『Unstoppable cog: A woman appeared before Delita and you, who defeated Zalmo. Like Delita, this woman was recruited by the Church. Balmafula said the Hokuten were heading to Ft. Bethla. To stop a battle between the two armies, you hurried to Bethla, chasing Orlandu.』
[Delita and Ramza stand outside of the church following Zalmo's death.]DELITA: What're you going to do, Ramza?
RAMZA: I had 2 reasons for coming to Zeltennia. One was to see you. The other is to see Count Orlandu.
DELITA: Thundergod Cid?
RAMZA: I want his cooperation to uncover the Church's plot.
RAMZA: I have strong 'proof' that will uncover the wrong-doing.
DELITA: The 'Germonik scriptures'!
RAMZA: When I met Olan, the Count's son-in-law, He promised me if I had proof, he would stop the High Priest's conspiracy.
DELITA: Olan, huh?
[A woman in brown robes approaches. Delita turns a moment as she joins them.]
DELITA: It's ok... She's one of us. Several people were sent from Murond to help me. She's one of them.
[She turns to him.]
MAGICIAN WOMAN: Help...? More like to keep an eye on you.
[Delita looks at her.]
DELITA: Hey, c'mon. She knows everything. She's the only one we can trust in the Goltana Army.
MAGICIAN WOMAN: You're the youngest Beoulve, Ramza, right? My name is Balmafula. Nice to meet you.
[Delita blinks and looks back towards her.]
DELITA: And... what do you want?
BALMAFULA: The Hokuten are moving.
DELITA: Is Ft. Bethla the target?
[She nods.]
BALMAFULA: Count Orlandu left for Bethla a while ago. Goltana's heading for Bethla... along with your Black Sheep Knights.
[Both look to Ramza.]
DELITA: A little too late... The battle won't end...
RAMZA: I'm not giving up. I'll persuade the Count before any more die.
DELITA: ...I guess it's good bye, Ramza.
RAMZA: Stay alive, Delita.
DELITA: You too...
[The meet to clasp hands before Ramza departs.]
BALMAFULA: You're letting him go?
DELITA: I know what he'll do.
BALMAFULA: You even use your friends.
[He turns to her sharply.]
DELITA: Shut up! What do you know?
[Balmafula gestures with her opened hands and turns away.]
BALMAFULA: I hate people like you.
DELITA: Hurry up and go!!
[She walks away.]