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Below are an assortment of links to Vagrant Story fansites and fan content.

Sites with substantial amounts of text are marked as either Japanese (JP) or English (EN). Sites that are still live instead of being archived are marked with an angel (Angel).

A banner for the site Altitc
ENAltistic; an archived website with a ton of art and Vagrant Story WinAmp skins.

A banner for the site Basia A banner for the site King of the Lords
JPBasia and King of the Lords; lots of Vagrant Story art, with a lot of content for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

A banner for the site Momentary Lapse
ENMomentary Lapse; fic and art.

A banner for the site Rood Awakening
ENRood Awakenings; a fansite featuring both art and fic for Vagrant Story.

ENThe Last Blessing: a webshrine dedicated to Grissom.