Below is information about the various consumable items in the game, with descriptions available in the original Japanese or with the English text from either the original PSX game or the War of the Lions remaster. G's Cemetery was used to check the Japanese text, and FFBeowulf's Move-Find Guide was used to assist with assembling Move-Find lists. All Move-Find item locations have been linked to Cave of Narshe's excellent Location Maps.
Please let me know if anything has been inappropriately listed/transcribed. Items unique to War of the Lions may be added at a later date.
PSX Translation: Medicine that restores HP. Causes damage if used on undead.
Effect: 30 HP restored
Cost: 50 gil
First Available: Chapter 1
Poachable From: Goblin (Common), Juravis (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Mandalia Plains (Common), Sweegy Woods (Common), Sand Rat Cellar (Common), Lenalia Plateau (Common), Windmill Shed (Common), Fort Zeakden (Common), Dorter Trade City (Common), Araguay Woods (Common), Zaland Fort City (Common), Bariaus Hill (Common), Goug Slums (Common), Bariaus Valley (Common), Lionel Castle Gate (Common), Inside Lionel Castle (Common), Goland Coal City (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 2 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 3 (Common), Grog Hill (Common), Yardow Fort City (Common), Riovanes Castle Gate (Common), Inside Riovanes Castle (Common), Riovanes Castle Roof (Common), Bervenia Free City (Common), Finath River (Common), Germinas Peak (Common), Poeskas Lake (Common), Inside Limberry Castle (Common), Dolbodar Swamp (Common)
PSX Translation: Medicine restores HP. Stronger than Potion.
Effect: 70 HP restored
Cost: 200 gil
First Available: Chapter 1, following the battle at Zeklaus Desert
Poachable From: Chocobo (Rare), Goblin (Rare), Pisco Demon (Rare), Black Goblin (Common), Bone Snatch (Common), Gust (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Mandalia Plains (Common), Sand Rat Cellar (Common), Zeklaus Desert (Common), Lenalia Plateau (Common), Windmill Shed (Common), Fort Zeakden (Common), Dorter Trade City (Common), Araguay Woods (Common), Zaland Fort City (Common), Bariaus Hill (Common), Goug Slums (Common), Bariaus Valley (Common), Lionel Castle Gate (Common), Inside Lionel Castle (Common), Goland Coal City (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 2 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 3 (Common), Grog Hill (Common), Yardow Fort City (Common), Yuguo Woods (Common), Riovanes Castle Gate (Common), Inside Riovanes Castle (Common), Riovanes Castle Roof (Common), Bervenia Free City (Common), Finath River (Common), Bed Desert (Common), Bethla Garrison, South Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison, North Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison Sluice (Common), Germinas Peak (Common), Poeskas Lake (Common), Inside Limberry Castle (Common), Limberry Castle Cemetary (Common), Inside Igros Castle (Common), Murond Temple (Rare), St. Murond Temple Hall (Common)

PSX Translation: Medicine restores HP. Stronger than Hi-Potion.
Effect: 150 HP restored
Cost: 700 gil
First Available: Chapter 3
Poachable From: Black Chocobo (Rare)
Move-Find Locations: Bervenia Volcano (Common), Bethla Garrison, South Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison, North Wall (Common), Limberry Castle Cemetary (Common), Inside Igros Castle (Common), Murond Temple (Common), St. Murond Temple Hall (Common)

PSX Translation: Medicine restores MP.
Effect: 20 MP restored
Cost: 200 gil
First Available: Chapter 2, following the first meeting with Cardinal Draclau at Lionel Castle
Poachable From: Skeleton (Rare), Ghoul (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Dorter Trade City (Common), Zirekile Falls (Common), Zaland Fort City (Common), Zigolis Swamp (Common), Goug Slums (Common), Golgorand Execution Site (Common), Lionel Castle Gate (Common), Inside Lionel Castle (Common), Lesalia Castle, Back Gate (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 2 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 1 (Common), Grog Hill (Common), Yuguo Woods (Common), Riovanes Castle Gate (Common), Inside Riovanes Castle (Common), Doguola Pass (Common), Bervenia Free City (Common), Chapel of Zeltennia (Common), Germinas Peak (Common), Limberry Castle Gate (Common), Inside Limberry Castle (Common)

PSX Translation: Medicine restores MP. Stronger than Ether.
Effect: 50 MP restored
Cost: 600 gil
First Available: Chapter 3, following the battles at Orbonne Monastery
Poachable From: Mindflare (Common), Revenant (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Bethla Garrison, South Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison Sluice (Common), Limberry Castle Cemetary (Common), Inside Igros Castle (Common), Murond Temple (Common)

PSX Translation: Precious medicine that completely restores HP and MP.
Effect: 50 MP restored
Cost: n/a
First Available: Not Available at Shops
Poachable From: Great Morbol (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Dolbodar Swamp (Rare), Murond Temple (Rare), St. Murond Temple Hall (Rare), Nelveska Temple (Common), TERMINATE (Rare), DELTA (Rare), NOGIAS (Rare), VOYAGE (Rare), BRIDGE (Rare), VOYAGE (Rare), HORROR (Rare), END (Rare), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 4 (Common/Rare), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 5 (Common/Rare), Murond Death City (Common/Rare), Lost Sacred Precincts (Common/Rare), Graveyard of Airships (Common/Rare)

PSX Translation: Precious medicine that completely restores HP and MP.
Effect: Cancels Poison
Cost: 50 gil
First Available: Chapter 1
Poachable From: Red Panther (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Mandalia Plains (Common), Dorter Slums (Common), Sand Rat Cellar (Common), Zeklaus Desert (Common), Thieves' Fort (Common), Lenalia Plateau (Common), Fovoham Plains (Common), Fort Zeakden (Common)

PSX Translation: Medicine used when one's sight is lost in magic attacks.
Effect: Cancels Darkness
Cost: 50 gil
First Available: Chapter 1
Poachable From: Black Chocobo (Common), Woodman (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Mandalia Plains (Common), Dorter Slums (Common), Sand Rat Cellar (Common), Thieves' Fort (Common), Lenalia Plateau (Common), Fovoham Plains (Common), Fort Zeakden (Common)

PSX Translation: Herb used to restore units who've lost their voices, so they can cast spells.
Effect: Cancels Silence
Cost: 50 gil
First Available: Chapter 1
Poachable From: Pisco Demon (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Sweegy Woods (Common), Dorter Slums (Common), Zeklaus Desert (Common), Thieves' Fort (Common), Windmill Shed (Common), Fovoham Plains (Common), Dorter Trade City (Common), Zirekile Falls (Common), Zaland Fort City (Common), Zigolis Swamp (Common), Goug Slums (Common), Golgorand Execution Site (Common), Lionel Castle Gate (Common)

PSX Translation: Medicine used to restore units who've become frogs.
Effect: Cancels Frog
Cost: 50 gil
First Available: Chapter 1, after meeting with Dycedarg at Igros
Poachable From: Maiden's Kiss (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Riovanes Castle Roof (Common), Doguola Pass (Common), Finath River (Common), Chapel of Zeltennia (Common), Poeskas Lake (Common), Limberry Castle Gate (Common)

PSX Translation: Tool to cure petrified units. Needle breaks after one use.
Effect: Cancels Petrify
Cost: 100 gil
First Available: Chapter 1, after meeting with Dycedarg at Igros
Poachable From: Cockatoris (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Araguay Woods (Common), Zirekile Falls (Common), Bariaus Hill (Common), Zigolis Swamp (Common), Bariaus Valley (Common), Golgorand Execution Site (Common), Colliery Underground Floor 1 (Common), Colliery Underground Floor 2 (Common), Colliery Underground Floor 3 (Common), Zarghidas Slums (Common)

PSX Translation:
Effect: Cancels Blood Suck, Undead
Cost: 2,000 gil
First Available: Chapter 2
Poachable From: Skeleton (Common), Vampire (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Goland Coal City (Common), Lesalia Castle, Back Gate (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 3 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 1 (Common), Yardow Fort City (Common), Yuguo Woods (Common),
Zarghidas Slums (Common)

PSX Translation:
Effect: Cancels Petrify, Blindness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep
Cost: 350 gil
First Available: Chapter 2, following the first meeting with Cardinal Draclau at Lionel Castle
Poachable From: Red Chocobo (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Inside Lionel Castle (Common), Lesalia Castle, Back Gate (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 2 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 1 (Common), Yuguo Woods (Common), Riovanes Castle Gate (Common), Inside Riovanes Castle (Common), Doguola Pass (Common), Bervenia Free City (Common), Chapel of Zeltennia (Common), Bethla Garrison, North Wall (Common), Germinas Peak (Common), Limberry Castle Gate (Common), Inside Limberry Castle (Common), Limberry Castle Cemetary (Common), Inside Igros Castle (Common), St. Murond Temple Hall (Common)
Goland Underground Passage (Common), Zarghidas Slums (Common)

PSX Translation:
Effect: Cancels Death
Cost: 300 gil
First Available: Chapter 1
Poachable From: Chocobo (Common), Steelhawk (Common)
Move-Find Locations: Sweegy Woods (Common), Dorter Slums (Common), Zeklaus Desert (Common), Thieves' Fort (Common), Windmill Shed (Common), Fovoham Plains (Common), Araguay Woods (Common), Zirekile Falls (Common), Bariaus Hill (Common), Zigolis Swamp (Common), Bariaus Valley (Common), Golgorand Execution Site (Common), Goland Coal City (Common), Lesalia Castle, Back Gate (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 3 (Common), Orbonne Monastery Underground Book Storage Floor 1 (Common), Grog Hill (Common), Yardow Fort City (Common), Riovanes Castle Roof (Common), Doguola Pass (Common), Finath River (Common), Chapel of Zeltennia (Common), Bethla Garrison, South Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison, North Wall (Common), Bethla Garrison Sluice (Common), Poeskas Lake (Common), Limberry Castle Gate (Common), Murond Temple (Common), St. Murond Temple Hall (Common), Zarghidas Slums (Common), TERMINATE (Common), DELTA (Common), NOGIAS (Common), VOYAGE (Common), BRIDGE (Common), VOYAGE (Common), HORROR (Common), END (Common)