『Ambitions of Dycedarg: Rofel came to the Beoulve family for mediation of the war. But Rofel's plea for revenge against the Church was denied by Dycedarg. Rofel questioned Dycedarg on the death of Balbanes, who pressured the Church. As he questioned, Rofel left the 'Capricorn' stone.』
[The scene is a room at Igros Castle, where Dycedarg and the shrine knight Rofel sit across from one another at a table.]ROFEL: I see you have no intention of agreeing with our arbitration.
DYCEDARG: That's right. His Excellency's wish to unify the kingdoms... Rather, until King Orinas is recognized as the true king, we won't stop fighting. As long as the Beoulves lives, we won't give up.
ROFEL: Who do you think let you assassinate Duke Larg?
DYCEDARG: What a thing to say... Larg was killed by someone sent by the Nanten. Or... are you saying you sent the assassin...?
ROFEL: So you're definitely not going to cooperate?
DYCEDARG: If we wanted to, we could easily beat you. Don't forget that...
ROFEL: 'Us'? Do you remember what the 'poison' was that took out the Hokuten?
DYCEDARG: I think it was extracted from Mosfungus...
ROFEL: Right. Unless you take large doses, it won't kill you. But even small amounts over a long time, can be deadly.
ROFEL: Over time, you develop symptoms similar to a cold. You're not fully aware of your conditions until it's too late...
ROFEL: Didn't your father die from cold complications?
DYCEDARG: What are you saying?
ROFEL: I heard you know a lot about poison...
[There is an awkward pause.]
DYCEDARG: So...what are you saying?
ROFEL: If you bury a body with Mosfungus... The Mosfungus begins to grow out of the body. Did you know that?
ROFEL: Such trivial things... Oh yeah, I've got something for you from the High Priest.
[Rofel places a deep green gemstone on the table.]
DYCEDARG: What's this?
ROFEL: It's a holy Zodiac Stone, from Murond. He'd like you to have this to show his trust in you...
[The stone shimmers in the candlelight. The scene shifts to show the other side of the chamber's door, where Zalbag stands eavesdropping.]