『Escaping Alma: Imprisoned at Riovanes Castle, Alma thought about you... Suddenly, a scream broke the silence. A Riovanes Knight fell in front of her and died babbling in fear. Praying for him, she fearfully made her way out... 』
[Alma crouches against a wall. She is in a dark cell, presumably somewhere within Riovanes.]ALMA: Brother....
[There is the sound of a scream. She looks up.]
ALMA: What!?
[There is the sound of battle and of more screams. The door to the cell opens and a badly injured knight staggers through. He collapses to the floor. Alma rushes over to him.]
ALMA: What an awful wound!
[He grasps at her.]
RIOVANES KNIGHT: U, ugh....help... That....monster.....
[She grasps his outstretched hand.]
ALMA: C...come on!!
KNIGHT: R...run.... It's....dangerous...
[He goes limp in her arms. She places his arm back over his body and bows her head a moment. Then, hesitantly, she flees. More screams and sounds of battle can be heard.]