『Seized T. G. Cid: Waitng for Orlandu at Bethlas were wuestions about the rebellion against Goltana. Not realizing the plans of the High Priest, Goltana ordered the execution of 'T. G. Cid'. Also, he raised Delita to a knight, and gave him powers to lead the Nanten...』
[At Bethla, a group of knights in Nanten colors crowd around Orlandu.]ORLANDU: What do you mean? Suspicion of conspiracy?
NANTEN KNIGHT: ...Please. Obey the orders.
[He turns to the man speaking.]
ORLANDU: Nonsense. Why would I be involved in a conspiracy?
[The door opens and Goltana himself marches in. The Nanten all kneel as he confronts Orlandu.]
GOLTANA: It's too bad, Cid. Attempting rebellion...
[He marches away, moving to the other side of a long wooden table.]
ORLANDU: You can't be serious? I'd never think of...
[Goltana turns to him.]
GOLTANA: I have proof. You've been secretly planning with the Church to overthrow me.
ORLANDU: Nonsense!! Who told you such a lie!?
GOLTANA: You still deny it? Hearing of your betrayal, the High Priest notified me personally.
ORLANDU: It's the High Priest's plot!
GOLTANA: The High Priest's plot? How dare you say that? Can you prove it?
ORLANDU: I've been serving you over 20 years and you don't trust me?
[Goltana turns away.]
GOLTANA: ...I cannot go to war without your Knights.
[He turns back.]
GOLTANA: I am very disappointed, Cid... Take him away!!
[The knights stand and usher Orlandu out of the room. Delita and Balmafula enter and both kneel.]
DELITA: Yes, Your Excellency.
GOLTANA: Continue your contact with Murond. If we get an official edict, overturning Larg will be easy.
DELITA: The High Priest's already decided. No need to worry.
GOLTANA: Thanks for your trouble. I will grant you command over the Nanten Knights. You will become a Holy Knight.
DELITA: I appreciate your kindness!
GOLTANA: I'm counting on you, Delita. I know I can trust you.
[Delita lowers his gaze.]
DELITA: I won't let you down.