『The Godless Thief: I headed to Dorter, sensing a connection between the Zodiac Stones and therecent rash of robberies targeting members of the clergy there, only to fall into a trap set by bounty hunters pursuing the thief. It was then I met the sky pirate named Balthier. 』
[The camera pans through the desolation of the Dorter slums. Eventually Ramza is shown walking through the streets.]RAMZA: A godless thief with designs upon the Church vaults. Could it be he seeks the stones? The road to auracite is barred by Templar swords. But it is the same road that leads to Alma.
[The screen turns white, and we see Alma, back turned. She looks over her shoulder as the scene turns back to Ramza, marching forward with a determined look.]
RAMZA: I will walk whatever road I must to see you free.
[As Ramza passes by a building, we see a thief lying in wait, dagger drawn. He begins to move as Ramza passes. Ramza turns suddenly as two brigands move to attack, parrying a blow with his sword.]
RAMZA: Even if it means walking headlong into a trap!
[A fight ensues with three men (the thief, a monk, and an archer) surrounding Ramza and battling him with blades.]
THIEF: He took the bait!I told you he would!
[The archer turns to his fellows.]
ARCHER: We've got the wrong man. This one's not the thief! But he's still a heretic!
[There is a sudden shift to Ramza's face, then to the back of the alley where a gun is shown firing. The scene shifts to show the battle from above as the thief falls to the ground, his arm grazed.]
[We see the lower half of a man confronting the brigands.]
BALTHIER: Your mistakes were twofold, I'm afraid.
[The camera pans across the barrel of the man's gun. It then shows his chest and his extended arm.]
BALTHIER: You sprung your trap without looking to see if the game you hunted was the one you'd snare. And you sold me short. I'm no thief.
[We see the lower half of Balthier's face as he speaks. The camera finally shifts to show him head on as he pulls back his gun.]
BALTHIER: I'm a sky pirate.
[The view shifts behind Balthier's legs and see the archer once again.]
ARCHER: It's him!
[We return to Balthier, jovial, gun slung over his shoulder. He gestures towards the assembled men.]
BALTHIER: Now that we've dispensed with the pleasantries. Tell me where I'll find the Cache of Glabados.
[The shot changes to show Ramza's face again.]
RAMZA: The Cache of Glabados?
[The camera shifts again and we see the thief pulling himself upright as he speaks.]
THIEF: Two heretics instead of one. Rum luck, I say! We'll claim the bounty for them both!
[The shot changes to show Balthier's lower body and hand.]
BALTHIER: Oh, you'll have your reward for finding me.
[We see Balthier approach the bandits.]
BALTHIER: And don't think about running off without collecting. My shot is faster.
[Balthier faces the camera head on again, drawing his gun once more.]
BALTHIER: Or my name's not Balthier.
BALTHIER: They've numbers, if nothing else. Perhaps a brief alliance is in order? One hand washes the other and all that.
RAMZA: I'll certainly not object!