Scroll Button


[The tutorial begins on the party formation screen.]

INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: May I begin? Let me explain what you'll see and can do on the Formation'screen [sic].To get to the screen, access the Menu by pressing the △ button on the World map. Select 'Formation' and this screen will appear. Let's look at various information on the screen. Once in the screen, your party lineup will appear. Use the cursor to check the status of each unit.

[Red circles highlight the first unit and his status screen.]

On this screen, you can see each unit, check their status briefly using the cursor. You can change the parameter settings below the units with the L2·R2 buttons.

[The view swtiches between various units.]

This shows the general party status. So far so good?

Then let's proceed.

Here, press the ○ button for a detailed status check.

[The view switches to the first unit's status screen.]

Press the ○ button again and the Job Status of all changeable Jobs will appear.

[The view swtiches to the first unit's job status screen.]

Press the ○ button again and the Ability Status of all Jobs will appear.

[The view swtiches to the first unit's abilities for the Squire job class.]

You can change a unit's Ability with the Direction keys.

[The screen cycles through the various ability subcategories.]

That's what you can check on this screen. In the detailed status screen you can look at each unit by pressing the L1·R1 buttons. Like this...

[The view cycles through the status screens of multiple units.]

Now I'll explain the commands on the formation screen. On the detailed status screen, the formation menu appears by pushing △ button.

[The formation menu appears.]

Here is the formation menu.

[A red circle appears around the 'Item' option.]

'Item' lets you equip and arrange items you have.

[A red circle appears around the 'Ability' option.]

'Ability' lets you learn and set new Abilities for the next battle.

[A red circle appears around the 'Change Job' option.]

You'll get various Jobs by gaining experience. When changing Jobs, consider your allies' roles for the next battle.

[A red circle appears around the 'Remove Unit' option.]

Cut off monsters and bad soldiers with 'Remove unit'.

[A red circle appears around the 'Order Unit' option.]

'Arrange Unit' lets you arrange the units in parameter order on the lineup screen. This is how it works.

[The screen changes to show various different ways in which units may be ordered.]

For battle prepartion, 'Item' and 'Ability' are best. You need to fully understand the various parameters of the status. Next, I'll show you what each parameter means, how to equip... how to learn Abilities and what you need to use the Abilities.

[Various menus close, returning the view to the party formation screen.]

Face battles fully prepared and you should be able to win. Remember the situations, know yourself and learn the proper preparation method. That's all for today.

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