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Those who seek the Holy Stone: The crystal found in the ground at Goug was a 'Zodiac Stone'. Fearing it would fall into evil hands, Mustadio's father, Besrodio asked his son to hide it. When Mustadio received it...』

[Besrodio and Mustadio stand before one another in the overcrowded library of Besrodio's home.]

BESRODIO: Listen, Mustadio. Take this and run!

[He hands him something.]

MUSTADIO: Run? Where?

[The shot zooms into the door where somebody outside is knocking loudly.]

RUDVICH MERCENARY: I know you're in there! Open the door!!

[The shot recedes to where we can see Mustadio grabbing his father's arm as he tries to get him to leave.]

MUSTADIO: Father! Let's get out of here!

[His grip on him breaks.]

BESRODIO: My legs are useless! Just go on without me!!

MUSTADIO: I can't leave you alone!

BESRODIO: The Holy stone has enough power to destroy a country! Can't let Rudvich get it! Hide it in a safe place! And ask Cardinal Draclau to help you! I know he will!

[The door swings open. Two mercenaries enter, followed by Rudvich Bart.]

RUDVICH: You've wasted enough time. Now, give me the stone!

[Besrodio turns to his son.]

BESRODIO: Go now! Mustadio!!

[One of the mercenaries jumps towards them. Mustadio moves away as he looks around him.]


[Mustadio runs from the room.]

RUDVICH: After him!! Get him!

[The mercenaries give chase.]

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