『Vow for Vengeance: Wiegraf stood at the grave of his beloved sister Milleuda and swore to avenge her death. From behind him, a knight named Sir Loffrey appeared and asked for his help. Torn between reality and ideals, Wiegraf struggled to make a decision. 』
[Wiegraf kneels on the Lenalian plateaus. Before him is a sword sunk into the earth as a makeshift grave marker. It is raining.]WIEGRAF: Milleuda...pray forgive me. I thought to deliver swift vengeance, yet here I am before you, my own blade sheathed beside me as yours lies sheathed within the earth. I have failed at much, but I shall not fail you. Your killers will know vengeance! In this, at least, I shall not be disgraced.
MAN'S VOICE: You speak of a thing beyond your doing.
[Wiegraf stands and draws his sword. He turns.]
WIEGRAF:: Show yourself!
[A knight in blue hooded livery approaches.]
KNIGHT: Put aside your sword. I've no wish to cross blades with the leader of the Corpse Brigade, even if the Brigade itself is no more...My apologies. My words salt wounds still fresh, and that was not my intent. Your men died valiantly.
WIEGRAF: Make your purpose plain!
KNIGHT: My name is Loffrey, and I come at another's behest. My purpose is a simple one: to find you. We'd hoped you might be persuaded to work with us toward our common goal.
[Wiegraf turns his sword downwards.]
WIEGRAF: Common goal? Ha! What jest, this? Claiming the bounty on my head is no goal of mine! But that is what you seek, am I not mistaken?
LOFFREY: Pardon my presumption, but I do not think the tears upon your cheek those born of laughter.
[Loffrey looks downwards.]
LOFFREY: It is not coin that we desire. It is our wish to rebuild Ivalice--to uproot her foundations, and see that she is not twice made slave to nobility. And that -is- what you seek, is it not?
WIEGRAF: You have my ears.
[Loffrey moves closer.]
LOFFREY: Our ideals are not so very different. A fire burns in you, as it burns in us. Your strength, your passion--your spirit! We would welcome these to our cause.
WIEGRAF: You mean to use me.
LOFFREY: To every coin there are two faces. Do you not consider the other? Join us, and our power becomes yours to wield. Have you, alone, the strength to venge Milleuda? Have you, alone, the power to grasp the reins of Ivalice?
[Wiegraf sheathes his weapon. He turns towards his sister's grave.]