『A Voice From the Past: Beowulf and Reis were homeward bound when a mysterious knight appeared, spiriting Reis away to Lionel Castle. Awaiting her there was Celebrant Bremondt, the man who had exiled Beowulf out of jealousy over Reis. The knight seemed to have some connection to Beowulf as well. 』
[Beowulf and Reis stand atop a ruined set of fortifications, looking out into the distance.]REIS: The fields of Lionel unfold on the horizon--the grass and soil of our homeland.
[Reis lowers her head.]
REIS: Forgive me, Beowulf. For me, you've forfeited so much. You now even bear the heretic's brand. We cannot return home.
[Beowulf turns to Reis.]
BEOWULF: There's naught to forgive. 'Twas Bremondt whose deeds were ill, and those I am not of a mind to pardon. I've grown accustomed to this vagrant life. It is not Lionel's fields I love. So long as you are with me, Reis, I am home.
[Reis turns to him.]
REIS: My love...
BEOWULF: We're like to be departing soon. I had best go and see if my help is needed.
[Beowulf begins to depart. Suddenly, there is the sound of magic behind him.]
REIS: What do you-? Release me!
[There is a thud. Reis screams. Beowulf turns.]
[He rushes back towards where he and Reis stood. A man in similar garb to his own waits him there. Reis is gone.]
BEOWULF: Ser Aliste!!
[The man turns to him.]
ALISTE: We meet again, Beowulf. I know not how you managed to free Reis of her curse, but Celebrant Bremondt bids me extend his deepest gratitude.
BEOWULF: Where is she? What have you done with her!?
ALISTE: Come now, there's no need to lose your composure. The girls sleeps peacefully. And when she awakens, she'll be safely within the keep of Lionel Castle, where Celebrant Bremondt awaits her.
BEOWULF: Return her at once, ere I draw my blade!
ALISTE: Are you sure you wish to do that? My men are loyal, yes, but I cannot say what they might do to your sweet Reis should I fail to return. If you would have her back, you'd best make for the castle.
[Aliste turns to leave.]
BEOWULF: Ser Aliste, wait! What has become of you? You were once my ally, and hers! Why now this?
[Aliste looks back to him.]
ALISTE: You know nothing, Beowulf. Have you no knowledge of the bounty on your own head? 'Tis sum enough to make a man forget allegiance. Add Bremondt's reward to that, and you've one enough to make a man forsake it altogether!
[He turns away once more.]
ALISTE: I shall guarantee Reis's safety until such time as you arrive. If harm should befall her, we lose our only hold on you. In the meantime, take care to guard your own neck. That head of yours is worth more than most men can even dream of.
[He teleports away.]
BEOWULF: Reis...wait for me.