heinlein
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the helm with the highest HP bonus is equipped first."
ヘンドリクセン | Hendricksen | Galfrid
Japanese: 「僕の装備、大丈夫かなあ?
War of the Lions: "Is my equipment sufficient?"
ヒックス | Hicks | Edwin
Japanese: 「チョコボに乗るとチョコボは無敵になるのだ!
War of the Lions: "A chocobo cannot be injured as long as a rider remains astride it."
ホーガン | Hogan | Cutbert
Japanese: 「実はラーニングが大好きです。
War of the Lions: "Truth be told, I am passionate about learning."
ホイスラー | Hoisler | Wolfstan
Japanese: 「いつか空を飛んでやる!
War of the Lions: "One day I shall take to the skies!"
ユーゴ | Hugo | Lodwicke
Japanese: 「熱を下げることを、解熱(げねつ)と書きます。下熱じゃないよ。
War of the Lions: "Starve a cold and feed a fever. Or was it the other way?"
Notes: DaBubba notes that the original Japanese is a riff on how the kanji for "Genestu" (解熱), which means "antipyretic" or "fever reducer," are confusing as regards its pronounciation.
ヒューゴ | Hugo | Simond
Japanese: 「オッス!
War of the Lions: "Yes, my lord"
ハンフリー | Humphrey | Humphrey
War of the Lions: "I hear some shops will place your items in storage."
イアン | Ian | Hadrian
Japanese: 「待機だけだと、CTが40得するぜ!
War of the Lions: "Merely selecting Wait adds 40 to your CT."
イジュラン | Indurain | Ingham
Japanese: 「私は元、漁師でした
War of the Lions: "I was a fisherman once."
インディ | Indy | Hewrey
Japanese:「モルボル菌を浴びると… 怖くて言えない…
War of the Lions: "I shudder at the very thought of marlboro spores."
イングラム | Ingram | Ingram
War of the Lions: "Higher Bravery results in more effective bare-handed attacks."
アイアンサイド | Ironside | Ivan
Japanese: 「とにかく俺は恐いんだよ。戦争ってやつがね!
War of the Lions: "It frightens me—war, that is."
バーン | J. I. | Berndam
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the armor with the highest HP bonus is equipped first."
ジェリド | Jared | Geoffrey
Japanese: 「カエルの子はカエル ん、おたまじゃくし?
War of the Lions: "They say the apple doesn't fall far from the... Apple cart? Orange? How does that saying go?"
ジーン | Jean | Jenlyns
Japanese: 「そんなに見つめないでくれ!
War of the Lions: "Kindly do not stare at me so!"
セヴェリーニ | Jeremy | Emerick
Japanese: 「希望とは光か!それとも病か…。
War of the Lions: "Is hope a blessing? Or is it a sickness?"
デルタ | Jorge | Ulric
Japanese: 「恋は盲目、戦争もまたしかり…。
War of the Lions: "Love may be blind, but so is war."
ジャド | Judd | Joseph
Japanese: 「フォボハム生まれです。
War of the Lions: "I'm from Fovoham, myself."
ジャンク | Junk | Jakys
War of the Lions: "You can obtain items by using the Poach ability that cannot otherwise be obtained."
カプラン | Kaplan | Caplan
Japanese: 「今日やれることは今日やって明日やれることは明日やろう!
War of the Lions: "Do today what must be done today, and do tomorrow what can wait until tomorrow!"
ケイン | Keane | Cain
Japanese: 「がんばってま~す!
War of the Lions: "I am doing my very best!"
キース | Keith | Ceadda
War of the Lions: "There are ten known styles of spears."
ケリー | Kelly | Khellus
Japanese: 「鎧を破壊するか武器を破壊するか迷うとこなんだよ。
War of the Lions: "Destroy their weapon? Or destroy their armor? A difficult decision indeed."
パーティス | Kenji | Parnell
War of the Lions: "Assigning a Rend ability to an archer... Why did I not think of that?"
キンブル | Kimball | Kimball
Japanese: 「えーと… えーと…。
War of the Lions: "Um... Uh..."
ノックス | Knox | Arnott
Japanese: 「弓を装備したら高いところへ!
War of the Lions: "If you have a bow equipped, attack from on high."
カーツ | Kurtz | Kurtz
War of the Lions: "There are said to be eight styles of poles."
キニスン | Kinison | Kinnison
War of the Lions: "If I were to have a monster for a pet, I would choose a dragon."
ランバート | Lambert | Lambert
Japanese: 「立派な人になるのが夢です。
War of the Lions: "I long to become a great man one day."
ラーズ | Lars | Lars
Japanese: 「うっ…虫歯が痛い!
War of the Lions: "Ooh... I've got a terrible toothache!"
レオン | Leon | Reginald
Japanese: 「♪は~な~のいのち~は~み~じかあく~て~ ヒックっ うい~っ。
War of the Lions: "♪ The blo-om stays not lo-ong... On the flo-ower of li-ife... Hic! *belch*"
レナード | Leonard | Reynard
Japanese: 「はい、何でしょう?
War of the Lions: "How may I help you?"
レオポルト | Leopold | Leopard
Japanese: 「料理得意な女性募集中。
War of the Lions: "I seek a fair maid who can prepare a fair meal."
ライナス | Linus | Lennard
Japanese: 「勇気なんて人が造った言葉にしかすぎないのさ…。
War of the Lions: "Courage is naught but a word."
リトルジョン | Little Jon | Littlejohn
Japanese: 「そっとしといて下さい。
War of the Lions: "Pray leave me be."
ロイド | Lloyd | Lloyd
Japanese: 「この辺りの土地はいくらするのかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "How much must the land in these parts sell for, I wonder?"
ロギンス | Loggins | Roger
War of the Lions: "Make use of Rush to knock the foe from atop a cliff!"
ローウェル | Lowell | Lowell
Japanese: 「最近、物忘れがひどくて…。
War of the Lions: "I find I have been quite absent-minded of late."
ルーク | Luke | Eustace
Japanese: 「俺は強い 俺は強い 俺は強い 俺は強い…。
War of the Lions: "I am not craven. I am not craven. I am not craven. I am not craven."
マルコム | Malcolm | Gared
Japanese: 「木陰でお宝を掘り当てる夢を見たよ…。
War of the Lions: "I dreamt I was digging for treasure beneath a shady tree."
マンセル | Mancel | Mansel
War of the Lions: "Chirijiraden? The name is longer than the blade itself!"
マーロー | Marlow | Wauter
Japanese: 「遠く離れた異国では、チョコボにレースをさせるとか…。
War of the Lions: "I have heard tell that they hold chocobo races in faraway lands."
マーティー | Marty | Madison
Japanese: 「おいら、ガリランドのアカデミーを中退したんだけど、結局今こうして戦うことになったというわけよ。
War of the Lions: "I left the Royal Akademy at Gariland and eventually found myself fighting here."
モロダー | Masahiro | Emanuel
Japanese: 「読書中です。
War of the Lions: "Pray do not disturb my reading. "
カッシング | Matsuo | Cole
War of the Lions: "Fire-based magicks grow weaker when it rains."
マーベリック | Maverick | Mathye
Japanese: 「夢を見たよ。ドーターのスラム街で上から矢が降ってくる夢を…。
War of the Lions: "I dreamt it was raining arrows in the slums of Dorter."
メイフィールド | Mayfield | Mainfroi
Japanese: 「アップルってなにご? 『りんご』。
War of the Lions: Why did the apple court the fig? Because it could not find a date!
Notes: DaBubba explains that there is a pun in the original Japanese on the word "ringo" (りんご), which means apple, and the word "go" (ご) which means language.
マクレディ | McCloud | Denston
Japanese: 「『Now』はチャージタイムが無いってことだ。
War of the Lions: "'Now' means an ability requires no charge time and can be executed immediately."
マクガイル | McGyle | Myles
Japanese: 「俺じゃないって言ってんだろ!
War of the Lions: "I did not do a thing, I swear it!"
マクニール | McNeal | Gryffen
Japanese: 「心にもないことを考えている最中です。
War of the Lions: "Me? I am just thinking... thinking of this and that. "
マクノートン | McNorton | Aleyn
Japanese: 「ゴブゴブ…ゴブ… ゴブリンのマネでした。
War of the Lions: "Gob-gob, hob... Beg pardons, just doing my goblin impression."
マクファーソン | McPherson | Frederyk
Japanese: 「誰かマッサージしてくれないかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "If only someone would give me a massage..."
オーサ | Merlin | Osric
Japanese: 「草笛をつくったことあるかい?
War of the Lions: "Have you ever made a whistle of a blade of grass?"
モンタナ | Montana | Roundelph
Japanese: 「値段が高いなあ、と思ったら、必要ないのさ、きっと。
War of the Lions: "If something strikes you as too expensive, it is like to be nothing you need."
モーリス | Morris | Morys
Japanese: 「まけてうれしいものな~に? 『アイテムの値段』。
War of the Lions: "What goes up and never comes back down? Your age!"
ミュラー | Mueller | Josias
Japanese: 「カエルは苦手です。
War of the Lions: "I cannot stand toads. They are so dreadfully warty."
ムサシ | Musashi | Ancelot
Japanese: 「おいら何座なんだろ?
War of the Lions: "What is my zodiac sign, I wonder?"
モリスン | Morrison | Morgant
Japanese: 「黄色の木ってどうなってるの? 『横になってる』。
War of the Lions: "What grows larger the more you take away? A hole!"
ネイザン | Nathan | Abelard
War of the Lions: "Save early and often."
ナバール | Navarro | Navarre
Japanese: 「俺、こっちの軍でよかったのかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "I hope I have taken up with the right side."
ナッシュ | Nash | Nathaniel
Japanese: 「緊張してます。
War of the Lions: "I am deeply nervous."
ニール | Neal | Neale
War of the Lions: "Master your abilities wisely!"
ニルソン | Neilson | Wadard
Japanese: 「花嫁募集中!
War of the Lions: "I am in the market for a good wife!"
ネルソン | Nelson | Sandre
Japanese: 「『戦闘不能』のユニットを盾につかう手もあるぜ!
War of the Lions: "You can put KO'd units to good use as shields."
ニコル | Nichol | Godebert
Japanese: 「もう出撃ですか?
War of the Lions: "Is it time for our sortie?"
ナイジェル | Nigel | Gerland
Japanese: 「石、投げてるかい?
War of the Lions: "Have you been throwing stones?"
ニールソン | Nielson | Anselm
Japanese: 「バグロス名物のタコが食べたい!
War of the Lions: "Would that I had some Bugross octopus right now!"
ノア | Noah | Noes
Japanese: 「『移動』して相手の後ろをとれない場合『待機』してみるのも手だぜ!
War of the Lions: "If you cannot move behind the enemy, try employing Wait instead."
キンバリー | Noppo | Cameron
Japanese: 「ついでに温泉を見つけるのがもう一つの目的なのだ。
War of the Lions: "I shall be keeping watch for a soothing hot spring during our journey."
ノリス | Norris | Wymon
Japanese: 「地形のヘルプで、風水効果がわかるよ!
War of the Lions: "Read the terrain help messages to discover which geomancy effects are available."
ノートン | Norton | Norman
War of the Lions: "A mage that can use Chakra? Now there is an interesting idea!"
オバノン | O'Bannon | Orwen
Japanese: 「傾斜がきついと停止出来ないよ。
War of the Lions: "If a slope is too steep, you cannot stand on it. "
オニール | O'Neil | Oswyn
Japanese: 「山はいいよね。
War of the Lions: "Who does not love the mountains?"
オットー | Otto | Olyver
Japanese: 「ううっ、腰が痛い! 明日は雨かなあ…。
War of the Lions: "Ah, such pain in my poor hips! I'd wager tomorrow will bring rain."
オーウェル | Orwell | Aldous
Japanese: 「俺の夢? 忘れちまったよ…。
War of the Lions: "My dream? I have forgotten it."
パド | Pado | Patrick
Japanese: 「回復か?攻撃か?悩んだ時に、『待機』しちゃうのが僕の性格…。
War of the Lions: "Heal, or attack? When I cannot decide, my disposition is such that I Wait instead."
パーカー | Parker | Baderon
War of the Lions: "It is difficult to move in fens and marshes when it rains."
ピット | Pete | Peter
Japanese: 「アイテムを投げる時は、目的のユニットに当たるかどうか注意しよう!
War of the Lions: "Be certain an item can reach your target before you throw it."
フィロウ | Philo | Fawkes
Japanese: 「ノックバックで相手を崖から突き落とす、高ければダメージも大きいぞ!
War of the Lions: "An enemy knocked from a high cliff will suffer great damage."
ランバルディ | Pierre | Ladslas
Japanese: 「♪ア~イアン ア~イアン アイアンソ~ドだよ~ん。
War of the Lions: "An iron sword is the only weapon I need."
ポナパルト | Ponapalt | Esmond
Japanese: 「きっとうまくいくさ!
War of the Lions: "I am sure all will be fine in the end!"
ラドクリフ | Radcliff | Radcliffe
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are five types of fell swords."
ラット | Rat | Raffe
War of the Lions: "Be persistent in employing the Entice ability!"
ランディ | Randy | Randall
War of the Lions: "There are eighteen styles of shields."
ラルフ | Ralph | Lefwyne
Japanese: 「雨が降ると、炎系の力が弱くなるよ。
War of the Lions: "Fire-based magicks grow weaker when it rains."
ランドルフ | Randolf | Randwulf
Japanese: 「俺は無口だ! あっ、しゃべっちゃった…。
War of the Lions: "I am the strong, silent type! ... Oops. Well, I am strong."
ラヴェル | Ravel | Leavold
Japanese: 「『毒』はリジェネで治るって知ってた?
War of the Lions: "Did you know? Regen can cure Poison."
レッドフォード | Redford | Redwald
Japanese: 「め… めまいが…。
War of the Lions: "I... I am dizzy."
リーブス | Reeves | Reeves
War of the Lions: "There are ten types of knives."
ゴーシュ | Rico | Goddard
Japanese: 「いつかルザリアに店を持つぞ! 何の店にしよっかなあ?
War of the Lions: "Someday I shall have a store in Lesalia! But what manner of establishment should it be?"
ラインハルト | Rienhart | Reinholdt
Japanese: 「弓使いから弓を盗めば相手の攻撃力は激減だね!
War of the Lions: "Take the bow from an archer and his attack power will plummet!"
リバルディ | Rivaldi | Laurence
Japanese: 「お疲れさまで~す。
War of the Lions: "You are doing a fine job."
ロビンズ | Robbins | Rauffe
Japanese: 「…ひっく…。
War of the Lions: *hiccup*
ロベルト | Roberto | Robert
Japanese: 「ゼルテニアには、いい温泉があると聞いたが…。
War of the Lions: "I hear there are many pleasant hot springs in Zeltennia."
ローランド | Roland | Rowland
Japanese: 「目指せ、Master!
War of the Lions: "I wish to master every job!"
ラッシュ | Rush | Richarde
War of the Lions: "The higher one's Speed, the shorter one's charge time."
サムソン | Samson | Samson
Japanese: 「そろそろ一休みといきやしょうか?
War of the Lions: "Shall we rest a moment?"
ショーター | Samuel | Cyriac
Japanese: 「私の性格?軽いってことかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "The ☇ symbol means that a magick can be reflected."
サンダース | Sanders | n/a
Japanese: 「全員突撃~っ! 独り言ですよ…。
War of the Lions: n/a (DaBubba goves the translation as "...uh, I was talking to myself")
Notes: Info regarding this character's War of the Lions name and quotation is missing from the Final Fantasy Wikia. He may be Akintunde (presumably different from the OG name), Oswyne, or Sigurdh, who are all named in the site's list of generic characters but do not appear on the quotes page roster.
ラディッシュ | Santos | Raulin
Japanese: 「僕、今レギュラーですか?
War of the Lions: "Am I now considered one of you?"
シェーンベルグ | Schenberg | Chartain
Japanese: 「半生を反省する な~んちゃって…。
War of the Lions: "Life is full of 'if's. Well, one 'if' in the middle."
Notes: DaBubba notes a pun in the original Japanese, where "reflect" (反省) and "half a life" (半生) are homonyms.
スコット | Scott | Alaire
Japanese: 「なんでもやります。
War of the Lions: "I will do anything asked of me."
ブラット | Sean | Bayard
Japanese: 「あんた??ぢ今日もいい顔してるね!
War of the Lions: "Looking hale and hearty as always, I see."
セレック | Selleck | Gembert
Japanese: 「う~、足がかゆい…。
War of the Lions: "Ooh, my feet itch!"
セルジュ | Serge | Etgar
War of the Lions: "Perhaps combat is easier if one pays attention to compatibility."
シェイカー | Shaker | Sighard
Japanese: 「そうじゃないと思います。
War of the Lions: "I think not."
シングルトン | Singleton | Singleton
Japanese: 「もう、なるがまま!
War of the Lions: "I simply cannot be bothered to care!"
スレイダー | Slader | Eldread
Japanese: 「ムニャムニャ…。
War of the Lions: *yawn*
サザビー | Soetheby | Sevrin
Japanese: 「実家は毛皮商です。
War of the Lions: "I come from a family of furriers."
ソルヴェー | Sorvez | Thrydwulf
War of the Lions: "Wield a weapon in both hands to increase your attack power."
サザーランド | Southerland | Ronald
Japanese: 「まだまだっ!
War of the Lions: "You still have much to learn!"
スペンサー | Spencer | Spenser
War of the Lions: "I do hope her sign and mine prove compatible..."
スパイダー | Spider | Aran
Japanese: 「昔はドーターの倉庫の裏でよく… くくくっ。
War of the Lions: "My lady and I used to meet behind the Dorter warehouses. Heh heh..."
スパイク | Spike | Ealdwine
Japanese: 「ジャ魔法って??ぢなんジャろ?
War of the Lions: "Ja-magick? Never heard of it!"
Notes: DaBubba notes that "jaro" is Hiroshima/Southwestern dialect for "daro" (a word used to present suppositions). "Ja-Magic" refers to the forth level of magic (Cure 4, Fire 4), which is seldom seen in game. He speculates that it's humorous here for the character to use the "ja" sound twice.
スタンレー | Stanley | Stewart
War of the Lions: "I do so love the mystique of attacking with a book."
ストーン | Stone | Aldebrand
War of the Lions: "Darlavon's daughter is a maiden fair."
ストレイカー | Striker | Aylmer
Japanese: 「モンスターなんて弱点を見抜けば簡単にやっつけられるさ!
War of the Lions: "Find a monster's weakness to fell it in a wink!"
サリバン | Sullivan | Symond
Japanese: 「今日は終わりですか?
War of the Lions: "Are we done for the day?"
スウィフト | Swift | Swift
Japanese: 「秘境探索にレッツゴー!
War of the Lions: "Let us search for ancient wonders!"
ゼル | Tak | Zell
Japanese: 「明日から禁煙!
War of the Lions: "I shall quit smoking for good... tomorrow!"
タトゥーロー | Tatoolo | Derwin
Japanese: 「ケアル系の魔法で敵を誘き出せ!
War of the Lions: "Use Cure magick to draw out the foe."
テイラー | Taylor | Taylor
Japanese: 「最後まで、あきらめるな!
War of the Lions: "Fight to the bitter end!"
テッド | Ted | Theodore
Japanese: 「彼女の香水何だろう?
War of the Lions: "What perfume was she wearing?"
テンスベルガー | Tensberger | Templeton
Japanese: 「ん?今、誰かに呼ばれたような…。
War of the Lions: "Hmm? Has someone summoned me?"
トンプソン Thompson | Thomas
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are ten styles of katana."
ティム | Tim | Timothy
Japanese: 「猫の手も借りたい ぐらいのいそがしさだね。
War of the Lions: "It is so busy here! We could use some assistance."
Notes: DaBubba notes that the original Japanese is about accepting help from a cat: an idiom to underscore a situation as being particularly desperate.
タッカート | Tuckert | Turstin
Japanese: 「輝く未来は来るの?
War of the Lions: "Will our future ever be as bright as they say?"
タイラー | Tyler | Taran
Japanese: 「燃えるバトルがしたいぜ!
War of the Lions: "My greatest desire is to fight a furious battle!"
バリントン | Tymothi | Bertram
War of the Lions: If your Bravery is high, you would make a fine monk!"
バレンタイン | Valentine | Valentyne
War of the Lions: "Some items are sold only in merchant cities and trade towns."
ベクター | Vector | Victor
Japanese: 「やるしかないでしょ!
War of the Lions: "We have no choice but to fight!"
ベルガー | Velger | Beneger
Japanese: 「何を信じて生きればいいんだ?
War of the Lions: "In what should I believe?"
ヴェルナー | Verner | Werner
War of the Lions: "I have heard there are shops that sell their wares at half price!"
ビンセント | Vincent | Rickemon
Japanese: 「あ??ぢいけね!そろそろエサの時間だ。
War of the Lions: "Blast! Time to feed the beasties."
ヴィンセント | Vincent | Vyncent
Japanese: 「戦争が終わったら、絵の勉強を始めるんだ。
War of the Lions: "Once the war is over, I shall study painting."
ベモンド | Voltaire | Belmont
War of the Lions: "Only men can become bards, you know."
ウォルター | Walter | Walter
Japanese: 「雨がふると頭痛が…。
War of the Lions: "How my head aches when it rains!"
ウォーゼル | Weazel | Warin
Japanese: 「ゴホッ ゴホッ。
War of the Lions: *cough* *cough*
ホィットマン | Whitman | Dauid
Japanese: 「算術士を目指してます 5×7は… え~と…。
War of the Lions: "I aspire to be an arithmetician. Let me see, five times seven is... um..."
ウィリー | Willy | Wilham
Japanese: 「モンスターの卵を集めるのが僕の楽しみ。
War of the Lions: "I am an avid collector of monster eggs."
ワインバーグ | Wineberg | Winburg
Japanese: 「このあいだまで、農夫やっとりました。
War of the Lions: "I was working as a farmer until recently."
ウインター | Winter | Wilfrid
War of the Lions: "If you have equipped a shield, you may be able to guard against a Counter."
ウッディ | Woody | Esperaunce
War of the Lions: "It would appear that magick power has some connection to the damage inflicted by a staff."
ワイアット | Wyatt | Wystan
War of the Lions: "Wearing capes makes one feel so mysterious."
イェーガー | Yeager | Jeger
Japanese: 「この戦争も、いつか終わるさ。
War of the Lions: "In time, this war, too, shall pass."
ザック | Zack | Zacheus
Japanese: 「がまん、がまんっ。
War of the Lions: "I must have patience..."
ジーク | Zeke | n/a
Japanese: 「どうだい調子は?
War of the Lions: n/a (Dabubba gives the quote as "How are you doing?")
Notes: Info regarding this character's War of the Lions name and quotation is missing from the Final Fantasy Wikia. He may be Akintunde (presumably different from the OG name), Oswyne, or Sigurdh, who are all named in the site's list of generic characters but do not appear on the quotes page roster.
ゼリグ | Zelig | Zerieg
War of the Lions: "You must remember to assign abilities to your units!"
ゼメキス | Zemekis | Eleazer
Japanese: 「はは、ははははは…。
War of the Lions: "Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!"
ジギー | Ziggy | Joyce
Japanese: 「ボコボコにされませんように。
War of the Lions: "May I be spared a hideous thrashing..."
キララ | Adria | Ysmeina
Japanese: 「このパーティーの中に、下着ドロボーがいるかも!
War of the Lions: "Our party may be host to a peeping Tom!"
アグネス | Agnes | Agnys
War of the Lions: "I prefer to concentrate on defeating my enemies one at a time!"
アイミィ | Aimee | Amelia
Japanese: 「午後も紅茶よね ❤
War of the Lions: "Afternoon tea—I cannot go without it!"
アリス | Alice | Alys
Japanese: 「実家は家具屋です。
War of the Lions: "My family makes furniture."
アリサ | Alyssa | Alison
Japanese: 「すべては明日のために!
War of the Lions: "It is all for the future!"
アマンダ | Amanda | Amphelice
Japanese: 「私は5人姉妹の次女です ❤
War of the Lions: "I am the second of five sisters."
エイミー | Amy | Emeline
Japanese: 「女の子には、秘密があって当然よ!
War of the Lions: "It is only natural for a girl to have her secrets!"
アンジェリカ | Angelica | n/a
Japanese: 「この戦争、いつまで続くのかしら?
War of the Lions: n/a (DaBubba gives the quote as "When is this war going to be over?")
Notes: Info regarding this character's War of the Lions name and quotation is missing from the Final Fantasy Wikia. She may be Alianore or Arlette, who are both named in the site's list of generic characters but do not appear on the quotes page roster.
アニータ | Anita | Anne
Japanese: 「がんばってね ❤
War of the Lions: "Best of luck to you!"
アンナ | Anna | Anna
Japanese: 「いつでも出撃OKよ!
War of the Lions: "I am ready to be mobilized at a moment's notice!"
アネット | Annette | Annabel
Japanese: 「草笛のつくり方、教えてよ!
War of the Lions: "Teach me to make a whistle of a blade of grass!"
アクア | Aqua | Ava
Japanese: 「見ないでよ!
War of the Lions: "Do not stare at me!"
アクエリアス | Aquarius | Adelaide
Japanese:「素手で攻撃する時はBraveが高いほど有効よ ❤
War of the Lions: "Bare-handed attacks are more effective with higher Bravery."
アリエル | Ariel | Arabella
Japanese: 「ひとまず、フェニックスの尾で回復するといいわよ!
War of the Lions: "Revive a KO'd ally with phoenix down at once!"
アスカ | Aska | Avelin
Japanese: ♪ルルルル~
War of the Lions: "♪ La la la la la!"
オードリー | Audrey | Audrye
Japanese: 「朝食は大切よ❤
War of the Lions: "One must always eat a good breakfast."
オーロラ | Aurora | Aubrey
Japanese: 「南の楽園に行きた~い ❤
War of the Lions: "Ah, to visit the south—a veritable paradise! cute"
バーバラ | Barbara | Braya
Japanese: 「『装備変更』しただけなのに『行動』とみなされちゃうなんて!
War of the Lions: "'Reequip' counts as an action. That hardly seems fair, does it?"
バーネット | Barnet | Pamella
Japanese: 「緊張してます。
War of the Lions: "I am deeply nervous."
バーシア | Barsia | Francisca
Japanese:「『ロード』はこまめに! あっ、『セーブ』だっけ?
War of the Lions: "Load early and often. Wait—or was it "save"?"
ベアトリーチェ | Beatrice | Beatrix
Japanese: 「今度の旅行はフィナスの川下りに決まり!
War of the Lions: "For my next holiday, I shall raft down Finnath Creek!"
ビューティー | Beauty | Brunhild
Japanese: 「食べ過ぎに注意!
War of the Lions: "Be careful not to overeat!"
ベリンダ | Belinda | Bellinda
Japanese: 「胸が重くて、肩がこる。これも性(さが)ね。
War of the Lions: "My chest is so heavy that my shoulders ache. All part of being a woman, I suppose."
ブリジット | Bridgette | Bryda
Japanese: 「いつでも『除名』してくださって結構よ!
War of the Lions: "Hmph! You may dismiss me when it pleases you!"
キャンディ | Candy | Casandra
Japanese: 「モンスターを見ると、美味そうに見えてしまう私って…。
War of the Lions: "Mayhap I am the only one who thinks monsters look delicious."
カルメン | Carmen | Carmen
Japanese: 「アクティブターンの確認を忘れずにね!
War of the Lions: "Remember to check your units' turn order."
キャロル | Carol | Atilda
War of the Lions: "Return to the tutorial and study more earnestly!"
キャロライン | Caroline | Anthoinette
War of the Lions: "Assign Sticky Fingers to a unit to steal items thrown by foemen."
カーシャ | Casia | Aelina
War of the Lions: "I so hate when the enemy finds an item before I do!"
ケイシー | Casie | Cwengyth
Japanese: 「最強の魔法って、何かしら?
War of the Lions: "Which magick is the strongest?"
キャリー | Cary | Angelet
Japanese: 「占星術? 興味あるわ!
War of the Lions: "Astrology? I am interested indeed!"
セルフィーナ | Celfina | Selphina
Japanese: 「誰かマッサージしてくれないかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "Won't a kind soul give me a massage?"
シャルル | Charmaine | Edithe
Japanese: 「ストレス解消法を教えてくれる?
War of the Lions: "Have you any techniques to relieve stress?"
クリス | Chris | Christabel
Japanese: 「元気だけがとりえの私ですが、よろしくお願いします ❤
War of the Lions: "I have little to offer apart from my sunny disposition!"
クリスティ | Christie | Crestian
Japanese: 「笑ってごまかす、という手は、ないみたいね。
War of the Lions: "One cannot laugh off one's errors on the battlefield."
セレシュ | Celesh | Celeste
Japanese: 「きっとうまくいくわ!
War of the Lions: "What is my zodiac sign, I wonder?"
セリーヌ | Celine | Celestine
Japanese: 「『Now』はチャージタイムが無いってこと!
War of the Lions: "'Now' means an ability requires no charge time and can be executed immediately."
シャネル | Chanel | Isabella
Japanese: 「お土産買ってる時間あるかしら?
War of the Lions: "Have we time to shop for souvenirs?"
シャレーヌ | Charene | Kinborow
War of the Lions: "Pummel does not hit its target all too often."
チェリー | Cherry | Leofwen
Japanese: 「何事にもコツがあるわ!
War of the Lions: "Everything has its own trick!"
シンデレラ | Cinderella | Wulfhilda
Japanese: 「私に似合うブーツ、あるかしら…?
War of the Lions: "Have we any boots that suit me?"
シンディ | Cindy | Cenota
Japanese: 「木を使って、巧く矢をよけるのよ!
War of the Lions: "Trees may shield you from the tips of arrows."
クララ | Clara | Clarimond
War of the Lions: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"
クラリス | Claris | Clemence
Japanese: 「チャージタイムって、やっかいなシロモノね!
War of the Lions: "I am impatient for abilities to charge."
クラウディア | Claudia | Claudia
Japanese: 「好きな人がいるの、でも、どう告白していいか…?
War of the Lions: "I am fond of a certain someone. But how may I tell him?"
クローディア | Claudia | Guinevere
Japanese: 「いいわよ ❤
War of the Lions: "It is all right."
コニー | Connie | Elaisse
War of the Lions: "The Chronicle teaches us so much!"
コンスタンス | Constance | Constance
Japanese: 「私の彼、ピスコディーモンに、食べられちゃったの!
War of the Lions: "My swain was devoured by a Piscodaemon!"
クッキー | Cookie | Chloe
Japanese: 「戦士の免許持ってないけど大丈夫なのかしら?
War of the Lions: "I am not a licensed warrior. Will that be a problem?"
コリー | Corey | Collys
Japanese: 「私のサインが欲しいの?
War of the Lions: "Shall I give you my autograph?"
コーネリア | Cornelia | Cornelia
Japanese: 「チョコボに乗ってる限り、全滅は免れるわよ!
War of the Lions: "As long as one of your units is riding a chocobo, they cannot all be destroyed."
コスモス | Cosmos | Edelinne
Japanese: 「失敗なんかに負けるな!
War of the Lions: "Do not let failure cloud your mind!"
シンシア | Cynthia | Cyndra
Japanese: 「私は5人姉妹の長女です ❤
War of the Lions: "I am the oldest of five sisters."
デイジー | Daisy | Damaris
Japanese: 「こっそり教えてください、私のFaithは60以上ありますか?
War of the Lions: "Is my Faith over 60? Come, you may whisper the answer in my ear."
デボラ | Debra | Deloys
War of the Lions: "If your Bravery is high, you would make a fine monk!"
デミー | Demi | Decima
War of the Lions: "An excess of unwanted weapons? Throw them at the foe!"
ダイアナ | Diana | Dametta
Japanese: 「寝る前に??ぢストレッチ運動は欠かせません!
War of the Lions: "I always perform my stretching exercises before bed."
ディアナ | Diana | Dyana
Japanese: 「アイテムを投げる時は、目的のユニットに当たるかどうか注意してね!
War of the Lions: "Be certain an item can reach your target before you throw it."
ディオンヌ | Dionne | Dionisia
Japanese: 「酔っ払いは嫌いよ!
War of the Lions: "I detest drunkards!"
ドミニク | Dominique | Dominy
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the armor with the highest HP bonus is equipped first."
ドナ | Donna | Thomasine
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the helm with the highest HP bonus is equipped first."
ドレス | Doreth | Dorcas
War of the Lions: "Assigning Equip Heavy Armor to a monk... Why did I not think of that?"
ドリス | Doris | Durilda
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the weapon with the highest Attack is equipped first."
ドローネ | Dorone | Tomasyn
Japanese: 「彼ったら、私と妹を天秤にかけるつもりね!
War of the Lions: "That boyfriend of mine cannot decide between me and my sister!"
ドロシー | Dorothy | Dorothe
Japanese: 「『密猟』をしてくれる人募集中!
War of the Lions: "I wish to find someone who will Poach for me."
エレーヌ | Eleana | Elynor
Japanese: 「私は5人姉妹の四女です ❤
War of the Lions: "I am the fourth of five sisters."
イライザ | Eliza | Yedythe
War of the Lions: "I prefer performing an action before I move."
エリザベート | Elizabeth | Elyzabeth
Japanese: 「ぷんぷん!
War of the Lions: "Hmph!"
エレン | Ellen | Elyn
Japanese: 私の性格?軽いってことかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "My personality? Mayhap a bit flighty."
エリス | Ellis | Ele
War of the Lions: "I want to gain another level."
エルティアナ | Eltiana | Eleanor
Japanese: 「仲間が増えると楽しいね ❤
War of the Lions: "The more the merrier!"
エルザ | Elza | Evelyn
Japanese: 「最近、配給食料が少なくなってるけど、大丈夫かなあ…?
War of the Lions: "It seems we receive fewer rations as of late. I do hope supplies are not running low."
エメラルド | Emerald | Alinore
Japanese: 「美味しい肉が、 食べた~い ❤
War of the Lions: "I should like to have a nice steak about now."
エミリー | Emily | Emilie
Japanese: 「ついて来ちゃった!
War of the Lions: "I've come along, too!"
エリー | Eri | Ellie
Japanese: 「タフなだけじゃね、優しくなければね ❤
War of the Lions: "One cannot be tough without also knowing when to be kind."
エスメラルダ | Esmeralda | Esmenet
Japanese: 「『向き』を決定するのも、重要な選択よ!慎重に!
War of the Lions: "Facing is an important decision. Do not make it lightly!"
エバ | Kyomi | Ethelia
Japanese: 「『オートバトル』で戦うのも、おもしろいかも!
War of the Lions: "It may be enjoyable to fight with AI."
イブ | Eve | Eugenia
Japanese: 「じろじろ見ないでよっ!
War of the Lions: "Pray do not stare at me like that!"
フローネ | Fawn | Hilith
Japanese: 「考古学を勉強してます。
War of the Lions: "I am studying archaeology."
フェイ | Fay | Felice
Japanese: 「召喚獣は全部で15種類 かな?
War of the Lions: "There are fifteen different espers... I think."
フィアナ | Fianna | Hildegard
Japanese: 「あ、私のこと気になったんだ?
War of the Lions: "D-do you like me?"
フランソワ | Francis | Frideswide
Japanese: 「それはね、 ヒ ・ミ ・ツ ❤
War of the Lions: "Why... That is a secret!"
フラニー | Frannie | Florens
Japanese: 「誰か私のハートを盗んで!
War of the Lions: "Won't someone come steal my heart?"
フリージア | Freesia | Fridgia
Japanese: 「そんなこと! お答えできませんことよ!
War of the Lions: "What!? I cannot answer a question like that!"
ガーネット | Garnett | Gethrude
Japanese: 「荷物に水着入れるの忘れちゃったわ!
War of the Lions: "Curses! I forgot to bring my bathing suit!"
ジーナ | Gena | Germainne
Japanese: 「洗濯係り兼任です。
War of the Lions: "I am charged with doing the party's laundry."
ジンジャー | Ginger | Sybell
Japanese: 「今流れてるこの曲、タイトルは何かしら?
War of the Lions: "What is the name of that song I hear?"
グレンダ | Glenda | Glenda
Japanese: 「ステータスアイコンに、注意してね!
War of the Lions: "Pay attention to the status icons!"
グロリア | Gloria | Glorianna
Japanese: 「最強の剣って、何かしら?
War of the Lions: "Which sword might be the strongest?"
グレース | Grace | Giselle
Japanese: 「ダメージが100ぴったりだと、ちょっとハッピーな私 ❤ 変かしら…。
War of the Lions: "It gives me great joy to inflict precisely 100 points of damage. Perhaps I am odd."
ハンナ | Hannah | Helena
Japanese: 「レナリア生まれです。
War of the Lions: "I am from Lenalia."
ヘレン | Helen | Helenor
Japanese: 「燃える恋がしたい ❤
War of the Lions: "I yearn to be party to a whirlwind love affair."
ホーリー | Holly | Helvynya
War of the Lions: "Combat is easier if one takes compatibility into account."
ヒルダ | Hilda | Hilda
Japanese: 「魔法に巻き込まれませんように…。
War of the Lions: "May I have no magick cast upon me..."
アイリーン | Ilean | Amice
Japanese: 「うふふ ❤
War of the Lions: "Tee hee hee!"
イリア | Ilia | Isolde
Japanese: 「魔法には、上下の範囲があるから注意してね!
War of the Lions: "Magick has a limited horizontal and vertical range. Keep that in mind!"
セネット | Ivana | Cynewyn
Japanese: 「私、何座かしら?
War of the Lions: "What is my zodiac sign, I wonder?"
アイヴォリー | Ivory | Adela
Japanese: 「朝は紅茶に限るわ ❤
War of the Lions: "I simply must have a cup of tea each morning."
イザベラ | Izabella | Ysabel
Japanese: 「バッグ買ってよ ❤ 靴でもいいわよ ❤
War of the Lions: "Oh, do buy me a bag! Or perhaps some shoes!"
ジャッキー | Jacky | Jaquette
Japanese: 「リフレクを利用すれば、遠くの相手にも魔法がとどくわ!
War of the Lions: "Make use of "Reflect" and your magick will reach distant foes."
ジェーン | Jane | Jaane
War of the Lions: "One can learn much from the help system!"
ジャネット | Janet | Justina
Japanese: 「まちぶせ、この手があったわ!
War of the Lions: "I prefer to lie in wait for my enemies."
ジャスミン | Jasmine | Lora
Japanese: 「ハーブティーが好きです ❤
War of the Lions: "Herbal tea makes me feel so sophisticated."
ジャンヌ | Jeanne | Jeanne
Japanese: 「最後まで、あきらめないでね!
War of the Lions: "We must fight to the bitter end!"
ジェニック | Jenique | Isamy
Japanese: 「その線から入ってこないでね!
War of the Lions: "Do not come any closer!"
ジェニファー | Jennifer | Jenyfer
Japanese: 「まずは、敵のステータスを確認する事が大切ね!"
War of the Lions: "It is wise to check the enemy's status before making a move."
ジェニー | Jennie | Jemine
Japanese: 「おさとうは、ひかえめにね ❤
War of the Lions: "One should avoid eating too much sugar."
ジニー | Jenny | Jenet
War of the Lions: "The ☇ symbol means that a magick can be reflected."
ジェシカ | Jessica | Jessamine
Japanese: 「ぽっ ❤
War of the Lions: "Oh my!"
ジル | Jill | Jillian
Japanese: 「考えもなしに敵に近づくことほど、危険な行為はなくてよ!
War of the Lions: "There is nothing more dangerous than going into battle without a plan!"
ジョアンナ | Joanna | Joyse
Japanese: 「はい。何ですか?
War of the Lions: "Yes? What is it?"
ジョアン | Joanne | Josiane
Japanese: 「私には、四人の姉がいます ❤
War of the Lions: "I have four older sisters."
ジョベス | Jobeth | Jocea
Japanese: 「ナイトは、knight、夜は、nightよ!
War of the Lions: "A knight may battle during the day as well! Eh? Mayhap this is news to me alone."
Notes: DaBubba notes she is explaining the difference between the English homonyms "knight" and "night" here.
ジョディ | Jody | Josian
Japanese: 「私の実家は骨肉店です。
War of the Lions: "My family runs a butcher shop."
ジョリーン | Jolene | Jolline
War of the Lions: "Castles offer the best selection of items for the battlefield."
ジョセフィーヌ | Josephine | Josephine
War of the Lions: "Do not be miserly with the equipment!"
ジュディ | Judy | Julyan
Japanese: 「杖を持つと、賢く見えるわね。
War of the Lions: "A staff makes one look so much wiser."
ジュリア | Julia | Juliana
War of the Lions: "Assigning Aim to a knight? A sterling combination!"
ジュリエット | Juliet | Joleicia
Japanese: 「私の夢は、踊り子よ!
War of the Lions: "I dream of becoming a dancer!"
アーネスト | Juliette | Alyne
Japanese: 「海はいいわね ❤
War of the Lions: "Isn't the ocean ever so charming!"
Notes: OG name determined by process of elimination.
ジューン | June | June
Japanese: 「髪を束ねるアイテムが欲しいわ。
War of the Lions: "I want an item to tie my hair back."
カレン | Karen | Alainne
Japanese: 「今日の配給物資は何だろう?
War of the Lions: "What will our rations be today?"
カトリーヌ | Katarin | Katrine
Japanese: 「戦闘に駆り出されませんように…。
War of the Lions: "Would that I might be spared from battle!"
ケイト | Kate | Katelyn
War of the Lions: "Weapons may be wielded in either hand. They attack in the same way."
キャサリン | Katherine | Katherine
War of the Lions: "Note well how many items remain in inventory."
ケイ | Kay | Gaynor
Japanese: 「『かな』にするか、『カナ』にするか、命名って難しいわよね!
War of the Lions: "Naming units can be vexing indeed. I am not the best at spelling."
Notes: DaBubba explains that she is choosing between the English "Kay" and the Japanese "Kei" spellings for her name in the original Japanese.
キティ | Kitty | Kath
Japanese: 「昼間のバトルは、日焼けが心配ね!
War of the Lions: "Sunburn is but one more worry when doing battle during the day."
ココ | Koko | Cristiana
Japanese: 「私、お役に立ててますか?
War of the Lions: "Am I proving myself useful?"
シェパード | Kyoko | Eilonwy
Japanese: 「さあ、次行ってみよう!
War of the Lions: "Come, let us move along!"
エバ | Kyomi | Ethelia
Japanese: 「『オートバトル』で戦うのも、おもしろいかも!
War of the Lions: "It may be enjoyable to fight with AI."
ローラ | Laura | Resalind
Japanese: 「待機だけだと、CTが40得するわ!
War of the Lions: "Add 40 to your CT merely by selecting Wait."
リンダ | Linda | Linette
Japanese: 「あ と で ❤
War of the Lions: "See you later..."
リサ | Lisa | Richenda
Japanese: 「解からない漢字は、辞書を引いてね!
War of the Lions: "If there be a word beyond your ken, avail yourself of a dictionary."
ライザ | Liza | Latisha
Japanese: 「ううっ、腰が重い! 明日は雨かしら…。
War of the Lions: "Ah, I am so slow in moving today! I'd wager tomorrow will bring rain."
ルーシー | Lucy | Rychyld
Japanese: 「雨がふるとちょっとブルーなの。
War of the Lions: "I feel blue when it rains."
ルナ | Luna | Linyeve
War of the Lions: "I have heard there are shops that sell their wares at half price!"
マデリーヌ | Madeline | Maddeline
Japanese: 「素敵な彼と、出会えますように ❤
War of the Lions: "Surely there is someone out there for me."
マンディ | Mandy | Meryell
War of the Lions:"One must bring boots if one is to venture into the mountains!"
マーガレット | Margaret | Martine
Japanese: 「女だと思って あまく見てねっ ❤
War of the Lions: "Do not underestimate me just because I am a woman."
マルガリータ | Margarita | Margarete
Japanese: 「うちの親父の話、つまんないのよね。あれじゃあみんな寝ちゃうわ!
War of the Lions: "My father tells the most boring stories. They put everyone to sleep! "
マリア | Maria | Maria
Japanese: 「秘境探索に連れてって ❤
War of the Lions: "Take me looking for ancient wonders!"
マーゴ | Margo | Margry
Japanese:「アビリティは、覚えるだけじゃダメ。セットしてね ❤
War of the Lions: "It is not enough to simply learn abilities. One must assign them as well."
マリリン | Marilyn | Merewynn
Japanese: 「昔はドーターの倉庫の裏でよく… ウフフっ。
War of the Lions: "My swain and I used to meet behind the Dorter warehouses. Heh heh..."
マルレーン | Marlene | Malin
Japanese: 「もう、どうにでもしてっ!
War of the Lions: "Oh, do as you like!"
メアリー | Mary | Melodie
War of the Lions: "The Safeguard ability will protect your items."
マリアン | Mary Ann | Maerwynn
Japanese:「あの人と相性が合いますように ❤
War of the Lions: "I do hope his sign and mine prove compatible..."
マチルダ | Matilda | Mathild
Japanese: (この子はまだ、自分が女であることに気が付いていない。)
War of the Lions: (She apparently does not yet realize that she is a female.)
メイ | May | Mydrede
Japanese: 「雨の日には、雷系の攻撃よ!
War of the Lions: "Lightning-based magicks are best used on rainy days."
ティティス | Meera | Denys
Japanese: 「私のこと忘れないでね ❤
War of the Lions: "Pray do not forget me."
メラニー | Melanie | Murienne
Japanese: 「戦争が終わったら… 普通の女の子に、戻れるのね!
War of the Lions: "Once the war is over... I can be a normal girl again. "
マロン | Melissa | Maronne
War of the Lions: "The ☇ symbol means that a magick can be reflected."
ミシェル | Michelle | Marsilia
Japanese: 「強い男 強い男 強い男 強い男 ❤
War of the Lions: "I want a strong man!"
プルミア | Mildred | Pulmia
War of the Lions: "After a dry spell comes the rain."
ミネルヴァ | Minerva | Minerva
Japanese: 「花柄の鎧ってないのかしら?
War of the Lions: "Why must armor be of such dull colors?"
ミランダ | Miranda | Mirabelle
Japanese: 「逃げ出す時は、私も誘ってね!
War of the Lions: "If you decide to run away, do be sure to take me with you!"
ミレーユ | Mireiyu | Mirelda
War of the Lions: "There are four styles of bags. "
ミリア | Miria | Muriel
Japanese: 「ペットにするならうりぼうね、きゃは ❤
War of the Lions: "If I were to have a monster for a pet, I would choose a pig."
ミスティ | Misty | Milicent
Japanese: 「髪、さらさらよ ❤
War of the Lions: "I am glad of my lovely tresses."
モエ | Mo | Morgayne
Japanese: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 「やった!息止め5分の壁撃破!
War of the Lions: "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Brilliant! I held my breath for five minutes!"
モニカ | Monica | Melusine
Japanese: 「隣にいい男がきますように… ❤
War of the Lions: "If only a handsome gentleman could accompany me..."
ナンシー | Nancy | Rosamund
Japanese: 「Jump5の人って素敵よね ❤
War of the Lions: "Having a Jump of 5 is simply marvelous."
ナスターシャ | Nastasia | Nesta
Japanese: 「素敵な人に、出会えますように ❤
War of the Lions: "Surely there is someone out there for me."
ナタリー | Natalie | Bertana
Japanese: 「地質を調査するのが好きです。地形でヘルプを見てね!
War of the Lions: "I do so enjoy examining the terrain. Check the help text on any tile!"
ニーナ | Nena | Nicia
Japanese: 「あの人のことが忘れられないの…。
War of the Lions: "I shall never forget my first love..."
ネーナ | Nena | Prudence
Japanese: 「弓を装備したら高い所へ!
War of the Lions: "If you have a bow equipped, attack from on high."
ニキータ | Nikita | Nicholina
Japanese: 「むか~し、アイテム士だったような…?
War of the Lions: "I was a chemist, once upon a time. I barely remember it myself."
ノーラ | Nora | Hester
Japanese: 「『移動』の時1歩足りないと悔しいのよね!
War of the Lions: "When moving, it is disappointing to find you can go but one step from your destination!"
オリーブ | Olive | Aeditha
Japanese: 「ボムの縫いぐるみ欲しい!
War of the Lions: "I would like a stuffed doll in the shape of a Bomb!"
オパール | Opal | Admiranda
Japanese: 「モデルになるから、私の絵を描いてよ ❤
War of the Lions: "Won't you draw my picture? I will model for you."
オフェーリア | Ophelia | Ophellia
Japanese: 「敵がいい男だと、ちょっとためらっちゃう ❤
War of the Lions: "It is difficult indeed to bring myself to strike a handsome foe."
オレンジ | Orange | Ottilia
Japanese: 「『投石』じゃ、大ダメージは望めないわね。
War of the Lions: "One cannot hope to inflict much damage by throwing stones."
パメラ | Pamela | Purnell
Japanese: 「『待機』だって重要なコマンドよ。慎重に考えてねっ!
War of the Lions: "Wait is a command of great importance. Use it wisely!"
パパイヤ | Papaya | Baterich
Japanese: 「私、こっちの軍でよかったのかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "I hope I have taken up with the right side."
パーサ | Partha | Paige
Japanese: 「『戦闘不能』のユニットを盾につかう手もあるわ!
War of the Lions: "You can put KO'd units to good use as shields."
パトリシア | Patricia | Bathsua
Japanese: 「ラーナー名物のカニが食べたい!
War of the Lions: "Would that I had some Rhana crab right now!"
パッツィ | Patsy | Petronilla
Japanese: 「やさしくしてね ❤
War of the Lions: "Do be kind!"
ポーラ | Paula | Placencia
Japanese: 「あん、背中がかゆい…。
War of the Lions: "Ooh, my back itches!"
パーニャ | Pawnia | Frances
Japanese: 「もう出撃なの?
War of the Lions: "Are we attacking already?"
ペリーヌ | Peline | Pelinne
Japanese: 「彼氏募集中 ❤容姿端麗、アイテム士。
War of the Lions: "I am looking for a boyfriend. A handsome chemist would do."
ペネローペ | Penelope | Penelope
Japanese: 「『踊り子』は女の子専用ジョブよ!
War of the Lions: "Only girls can become dancers, you know."
ペパーミント | Peppermint | Bess
War of the Lions: "Some items can only be equipped by female units."
クィン | Quinn | Ayleth
Japanese: 「ヒック…酒もってこ~い
War of the Lions: "Hic! Fancy buying me a drink?"
レイチェル | Rachel | Letita
War of the Lions: "If you have equipped a shield, you may be able to guard against a Counter."
ラミア | Ramia | Leofwynn
Japanese: 「私の夢?それは秘密 ❤
War of the Lions: "My dream? 'Tis a secret!"
ラムダ | Ramuda | Lauda
War of the Lions: "If it is information you seek, find a tavern."
レベッカ | Rebecca | Rebeccah
War of the Lions: "Monsters lay eggs, you know."
レダ | Reda | Lettice
Japanese: 「戦争が終わったら、音楽の勉強を始めるの!
War of the Lions: "Once the war is over, I shall study music!"
リプリー | Ripley | Roysia
Japanese: 「私って、何のために闘ってるのかしら?
War of the Lions: "For what am I fighting?"
ローザ | Rosa | Rosa
War of the Lions: "Be sure you are well stocked with potions!"
ロゼ | Rose | Rose
Japanese: 「………。
War of the Lions: "..."
サバティーニ | Sabatieni | Emeria
Japanese: 「栄養学を勉強してます。
War of the Lions: "I am studying nutrition."
サブリナ | Sabrina | Emmet
Japanese: 「間食が太る原因よ!
War of the Lions: "Eating between meals is fattening!"
シーモア | Sachiko | Imedia
Japanese: クリスタルに後1歩届かない!という夢にうなされる事ない?
War of the Lions: "Have you also had that nightmare where a crystal is a single step out of reach?"
シャーデー | Sade | Maisenta
War of the Lions: "I cannot stand the taste of ether."
シータ | Sage | Estrild
Japanese: 「自由、って何かしら?
War of the Lions: "What is this thing we call freedom?"
サキ | Saki | Emeny
Japanese: 「あたしは、ラッキーガールよ!
War of the Lions: "I am lucky indeed to be serving with you!"
サリー | Sally | Eschina
Japanese: 「黒魔はいや。だって顔がわからないんだもの!
War of the Lions: "I detest being a black mage. No one can see my face!"
サロメ | Salome | Eschiva
Japanese: 「バッカスの酒、置いてある店ないのかしら?
War of the Lions: "Do you know of any shops nearby that sell Bacchus Liqueur?"
サマンサ | Samantha | Samantha
Japanese: 「今日は終わりにしましょ。
War of the Lions: "Have we not done enough for today?"
サンドラ | Sandra | Estienne
Japanese: 「過去にこだわっちゃダメよ!
War of the Lions: "One must not dwell upon the past."
サンディ | Sandy | Esdeline
Japanese: 「お昼寝の邪魔しないでよ!
War of the Lions: "Begone! I am trying to take a nap!"
サファイア | Sapphire | Emery
Japanese: 「敵の移動可能範囲を、確認するのも大事よね!
War of the Lions: "One must check the movement range of enemy units as well."
サーラ | Sara | Sarra
Japanese: 「くくくぅ~冷たい風が歯にしみる…。
War of the Lions: "Brrr... The frigid wind has set my teeth on edge."
セイラ | Sara | Serendipity
Japanese: 「スウィージ生まれです。
War of the Lions: "I was born near the Siedge Weald."
サーシャ | Sasha | Ellerete
Japanese: 「ガッツで行こう!
War of the Lions: "We can do it!"
スカーレット | Scarlet | Scarlet
War of the Lions:"Take the weapon from your foeman, and his Attack will plummet!"
セティ | Selena | Cecily
Japanese: 「『毒』はリジェネで治るって知ってた?
War of the Lions: "Did you know? Regen can cure Poison."
セス | Seth | Cecilia
Japanese: 「ほっといてよ!
War of the Lions: "Begone!"
シボーン | Sevon | Olyffe
Japanese: 「今年の流行は、ローブとブーツね ❤
War of the Lions: "Robes and boots are in fashion this season."
シャディ | Shadi | Gylda
Japanese: 「笑って、笑って!ほ~ら、楽しくなってきた!
War of the Lions: "Come, come—where is your smile? There! You must feel better now!"
シャーリー | Shari | Emblyn
Japanese: 「少なく食べてよく動く、ダイエットの基本よ!
War of the Lions: "Eat less, move more. That is how one becomes slim and trim!"
シャロン | Sharon | Emlinie
Japanese: 「今日の口紅は、何色にしようかなあ…。
War of the Lions: "What shade of lip rouge shall I wear today?"
ショーン | Shawn | Jocelyn
Japanese: 「毒ガエルにだけはなりたくな~い!
War of the Lions: "I cannot bear the thought of being turned into a poisonous frog!"
シーマ | Sheema | Eustacia
Japanese: 「ふ~っ。
War of the Lions: "Whew..."
シーラ | Shelia | Isemeine
Japanese: 「寝てたら、叩いて起こしてあげなさい!
War of the Lions: "If I happen to doze off, strike me till I wake!"
シェリル | Sheryl | Jellion
Japanese: 「試着室をのぞいちゃダメよ ❤
War of the Lions: "Pray do not peek while I am changing!"
シールズ | Shields | Cicely
Japanese: 「何を信じて生きればいいの? お金?
War of the Lions: "What are we to live for? Money?"
シルキィ | Silky | Sysley
Japanese: 「一人で戦う勇気なんて私にはないわ!
War of the Lions: "I fear I lack the courage to fight on my own."
シモーヌ | Simone | Margeria
Japanese: 「そろそろ一休みといきましょうよ?
War of the Lions: "Shall we rest a moment?"
シモンヌ | Simonne | Celestria
Japanese: 「辞書って便利だけど、重たいのが難ね…。
War of the Lions: "Books are useful, but cumbersome."
シルフィ | Silphy | Sylphie
Japanese: 「最初は??ぢ事務だって聞いて来たのに!
War of the Lions: "I came here expecting a clerical position! Perhaps I misheard a call for clerics."
サラダ | Sissie | Sreda
Japanese: 「う~、背中がかゆい…。
War of the Lions: "Ooh, my back itches!"
ソフィア | Sophia | Somerhild
Japanese: 「おしゃれな服を着せてね!
War of the Lions: "Buy me some comely garments!"
ステラ | Stella | Judithe
Japanese: 「青い空が好き ❤
War of the Lions: "Who can hate a blue sky?"
ステファニー | Stephanie | Caesaria
Japanese: 「彼ったら、私と姉を天秤にかけるつもりね!
War of the Lions: "That boyfriend of mine cannot decide between me and my sister!"
ストロベリー | Strawberry | Syndony
Japanese: 「告白してもいいですか? やっぱりやめます…。
War of the Lions: "There's something I've wanted to tell you for a while. No, this is not the proper time."
スーザン | Susan | Sanche
War of the Lions: "Rumor has it there are ten styles of ninja blades."
スージー | Susie | Elsebee
Japanese: 「隣にモルボルがきませんように…。
War of the Lions: "I hope we do not encounter any malboros."
スザンヌ | Suzanne | Judye
War of the Lions: "Be persistent with the Entice ability!"
スワン | Swan | Sence
Japanese: 「『アビリティ継承』マニアです。
War of the Lions: "I so love to inherit abilities from defeated enemies!"
ニュート | Sylia | Nicolaa
Japanese: 「あたし、泣いたりなんかしないわ!
War of the Lions: "Though I may be a girl, I am not craven!"
シルヴィア | Sylvia | Systeleley
Japanese: 「敵の誰かに狙いをつける、ってのも一つの攻略法ね!
War of the Lions: "One good strategy is to focus your attacks on a single foe."
タバサ | Tabatha | Diamanda
Japanese: "「予想効果表示に注意してね!"
War of the Lions: "Be heedful of your attacks' estimated effects!"
ティート | Tara | Thora
Japanese: 「ああっ ケーキが食べたい!
War of the Lions: "It has been so long since I tasted my favorite sweetmeat... I cannot stand it!"
テス | Tess | Brangwire
Japanese: 「話術士のコスチュームがとっても好きです!
War of the Lions: "I find the orator costume so dashing!"
テイシア | Tess | Concessa
Japanese: 「チョコボに嫌われないように、減量中で~す!
War of the Lions: "I am dieting so the chocobos won't mind me riding them!"
テレサ | Theresa | Theresa
War of the Lions: "You can become a powerful mage with Faith of 70 or above."
ティア | Tia | Tiphina
War of the Lions: "Ice-based magicks grow stronger when it snows."
ティアラ | Tiara | Theda
Japanese: 「モンスターに、名前をつけてあげてね!
War of the Lions: "Naming one's monsters is always a nice gesture."
ティララ | Tirala | Tristana
Japanese: 「レイズはHPの半分も回復しちゃうの!
War of the Lions: "Raise not only revives a KO'd unit, but also restores half of their HP."
ティナ | Tina | Temperence
War of the Lions: "If your Jump is 4, you may leap across a gap of 2 tiles."
トレイシー | Tracy | Ismenia
War of the Lions: "When optimizing equipment, the shield with the highest Block Rate is equipped first."
ヴァレリー | Valerie | Vrsela
Japanese: 「鳥の、のどのふくらみ、ちょっと触ってみたいわね!
War of the Lions: "I should like to touch a cockatrice, right at its most feathery point."
ヴァネッサ | Vanessa | Avelyn
Japanese: 「ヒットアンドウェイよ!
War of the Lions: "I prefer to hit and run!"
バニラ | Vanilla | Tansa
War of the Lions: "Master your abilities wisely!"
アルフォンヌ | Venus | n/a
Japanese: 「ドーター生まれです。
War of the Lions: n/a (DaBubba gives the quote as "I was born in Dorter.")
Notes: Info regarding this character's War of the Lions name and quotation is missing from the Final Fantasy Wikia. She may be Alianore or Arlette, who are both named in the site's list of generic characters but do not appear on the quotes page roster.
ヴェガ | Vera | Averil
Japanese: 「わかってるわよ! 私のこと、好きなんでしょ?
War of the Lions: "I already know! You're enamored of me, right?"
ベロニカ | Veronica | Wenyld
War of the Lions: "Wield a weapon in both hands to increase your attack power."
ヴェロニカ | Veronica | Willmott
Japanese: 「私は5人姉妹の三女です ❤
War of the Lions: "I am the third of five sisters."
ビッキー | Vicky | Berte
Japanese: 「いつでも、あなたに賛成よ!
War of the Lions: "I shall always be right behind you!"
ビクトリア | Victoria | Rianna
Japanese: 「輝く未来は??ぢきっとあるわ!
War of the Lions: "I am certain we have a bright future ahead of us!"
バイオレット | Violet | Meredithe
Japanese: 「恋人募集中!
War of the Lions: "I am in the market for a fine man!"
ウェンディ | Wendy | Ursula
Japanese: 「くもり空って、天使が降りてきそうね…。
War of the Lions: "A cloudy sky makes one imagine angels descending from the heavens."
リップ | Yumiko | Wynefreede
War of the Lions: "I maintain there is no better weapon than a gun."
ゾーラ | Zora | Gillian
Japanese: 「空を飛べればいいな!
War of the Lions: "I wish I could fly!"
Abel and Cain (Kain) are an obvious allusion to Adam and Eve's sons in the book of Genesis.
Cynthia, Amanda, Veronica, Eleana, and Joanne (or Cyndra, Amphelice, Willmott, Elynor, and Josiane) appear to be sisters.
Marilyn and Spider (or Merewynn and Aran) appear to have been lovers or to have had very similar taste in makeout spots.
Dietrich (Deitrich) and Peline (Pelinne) are perfect for one another.
Bruno and Misty (or Brien and Milicent) might also find one another attractive.
Dorone and Stephanie (or Tomasyn and Caesaria) appear to be sisters dating the same man.
Margarita (Margarete) appears to be Daravon's daughter, given the mention of such a "maiden fair" by Stone (Aldebrand).
Cinderella's namesake probably has something to do with her interest in shoes.