[The tutorial begins on a mock battlefield. A ninja faces off against a wizard.]
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: May I begin? The topic is 'Charge Time Battle' which controls the flow of the battle. The battle progresses as fighters perform their Moves and Acts. We call their Moves and Acts order AT (Active Turn). AT order is determined by a rule. That rule is called 'Charge Time Battle' (CTB). Under CTB, AT comes around after a charge is completed. See whether the charge's been completed by looking at the CT (Charge Time) gauge. The CT gauge appears under HP-MP in the status.
[The cursor moves over the ninja and shows his stats.]
The item on the bottom left side of status is CT. It's AT when the gauge is charged and reaches 100. AT lets you Move and Act. CT charge is done on every unit with the same timing. But the charge amounts differ one to another. Since charge amounts differ, AT order's not uniform. Let me explain about CT.
[The view changes to the ninja's detailed status screen.]
This is the Status Detail for the unit. Refer to the left side of the panel in the middle. See 'Speed' in the lower part?
[The cursor moves to Speed.]
The charge amount is based on Speed, and CT is charged by Speed value. Which means it's faster to finish charging if your Speed value is high.
[The unit's status screen closes.]
Speed represents the unit's 'quickness'.
NINJA: The Speed for this unit is 9
[The cursor shifts to the wizard.]
WIZARD: This one is 6.
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: Let's see what happens to their CT.
[There is a demonstration of the game clock incrementing as each unit's CT increases.]
As you can see, the unit with Speed 9 turns into AT faster than the other. During battle, you won't see the counter. Which means there's no waiting time for the next AT unit. That's all for CT charge. The charge amount increases with Speed value. Once it reaches 100, then it's AT. Remember higher Speed, means it's quicker. And that's CT, a tool that determines AT order. However, it's a hassle to check CT each time you want to know AT order. So this's an easier way to check AT order. [The cursor moves to the ninja. The battle menu opens and it moves to 'Wait.']
Look at the status at the bottom of the screen. The number on the left of the / is AT order. The right is the total number of the units on the field. Line the cursor to the unit, and you can see the expected AT order at that time. By 'expected' I mean the CT charge occurs irregularly at times. Like when 'Wait' is selected. 'Wait' is for when you decide not to either Move or Act, or both and ends AT. Normally when AT ends, charging for the next AT begins. * But when you end AT with 'Wait', the charge begins from 40 or 20. If you 'Wait' neither Moving or Acting, charging begins from 40. If you 'Wait' after either Move or Act, charging begins from 20. Which means it's shorter until the next AT. That's why the AT order is 'expected'. Controlling the AT order by 'Wait' for a better situation can be a good strategy. The Speed value charges the CT. Which means that the * greater the Speed value, the faster you are. Remember this and you should create a good situation. That's it.
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: May I begin? The topic is 'Charge Time Battle' which controls the flow of the battle. The battle progresses as fighters perform their Moves and Acts. We call their Moves and Acts order AT (Active Turn). AT order is determined by a rule. That rule is called 'Charge Time Battle' (CTB). Under CTB, AT comes around after a charge is completed. See whether the charge's been completed by looking at the CT (Charge Time) gauge. The CT gauge appears under HP-MP in the status.
[The cursor moves over the ninja and shows his stats.]
The item on the bottom left side of status is CT. It's AT when the gauge is charged and reaches 100. AT lets you Move and Act. CT charge is done on every unit with the same timing. But the charge amounts differ one to another. Since charge amounts differ, AT order's not uniform. Let me explain about CT.
[The view changes to the ninja's detailed status screen.]
This is the Status Detail for the unit. Refer to the left side of the panel in the middle. See 'Speed' in the lower part?
[The cursor moves to Speed.]
The charge amount is based on Speed, and CT is charged by Speed value. Which means it's faster to finish charging if your Speed value is high.
[The unit's status screen closes.]
Speed represents the unit's 'quickness'.
NINJA: The Speed for this unit is 9
[The cursor shifts to the wizard.]
WIZARD: This one is 6.
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: Let's see what happens to their CT.
[There is a demonstration of the game clock incrementing as each unit's CT increases.]
As you can see, the unit with Speed 9 turns into AT faster than the other. During battle, you won't see the counter. Which means there's no waiting time for the next AT unit. That's all for CT charge. The charge amount increases with Speed value. Once it reaches 100, then it's AT. Remember higher Speed, means it's quicker. And that's CT, a tool that determines AT order. However, it's a hassle to check CT each time you want to know AT order. So this's an easier way to check AT order. [The cursor moves to the ninja. The battle menu opens and it moves to 'Wait.']
Look at the status at the bottom of the screen. The number on the left of the / is AT order. The right is the total number of the units on the field. Line the cursor to the unit, and you can see the expected AT order at that time. By 'expected' I mean the CT charge occurs irregularly at times. Like when 'Wait' is selected. 'Wait' is for when you decide not to either Move or Act, or both and ends AT. Normally when AT ends, charging for the next AT begins. * But when you end AT with 'Wait', the charge begins from 40 or 20. If you 'Wait' neither Moving or Acting, charging begins from 40. If you 'Wait' after either Move or Act, charging begins from 20. Which means it's shorter until the next AT. That's why the AT order is 'expected'. Controlling the AT order by 'Wait' for a better situation can be a good strategy. The Speed value charges the CT. Which means that the * greater the Speed value, the faster you are. Remember this and you should create a good situation. That's it.