『Men of odd appearance: Vormav was at Limberry the castle of Marquis Elmdor. During the meeting with Vormav, the Marquis spoke of his goal to 'Revive the '.Bloody Angel''. That was why Alma was necesssary. News of your arrival was announced. To welcome you, the Marquis headed for the entrance. 』
[Somewhere within Limberry Castle, Elmdor and Vormav hold council. They sit at a long table before a roaring fire.]ELMDOR: Velius and Queklain are both gone... We're the only ones alive now. Adramelk's caught in the 'loophole'...
[Vormav turns to him.]
VORMAV: Don't worry about him. He'll soon be summoned to the 'other side'...
ELMDOR: Did they find a suitable 'body' for him?
VORMAV: Yes, the Zodiac Stone chose one. Just as 'they' chose 'us', the stones will choose the 'body'.
[Elmdor stands and walks to a window.]
ELMDOR: Really... Now we have to bring back 'Bloody Angel', using the 'Ultimate Power'... Then even without the stones or a suitable 'body', we can come and go at will. Did they find a good 'body' for 'Angel'? Don't tell me it's that girl...
[Elmdor looks back to Vormav as he speaks.]
VORMAV: There's only one 'body' suitable for 'Angel'...That girl. Now we must find the "Way to the Dead City".
[Celia teleports into the room, kneeling before Elmdor.]
CELIA: He's here.
[Lede likewise appears.]
LEDE: I lured him into the castle. What shall I do with him?
ELMDOR: I've been waiting for you, Ramza. Payback time for what happened at Riovanes...
[Vormav turns to him.]
VORMAV: Be careful, he's strong. He even beat Velius.
ELMDOR: Don't worry about me. Let me handle it. Go find the "Way to the Dead City".
VORMAV: Ok. Be careful.
[Vormav vanishes. Elmdor turns to the two women.]
ELMDOR: Alright, I'm going!