『Death of father Balbanes: You were dreaming... Balbanes Beoulve, renowned hero of the Fifty Year War, has been bedridden for 2 years due to illness. The sight of your father ill in bed was unbearable for him, with an army of 150,000. All 4 children gathered for their father's last moments.』
Having attained the highest
rank of Heavenly Knight,
brave Balbanes was facing
his last days...
The end of the 50 Year War
The Beoulve Residence.
BALBANES: How goes....the battle?rank of Heavenly Knight,
brave Balbanes was facing
his last days...
The end of the 50 Year War
The Beoulve Residence.
ZALBAG: Through swift action we were able to recover Limberry. It's only a matter of time before the Ordalia army leaves Zeltennia. Don't worry.
LORD DYCEDARG: The secret messenger sent to Count Lenario has returned. Count Lenario has agreed to your plan.
BALBANES: Good...then, at last... this long war... will finally come to an end...
ALMA: Father...
BALBANES: Don't cry... my daughter...
[Alma holds her head in her hands.]
ZALBAG: Where is Ramza? Just when we need him most!
BALBANES: Dycedarg, Zalbag... my beloved sons... Take care of Ramza. He may be your half brother, but he is my own flesh.
[Ramza enters.]
RAMZA: Father!!
[He approaches the bed.]
LORD DYCEDARG: Lower your voice.
BALBANES: I'm glad you came.... Let me...look at you...
[Dycedarg moves away as Ramza approaches.]
RAMZA: Father....
BALBANES: It has been a long time... You've become a fine man... You start at the Academy...in spring, don't you?
[Ramza takes his hand.]
RAMZA: ......
BALBANES: Listen, Ramza.... A Beoulve has served the royal family for generations. the [sic] warrior spirit is in us. Never shame your name... never tolerate injustice... Living true to your heart is the warrior's way... ...the Beoulve way.
RAMZA: I understand, father....
BALBANES: Delita's a good boy. He should serve you well... I've asked the dean to accept him into the Academy. It shocked the dean a bit. He will serve you well... Treat him well...
RAMZA: Y, yes.....father.......
[Ramza embraces him.]
BALBANES: Take good care of Alma...
[The embrace ends.]
BALBANES: Become a fine knight... Ramza.
[Balbanes' arm goes limp, and the light fades from the room.]