『Confessions of Simon: Orbonne was already under attack by those after the sone. Simon, who was found wounded in the library, revealed plans of the Church and Funeral to revive the 'Zodiac Braves'.』 You pursue the attackers leaving the 2 stones and Simon in Alma's care.
[Alma enters the Orbonne library to find the bodies of clerics strewn on the ground. Simon is collapsed on the stairs before her.]ALMA: Simon!!
[She rushes over to him, with Ramza entering the room and following her. Both kneel over the old man.]
ALMA: Please answer me!!
[Simon lifts himself up slightly.]
SIMON: U, ugh...Alma... Why...are you...here?
ALMA: What happened?
SIMON: It's dangerous....here. Hurry....run. They...came for the Holy Stone 'Virgo'...
RAMZA: Holy Stone!? Then Alma was right...!
[Simon turns to him.]
SIMON: The Stone's been a royal treasure for generations... When Princess Ovelia came here, they gave it to us as proof of her status.
RAMZA: Who are 'they'? Who's trying to get the stone?
SIMON: You're Alma's older brother Ramza, aren't you? Don't get any more involved. You'll be killed.....
[All turn as voices sound from the chambers below.]
MAN'S VOICE: Where is the Holy Stone!!
ANOTHER VOICE: Wait! It must be here somewhere! Look for it!
ANOTHER VOICE: We can go underground from here. Let's go!!
RAMZA: I'm a fugitive, branded by the church as a 'heretic'. Is it because of the stone? Please tell me. Who are they?
[Simon turns to him.]
SIMON: High Priest and his sect are trying to regain power. First, they're reducing Larg and Goltana's military power by causing in-fighting. If the war drags on, it not only reduce their power, but trust in the royal family.
RAMZA: What's the real reason for collecting the Stones... and reviving the Zodiac Braves?
SIMON: To gain the people's trust, of course.
RAMZA: But the Cardinal's already joined Lucavi. If it's only the stone's power, it'd be strong enough to replace the military. Funeral wants that power?
SIMON: You're different from your brothers. More like Balbanes. Perhaps you might be able to destroy their ambition.
[Simon turns back to Alma.]
RAMZA: You stay here. I'll gog after them.
[Alma stands.]
ALMA: I'll go with you!
RAMZA: We can't leave Simon alone. Hide in a safe place!
ALMA: ....OK, I will.
[Ramza turns to her and hands her the Taurus and Scorpio stones.]
RAMZA: Hold on to this stone, just in case. If I don't come back, make sure to throw it in Bugrosa Sea. OK?
[Alma drops to her knees.]
ALMA: I regret I can't help you. I wish I were born a man...
[Ramza turns to her.]
RAMZA: Don't be silly. You're the only one I trust.
[She looks up at him.]
ALMA: Brother....
RAMZA: Take care of Simon!
[Ramza moves downstairs.]