『A Common Chord: As Delita mourned the loss of his sister Tietra, he heard Ovelia whistling with a blade of grass. They smiled at one another, discovering a most unlikely commonality between them. Delita spoke of his beloved sister's death, and swore to protect Ovelia from a similar fate.』
[Delita stands in a chamber of Zeltennia castle at night. His fist is raised in the air. A small item--Tietra's locket glints in the light of a window.]DELITA: Tietra...
[An abortive half whistle sounds outside. Delita takes a step towards the window and hangs his head. He moves to walk outside. The scene shifts to an outside courtyard where Ovelia is trying, and failing, to whistle on a blade of grass. Delita calls to her offscreen.]
DELITA: You know that trick, too--making a whistle of a blade of grass?
[She stops as he approaches, plucks his own blade blade of grass, and demonstrates how to whistle upon it.]
OVELIA: A friend taught me, when I was living at the monastery. I can never seem to make it work, though.
DELITA: Here--like this.
[He demonstrates again. She makes another attempt and eventually succeeds.]
OVELIA: I did it!
[She turns to him a moment. The pendant in Delita's possession glints again in the moonlight.]
OVELIA: What's that?
DELITA: Oh, this?
[He holds it aloft.]
OVELIA: A pendant?
DELITA: I keep it as a remembrance of my sister, Tietra. She...she was caught up in this fighting and died.
OVELIA: I'm sorry.
[He clenches his hand into a fist.]
DELITA: She died for the nobility's convenience. They used her and cast her away, and for that I cannot forgive them.
[He turns to her, and they look at one another.]
DELITA: I shall not let them deal to you the same fate they dealt to her. I will protect you from aught and all who would use you.
OVELIA: Delita...Thank you.