Congratulations! You've found the secret Vagrant Story portion of the website. It's about booze! Below is a list of recipes for the cocktails that lend their names to Vagrant Story's weaponry.
(If you managed to find this part of the site, you should e-mail me with more cool ideas for Vagrant Story content so that I can use this sick page layout for more than one page.)
FANDANGO (Ashley Riot's Scimitar)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Nick & Nora
Garnish: Mint
- 3/4 fl. oz. dry gin
- 3/4 fl. oz. vodka
- 3/4 fl. oz. yellow chartreuse
- 3/4 fl. oz. cold water (omit if using wet ice)
Instructions: Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.
CZARINE (Sydney Losstarot's Sword)
From Food & Wine
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: n/a
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. frozen vodka
- 1/2 fl. oz. dry vermouth
- 2 1/2 tsps. apricot liquor
- Dash of Angostura bitters
- Cracked ice
Instructions: Fill a pint glass with cracked ice. Add all of the remaining ingredients and stir well. Strain the drink into a chilled coupe. Unlike the actual sword, this is a treat the game won't prevent you from enjoying.
PUSSYFOOT (Jan Rosencrantz's Khora)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Collins Glass
Garnish: Orange Slice
- 7 fresh mint leaves
- 4 fl. oz. orange juice (freshly squeezed)
- 1/2 fl. oz. lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
- 1/2 fl. oz. lime juice (freshly squeezed)
- 1/2 fl. oz. grenadine
- 1 fresh egg yolk
Instructions: Shake ingredients with ice and then strain back into shaker. Dry shake (without ice) and then strain into ice-filled Collins glass.
MAGNOLIA FRAU (Duane's Staff)
From Mr. Boston Drinks (as "Magnolia Maiden")
Glass: Old-Fashioned
Garnish: n/a
- 1 1/4 fl. oz. bourbon
- 1 1/4 fl. oz. Mandarine Napoleon
- 1 splash simple syrup
- 1 splash club soda
Instructions: Shake bourbon, Mandarine Napolean, and syrup with crushed ice. Strain into ice-filled old-fashioned glass. Top with club soda.
SHILLELAGH (Grissom's Staff, English)
From Mr. Boston Drinks (as "Irish Shillelagh")
Glass: Irish Coffee Glass
Garnish: Fresh raspberries and strawberries, two peach slices, maraschino cherry
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. Irish whiskey
- 1 fl. oz. light rum
- 1/2 fl. oz. sloe gin
- 1 fl. oz. lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
- 1/2 fl. oz. simple syrup
- 1 fresh egg yolk
Instructions: Shake with ice and strain into ice-filled Irish coffee glass. Add garnish.
SHAMROCK (Grissom's Staff, Japanese)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Green Olive or Mint Leaf
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. Irish whiskey
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. dry vermouth
- 1/4 fl. oz. green chartreuse
- 1/4 fl. oz. creme de menthe
- 1/4 fl. oz. chilled water (omit if using wet ice)
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into chilled glass.
DIKI DIKI (Neesa's Hammer)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Sugar rim
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. Calvados
- 1 fl. oz. Swedish Punsch liquor
- 1 fl. oz. pink grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed)
Instructions: Shake with ice and fine strain into ice-filled glass.
BLACKTHORN (Tieger's Balbriggan)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Orange zest twist
- 1 fl. oz. dry gin
- 1 fl. oz. sloe gin
- 1/4 fl. oz. dry vermouth
- 1/4 fl. oz. sweet vermouth
- Dash of Angostura bitters
- Dash of orange bitters
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into chilled glass.
A corcesca found in the Abandoned Mines (Acolyte's Burial Vault)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Lemon zest twist
- 1 fl. oz. scotch whiskey
- 1 fl. oz. camadaro
- 1 fl. oz. dry vermouth
- Dash of Angostura bitters
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into chilled glass.
A balbriggan found in the Limestone Quarry (Excavated Hollow)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Orange zest twist or apple slice on rim or floated dehydrated apple slice
- 1 fl. oz. gin
- 1 fl. oz. calvados
- 1 fl. oz. apricot liquor
- 1/3 fl. oz. chilled water
Instructions: Stir with ice and fine strain into chilled glass.
The rhomphaia equipped by Nightstalker
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Cordial or Pony
Garnish: Orange zest twist or apple slice on rim or floated dehydrated apple slice
- 1/4 fl. oz. white crème de cacao
- 1/4 fl. oz. sloe gin
- 1/4 fl. oz. brandy
- 1/4 fl. oz. half-and-half
Instructions: Float each ingredient in order given, over the back of a barspoon into a chilled glass, such that each ingredient layers on preceding one.
The katana equipped by a Dark Crusader
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Cordial or Pony
Garnish: n/a
- 1/2 fl. oz. white crème de cacao
- 1/2 fl. oz. brandy
- 1/2 fl. oz. half-and-half
Instructions: Float each ingredient in order given, over the back of a barspoon into a chilled glass, such that each ingredient layers on preceding one.
A double blade found in the Iron Maiden (The Branks)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Martini
Garnish: Orange Twist
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. triple sec
- 1 fl. oz. vodka
- 1/2 fl. oz. lemon juice
- 1/3 fl. oz. chilled water
Instructions: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.
A double blade found in the Escapeway (Where Body and Soul Part)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Flute
Garnish: Peach Slice
- 2 fl. oz. peach puree
- 1/3 fl oz. peach schnapps
- 1/4 fl. oz. lemon juice
- 2 fl. oz. Prosecco sparkling wine
Instructions: Shake first three ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass charged with Prosecco.
A griever found in the Iron Maiden (The Wheel)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Celery, Salt Rim
- 2 fl. oz. vodka
- 4 fl oz. cold beef boullion
- 1/2 fl. oz. lemon juice
- 3 dashes Wochestershire sauce
- 3 dashes hot sauce
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 grind pepper
Instructions: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass.
A firangi found in the Snowfly Forest (Hewn from Nature)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Orange Zest Twist
- 1 1/2 fl. oz. cognac
- 3/4 fl oz. Calvados
- 3/4 fl. oz. vermouth
- Dash of orange bitters
Instructions: Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass. (Note: This is but one of many variants on Corpse Reviver drinks, commonly called Corpse Reviver No. 1)
A Holy Win dropped by a Last Crusader in Tormentum Insomniae
From Crystal Mixer
Glass: n/a
Garnish: Redcurrants, Chocolate Flakes, Mint Leaf.
- 2/3 fl. oz vodka
- 5/6 fl. oz chocolate liqueur
- 2/3 fl. oz cherry syrup
- 1/6 fl. oz hazelnut syrup
Instructions: Mix ingredients in a blender and pour into a cocktail glass.
An executioner found in the Limestone Quarry (Companions in Arms)
From iDrink
Glass: n/a
Garnish: n/a
- 1 2/3 fl. oz Blue Curacao
- 1 2/3 fl. oz Cola
- 1 fl. oz gin
- 1 fl. oz Southern Comfort
- 1 dash Tabasco
Instructions: Shake and drink.
A footman's mace found in the Abandoned Mines (Suicidal Desires)
From iDrink
Glass: n/a
Garnish: Orange or Lemon Peel
- 2 fl. oz gin
- 8 fl. oz beer
Instructions: Stir together ingredients.
A rhomphaia wielded by the Last Crusader in the Hall of Prayer
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Mint Leaf
- 1 2/3 fl. oz gin
- 3/4 fl. oz lemon juice
- 1/12 fl. oz creme de menthe
- 1/2 fl. oz rich simple syrup
- Dash of Angostura bitters
- 3 drops saline solution
Instructions: Shake with ice and strain into chilled glass.
A falchion found in the Town Center (Gharmes Walk)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Orange Slice
- 1 2/3 fl. oz bourbon
- 1 2/3 fl. oz orange juice
- 1 2/3 fl. oz ginger ale
Instructions: Pour ingredients into glass and fill with ice.
A schiavona found in the Limestone Quarry (Bonds of Friendship)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Lemon Twist
- 5/6 fl. oz tequila
- 5/6 fl. oz orange curacao
- 1 fl. oz dry vermouth
- 1/12 fl. oz mezcal
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into chilled glass.
A falchion found in the Undercity (Weapons Not Allowed)
From The Spruce
Glass: Highball
Garnish: Mint sprig
- 2 tsp. superfine sugar
- 6-8 mint leaves
- 2-3 fl. oz club soda
- juice from one lime
- 2 fl. oz light rum
Instructions: Muddle mint leaves with sugar and splash of soda. Add lime juice, then rum, then top with ice and remaining club soda.
A goblin club found in the Catacombs (Rodent-Ridden Chamber)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Nick & Nora
Garnish: Dusting of Nutmeg and Peychard's Bitters
- 1 fl. oz creme de noyau liquor
- 1 fl. oz creme de cacao
- 1 1/2 fl. oz single cream / half and half
Instructions: Shake with ice and fine strain into chilled glass.
A spear found in the Wine Cellar (Hero's Winehall)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Old-Fashioned
Garnish: Lemon Zest Twist
- 1 fl. oz blended scotch whiskey
- 1/2 fl. oz Drambuie liquor
- 1 1/2 fl. oz single cream / half and half
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into ice-filled glass.
A gastraph bow found in the Wine Cellar (The Reckoning Room)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Mint Sprigs
- 1 1/2 fl. oz gin
- 1/2 fl. oz Maraschino liquor
- 1/3 fl. oz pink grapefruit juice
- 1/3 fl. oz. cold water (omit if using wet ice)
Instructions: Stir with ice and strain into ice-filled glass.
A broad sword found in the Catacombs (Lamenting Mother)
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Collins
Garnish: n/a
- 5 fl. oz beer
- 5 fl. oz ginger ale
Instructions: Pour into glass and stir.
A bastard sword found in the Iron Maiden (The Judas Cradle)
From Savoy Stomp
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: n/a
- 1 dash lemon juice
- 2 dashes apricot brandy
- 1 fl. oz applejack or calvados
- 1 fl. oz rum
Instructions: Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
A scramasax found in the Catacombs (Bandit's Hideout)
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: n/a
- 1 1/2 tsps. orange juice
- 1 1/2 tsps. Dubonnet
- 3/4 fl. oz dry nermouth
- 3/4 fl. oz bourbon
Instructions: Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass.
A guisarme found in the Abandoned Mines (Miners' Resting Hall)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Old-Fashioned
Garnish: Mint Sprigs
- 2 fl. oz cognac
- 3/4 fl. oz creme de menthe
Instructions: Shake all ingredients and strain into glass with crushed ice.
A hand axe found in the Wine Cellar (Worker's Breakroom)
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: n/a
- 1 1/2 fl. oz vodka
- 3/4 fl. oz kummel
- Juice of 1/2 lime
Instructions: Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass.
A voulge found in the Abandoned Mines (Mining Regrets)
From Mr. Boston Drinks
Glass: Old-Fashioned
Garnish: n/a
- 1 scoop ice cream
- 1 fl. oz gin
- Juice of 1/2 lime
Instructions: Shake until thoroughly mixed and add water or sauterne if the mixture if too thick.
A morning star found in the Limestone Quarry (Stone and Sulfurous Fire)
From Difford's Guide
Glass: Coupe
Garnish: Lemon Zest Twist
- 1 2/3 fl. oz gin
- 3/4 fl. oz triple sec
- 3/4 fl. oz lemon juice
- 1/6 fl. oz rich simple syrup
- 3 drops saline solution
- 1/2 fl. oz egg white or aquafaba
Instructions: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain back into shaker. Dry shake and fine strain into chilled glass.
A bec de corbin found in the Escapeway (Buried Alive)
From Great British Food Awards
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Lemon Peel Rose
- 1 fl. oz gin
- 1 fl. oz white port
- 1 fl. oz dry vermouth
- 3 dashes orange bitters
Instructions: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain back into shaker. Dry shake and fine strain into chilled glass.