『Funeral's final moments: Losing many allies, and having many stones sotlen, Vormav commenced an attack on Funeral. It is said the gat to Murond, where St. Ajora rests, is through the underground library of the Monastery. The knights finished the High Priest, who begged for life. They headed for the Monastery.』
[The scene is the high cathedral in Murond. Bodies of clerics litter the floor. Vormav leans against Pope Funeral, his sword in his breast, while Kletian and Rofel stand nearby.]FUNERAL: You're...betraying...me...
[Vormav pulls away his blade. There is an arc of blood as Funeral collapses to his knees.]
VORMAV: If you'd confessed all, I'd have kept you alive. I didn't mean to take such drastic measures, but I don't have much time left.
FUNERAL: Wha,What do you mean?
VORMAV: I was going along with you to get the Zodiac Stones... But now that the kid took most of them, it was all for nothing.
FUNERAL: S...Spare me...
VORMAV: That wound is deep, but not fatal. If you treat it soon, you'll be ok. Now, if you value your life, tell me where the entrance to Murond is!!
FUNERAL: Orbonne...A sealed Magic Square at the bottom of the underground library.
VORMAV: How do I break the seal?
FUNERAL: I don't know...it might be written in the scriptures.
[Funeral, still kneeling, pulls away from Vormav.]
VORMAV: That kid again!
[Rofel steps forward behind Funeral. Vormav looks to him.]
VORMAV: I'm through with you.
[Vormav and Kletian walk away. Funeral reaches after them.]
FUNEBRIS: Please...spare me.
[Rofel takes his sword and drives it through Funeral's back, pinning him to the floor.]