『Worries of Ovelia: Resting on the way to Lionel Castle, Ovelia spoke about her way of life and her mistrust of those who would use her as a pawn. She could only be comforted by the playing of a reed flute...』
[Agrias and Ovelia stand outside a ruined fort, looking into the distance.]AGRIAS: Princess Ovelia, see? Lionel Castle is over the mountain.
OVELIA: It's still far from this fort. I wonder if Cardinal Draclau will really help us?
AGRIAS: I hear the Cardinal is very loyal to the royal family. And right now, he's neutral in the dispute between Prince Larg and Prince Goltana. I'm sure he wouldn't defeat justice by turning you over to either one of them.
OVELIA: I hope so.......
[Ovelia walks a little ways ahead and plucks a leaf off of a tree.]
AGRIAS: Besides, he is a man of popularity at Glabados Church. [sic] They'll accept you if the Cardinal asks them.
OVELIA: I wish I weren't a princess.
[She lets a leaf fall to the ground.]
AGRIAS: Princess Ovelia......
[Ramza can be seen approaching from behind them. He dunks behind the wall of the fort and stops to eavesdrop.]
OVELIA: I was always surrounded by the convent walls ...and have only seen the sky through them. I don't think you know, but I was at another monastery before I went to Orbonne. Even after hearing about the adoption by the deceased king, I stayed there for a long time. No, I'm not complaining about that. Just....... People are dying because I'm the princess. It's so painful.....
[Agrias turns to her.]
AGRIAS: Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Those who are trying to take advantage of you are the ones to blame.
[Another leaf falls to the ground.]
OVELIA: I met a girl at Orbonne. She said she had also been living in the monastery since birth. We used to laugh at how similar our lives have been. ————Isn't it funny?
[She turns to pick another leaf.]
AGRIAS: She was the daughter of the Beoulves, Miss. Alma, wasn't she?
OVELIA: She is my only friend..... I wonder if Cardinal Draclau would use me?
AGRIAS: ................
[Everyone turns as a voice is heard in the distance.]
VOICE OF MUSTADIO: Ramza! Where are you? Shall we go?!
[The scene shifts to show Mustadio approaching where Ramza is hiding. Ramza gestures for him to be quiet, but Agrias is already walking towards them.]
MUSTADIO: What have you been doing here?
AGRIAS: How was it?
MUSTADIO: Fine. It doesn't seem like the Hokuten has [sic] been here yet.
[The scene shifts again to where Ovelia is trying and failing to whistle on a blade of grass. Ramza walks over to her and she turns to him.]
OVELIA: My friend taught me before, but I can't seem to do it right.
[Ramza demonstrates for her.]
RAMZA: This is how you do it.
OVELIA: Like this?
[She whistles successfully.]
OVELIA: There! I did it.
[The two of them continue to whistle together.]