[Delita leads Ovelia out of Lionel and back across the Zeirchele Falls.]
DELITA: Your pace has slowed. Are you weary? We'll never make Zeltennia at this rate.
OVELIA: Arriving sooner will no more make me a princess than arriving later.
[She walks towards him and then turns to look at the bridge.]
OVELIA: That day you saved me at these falls seems so distant now. Your promise to cut me free from the strings of those who manipulate me--it was an empty one, wasn't it?
DELITA: Empty or no, you've no choice but to follow me. The hounds are loosed. No bolt-hole is left to you. Run, and you'll still be hunted down as the princess who stands in the way of the throne.
OVELIA: Why must you say such things!?
[She drops her head for a moment and begins to cross the bridge.]
[The scene shifts to show a trio of scouts in Northern Sky colors.]
NORTHERN SKY SCOUT: Hmph. I'd not thought to find the lady princess here. That thrice-be-damned Gaffgarion must have failed yet again. The man is naught but boasts and swagger. Our orders are to kill on sight. The princess does not leave this place!
DELITA: Fools! If it is your wish to die here, then so be it!
OVELIA: [...]
DELITA: Was that enough to lift the gauze from your eyes? Bathe the earth in bitter tears, and it will still be all too content to drink your blood. Bemoan your fate and wait for it to claim you, or take my hand and live. The choice is yours.
OVELIA: It appears...I have no choice.
DELITA: Your pace has slowed. Are you weary? We'll never make Zeltennia at this rate.
OVELIA: Arriving sooner will no more make me a princess than arriving later.
[She walks towards him and then turns to look at the bridge.]
OVELIA: That day you saved me at these falls seems so distant now. Your promise to cut me free from the strings of those who manipulate me--it was an empty one, wasn't it?
DELITA: Empty or no, you've no choice but to follow me. The hounds are loosed. No bolt-hole is left to you. Run, and you'll still be hunted down as the princess who stands in the way of the throne.
OVELIA: Why must you say such things!?
[She drops her head for a moment and begins to cross the bridge.]
[The scene shifts to show a trio of scouts in Northern Sky colors.]
NORTHERN SKY SCOUT: Hmph. I'd not thought to find the lady princess here. That thrice-be-damned Gaffgarion must have failed yet again. The man is naught but boasts and swagger. Our orders are to kill on sight. The princess does not leave this place!
DELITA: Fools! If it is your wish to die here, then so be it!
OVELIA: [...]
DELITA: Was that enough to lift the gauze from your eyes? Bathe the earth in bitter tears, and it will still be all too content to drink your blood. Bemoan your fate and wait for it to claim you, or take my hand and live. The choice is yours.
OVELIA: It appears...I have no choice.