『Ambitions of Prince Barinten: At Riovanes Castle, Barinten made an offer. Getting 'Taurus' and 'Scorpio' from Izlude, and the 'Germonik Scriptures,' Barinten planned to use them to control the Church. But since Vormav rejected his offer, the Grand Duke became angry...』
[The Grand Duke Barinten sits at a table in the hall of Riovanes castle. Vormav and Wiegraf approach him.]BARINTEN: Welcome. How do you like our castle? It looks a little spartan compared to Lesalia Castle but I like it... This castle's built for war. It's far more beautiful than one built for government. Ivalice has always been ruled by men with 'power'. This war proved the royal family lost the 'power'.
VORMAV: Get to the point.
[Barinten stands.]
BARINTEN: You're being impatient.
[He paces a little, folding his hands behind his back.]
BARINTEN: To be quite frank... Can we work together?
VORMAV: What do you mean?
BARINTEN: As I said, men with 'power' rule Ivalice. So, who has the "power"? Prince Larg of Hokuten? Or, Prince Goltana of Nanten? Neither one of them. It's you, Shrine Knights, who hold the stones.....
[Barinten turns to them.]
BARINTEN: Holy Stones have great magical power. According to ancient legend, a natural disaster in Murond was caused by its power.....
[Vormav begins to laugh.]
VORMAV: Ha, ha, ha...... Well, excuse me. I didn't expect a Grand Duke like yourself believed in such fairy tales.
BARINTEN: So you're saying you don't believe it? That's strange...They say Draclau of Lionel died from problems with the stone.
VORMAV: I heard he died of illness.
BARINTEN: Then why are you after the youngest Beoulve? Why chase him as a 'heretic'?
VORMAV: We don't question decisions by Heresy Examiners.
[Bariten puts a hand to his face.]
BARINTEN: Oh, my...You're saying you know nothing about it? But you may change your mind after seeing this... Call Malak!!
[All turn as Malak leads Izlude into the room; he moves to stand before Wiegraf and his father.]
IZLUDE: F, father....I'm sorry.
VORMAV: ...I see.
BARINTEN: We have 'Scorpio' and 'Taurus'.
[Vormav takes a step towards Izlude.]
VORMAV: Moron!!
[He strikes Izlude across the face hard enough to make him fall. A knight enters the room.]
RIOVANES KNIGHT: Excuse me, Sir! We verified the intruder's identity!
BARINTEN: Malak, I'll let you take care of him.
[Malak and the knight leave.]
VORMAV: What do you want?
[Barinten returns to sit at the table.]
BARINTEN: As I said before, we want to help you, too.
VORMAV: What if I refuse?
BARINTEN: The Church's injustice will be exposed. That's all.
VORMAV: You can't prove it just with the Holy Stones.
BARINTEN: Exactly. But, how about with the 'Germonik Scriptures'? Larg, Goltana, and the senate ought to be interested...
VORMAV: Where is it?
BARINTEN: I can't tell you.
VORMAV: Wiegraf, go after the wizard. I'll take care of here.
[Wiegraf turns to leave.]
BARINTEN: Don't do anything funny! The odds are against you!
[The room begins to grow dark..]
VORMAV: Odds? What do you think you weak humans can do?
IZLUDE: Father.....?
[There is a crash of thunder.]
VORMAV: Don't underestimate us. Killing you is easy....
BARINTEN: Are you opposing me!?
[Knights rush into the room as Barinten backs away. There is a flash of lightning and another crash of thunder.]
VORMAV: Want to fight...? Fine. I'll show you the power of the Holy Stone!
[There is a flash of magic from Vormav, and there comes after the sound of screams.]