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Neato places you can travel to on the information superhighway.

Sites with substantial amounts of text are marked as either Japanese (JP) or English (EN). Sites that are still live instead of being archived are marked with an angel (Angel).

If you're interested in finding links that are either far more or far less family friendly, consult the mystical updates page crystal for the former and the contact page's tiny Delita for the latter.

FFT Art Sites | FFT Fic Sites | FFT Doujinshi | FFT Music | Other FFT Pages | Unions, Alliances, and Webrings (Dead) | Unions, Alliances, and Webrings (Live) | Other Video Game Sites | Other Active Modern Day Square-Enix Fansites | Just Cool Stuff | Linking to Me


A banner for the site 256c
JP256c; website of Sarumata Kumi; contains a few FFT pieces, most of which are only available on archived versions of the site [Archived FFT works: ]

A banner for the site 9616
JPAngel9616; website with very nice art of female characters (mostly generic job classes) [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Astroscope
JPAngelAstro Scope; website of artist Ai Yuduki; has some nice FFT works [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Avalanche
JPAngelAvalanche; a fanart site with a lot of cartoony/sketchy pictures, many of which feature FFT characters [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Basia A banner for the site King of the Lords
JPBasia and King of the Lords; two interlinked sites containing some great FFT oekaki art and a lot of written contentby maisa, who has some stellar taste in ships/fic that comes across even via machine translation; also contains a lot of Vagrant Story stuff.

A banner for the site Cross Road
JPCross Road; an FFT site with a few pieces of nice fanart [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site demi-paradise
JPDemi-Paradise, archived website for the doujin circle 進化論; lots of Olan x Balmafula work [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Final Final Fantasy
JPFinal Fantasy Fantasy; archived website of doujinka Ruri Hinayuki; lots of gorgeous Delita x Ramza art [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Forbidden Heart
JPFORBIDDEN HEART; website of Tsukasa Akizuki; contains a large amount of Delita/Ramza, Mustadio/Malak, and Ramza/Luso art

A banner for the site H
JPH; archived website of Hana Sono; has several nice FFT pieces [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Ha-Ya-Me
JPAngelHa-Ya-Me: A tumblr full of artwork from a variety of Final Fantasy games; has a fair amount of FFT art

A banner for the site Japonica Scarlet Butterfly
JPJaponica Scarlet Butterfly; archived website of Aspara; lots of watercolor style artwork [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Kenshou Dojo
ENAngelKenshou Dojo; an art site with a Final Fantasy Tactics section [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Kuronekan
JPKURONEKAN; archived website of doujinka Hirosato Shinozaki; lots of Olan Durai pieces [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Kyle's Garden
JPKyle's Garden; previously Mother Goose; home to a lot of gorgeous, fairy-talesque artwork for FFT and FF6 [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Lawless Area
JPLAWLESS AREA; website with cute art for both FF6 and FFT; the latter features a lot of pieces featuring the Beoulves and Tingels

A banner for the site leaf
JPleaf; archived website of Kaori Aisaki; lots of Olan and Delita pieces [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Miel the Ninja
JPAngelMiel the Ninja: An artist's blog with a lot of cool FFT pieces [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Okoanism
JPAngelOkoanism; an artist's blog that features a good amount of FFT fanart [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Perspective from White
JPPerspective From White; a site with some fanart and some (sadly no longer accessible) MIDIs. Contains a lot of pictures of Altima [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Petit Pois
ENPetit Pois; the former fansite of Akane, which houses a nice FFT section with both observations on the original game's translation and some very cute pieces of art [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Pochi Pochi Potty
JPPochi Pochi Potty; a site with both video game fanart and original artwork, which has a fair number of FFT pieces. [ Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Pumpkinhead
JPThe Pumpkinhead oekaki board, which hosted a massive amount of FFT and FFTA art. Corpse Brigade presently hosts an archive of image links.

A banner for the site Red Wing Team
AngelRed Wing Team; a Chinese art site with some FFT art for Agrias, Lavian, and Alicia [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Rodo de Estrela
JPAngelRodo de Estrella; Aubergine's site--lots of original artwork in addition to some very cute pieces for both FFTA and FFT [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Sky Lounge
JPSky Lounge; archived website with gorgeous watercolor artworks for FFT and FF12

A banner for the site Toranomaki
JPToranomaki; a site with art for a variety of games. Several FFT pieces featuring Delita and Ovelia can be found here. [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site Toridori
JPAngelToridori; a still live website with a nice collection of FFT art and music remixes [Archived Link]

A banner for the site Toritoto
JPAngelToritoto; an artist's site with some gorgeous FFT pieces and information about FFT doujinshi [Archived Link]

A banner for the site TV CHURCH
JPTV CHURCH; an art site with some nice FFT stuff [Archived works: ]

A banner for the site A Very Pathetic Webpage
ENA Very Pathetic Webpage; a site with a fair amount of Final Fantasy Tactics art and comics

A banner for the site まんにゃのタコ部屋
JPAngel まんにゃのたこ部屋; a personal site with a selection of cute FFT art [Archived Link]

JPFFT Works on ASAME GRAPH: A website dedicated to collecting cool images from oekaki boards

JPBarura Fest: A blog full of Balmafula-related fanworks.

JPAngelCucco: A fanart tumblr with a substantial number of FFT works [Archived Link]

JPAngelWeaving Yarn: The personal website of Akira Furisawa (also on DeviantArt); lots of artwork that often features the sorts of characters who don't feature in a lot of artwork [Archived Link]

JPAngelシャーペンあればいいよもう: An artist's blog with a lot of FFT content, with a lot of comics and images of cute female generic units [Archived Link]


JPAngelRusticana: a Japanese site with a variety of FFT and Vagrant Story fanfiction.

JPAngelでたらめコスモロジー: a Japanese site with a variety of FFT fanfiction.


ENCrystal Palace by Satou Shuko/CCT (Gen | Zalbag, Ramza): Archived scanlation of a doujinshi regarding Zalbag and Ramza's relationship as brothers; link goes directly to download

Hakai by Hanamura Nanto (Gen | Izlude, Wiegraf): An Izlude doujinshi archived by the Izlude Fan Club

Bishonen Squall: Scans of images from numerous doujin, including a couple of Final Fantasy Tactics ones


A banner for the site Thorn
JPAngelThorn; the site of Dynastess, who does a ton of cool remixes of Final Fantasy Tactics (as well as Final Fantasy V) music; you might also want to check out the archived version of their site for some tunes that are no longer up [Archived Link]

JPAngelMusic Fantasy Tactics: a site hosting numerous fanmade remix albums of Final Fantasy Tactics music [Archived Link]

ENAngel FFT Battle Music Project: Jeff Copperthite's Final Fantasy Tactics MIDI arrangements [Archived Link]


A banner for the Professor Davaron Fan Club
EN A humorous fanshrine to Professor Davaron and his notorious awful tutorial dialogue in the PSX translation.

A banner for the site Final Fantasy Tactics Avenue
JP A Japanese fansite with a ton of FFT resources, links, and fan content

A banner for the Pumpkinhead: Unofficial Support Site
JPAngelWhile Pumpkinhead is regretably no more, there is this unoffical support site for it, where you can learn about things like what appears to be an very involved FFT bakery AU. Fun times. [Archived Link]

A banner for the site G's Cemetary
JPA site containing a Japanese transcript of Final Fantasy Tactics, with extensive copies of things like sound novel text, unit messages, tutorials, and work history.

ENAngelAnnals of Enavia: A completed translation of the Enavia Chronicles sound novel by Mátyás Mustoha. A playable online versible is available as well as a full transcript.

JPAngelFFT会話集: Another transcript of the text of Final Fantasy Tactics in the original Japanese [Archived Link]

ENAngelFinal Fantasy Tactics Game Script by TBaatar: A transcript of the translation for the original PSX version of the game

ENFinal Fantasy Tactics: A Knightblade's Guide: A vintage 00s personal site with hot gaming tips

ENFinal Fantasy Tactics: Online Strategy Guide: An online guide to the game, with useful information, tips, and rumors.

ENAngelFinal Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions Game Script by MostSeriousness: A transcript of the translation for the PSP version of the game.

ENFinal Fantasy Tactics: English Compiled Ultimania: A partial fan translation of the game that was abandoned several years ago.

ENAngelFinal Fantasy Tactics Map Viewer: A fanmade map viewer that allows you to view the various in-game maps (as well as some unused maps that didn't make an appearance!)

ENAngel"More Ivalician Letters Deciphered": A transcript of a GameFAQs conversation thread regarding the Ivalician script and how it was deciphered (see Tuffy DaBubba's page below for the resulting font) [Archived Link]

ENAngelProgwin's FFT Site: A fansite with a complete transcript of the original PSX translation (including the Tutorial!) [Archived Link]

ENAngelSugnuf's Final Fantasy Tactics Story Translation: A fan translation of the game that renders the text such that it is more in keeping with the style of the original PSX translation while rendering things more clearly for English speakers.

ENAngelTonberry Factory: A set of English translations of Japanese phrases and content in a variety of games. It has some extensive write ups of propositions and work history for FFT [Archived Link]

ENTuffy DaBubba's FFT Page: An archived site containing translations of three out of four of FFT's sound novels as well as a download of the Ivalician font.


(Not places you can join, but great starting points for surfing old fansites and finding cool graphics.)

icon for the Agrias Fan Union icon for the Agrias Fan Union icon for the Agrias Fan Union icon for the Agrias Fan Union icon for the Agrias Fan Union
JPAgrias Union; still contains a substantial number of art pieces. [Archived FFT works: ]

A banner for the site Holy Angel Union A banner for the site Holy Angel Union
JPHoly Angel Union; archived Japanese fanlisting, which is defunct but still contains a collection of fanart [Archived works: ]

icon for the Izlude Fan Union icon for the Izlude Fan Union icon for the Izlude Fan Union
JPIzlude Union; not a lot here, but still contains a members' list.

icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union icon for the FFT Fan Union
JPFFT Union; still hosts a nice little collection of MIDIs, many of which are now playable on the Music portion of this website

icon for the Mustadio Fan Union icon for the Mustadio Fan Union
JPMustadio Union; not much here, but it existed and there's a link to the remnants of the author's homepage.

icon for the Mustadio Fan Union
JPOeilvert Union; almost nothing here, but it warms my heart so much to know this was a thing.

icon for the Zeltennia Fan Union icon for the Zeltennia Fan Union icon for the Zeltennia Fan Union icon for the Zeltennia Fan Union icon for the Zeltennia Fan Union
JPZeltennia Union; for fans of Ovelia, Delita, Olan, etc... still contains a list of members.

JPHouse Beoulve Union: Not much here except for the list of members.

JPIvalice Union: No list or banners, but it still has some super cool graphics.


(Still live unions and fanlistings with which Corpse Brigade affiliated).

A banner for the fanlisting 'Uncommon King' A banner for the fanlisting 'Forgotten Hero' A banner for the fanlisting 'children's games'


A banner for the site FF Search
JPA general link/search site that's incredibly useful for finding Japanese Final Fantasy fansites.

JPスクウェアゲーム同盟サーチ (Square Game Alliance Website): An archived site for locating Japanese fanlistings and unions.

ENAngelFantasy Anime: A site containing a number of mini shrines to older RPGs (there's a nice one for FFT that includes some great resources, including a comprehensive save state list) [Archived Link]

JPAngelOgre Webbook: A fansite for Yasumi Matsuno's Tactics Ogre series which also contains an extensive Ivalice section [Archived Link]

ENAngelRandom Kingdom Hearts Yaoi Pairing Generator: An archaic ancestor of my own ship generator! [Archived Link]

ENRPG Icons: An archived site for game sprites; has a fairly decent selection of FFT characters


A banner for Chocobo Ranch
ENAngelSuper cute site all about chocobos and chocobo-related collectibles

A banner for Chono Compendium
ENAngelA major hub for Chrono Trigger fandom since 2003; still active 20 years later!

A banner for Alysayle's Final Fantasy Shrine
ENAngelA rad multi-FF fanpage with a number of cool layouts spanning a range of different styles. Tons of fanart. Tons of cool little mock up pages/tribute sites to poke around. Quality content all around.

A banner for the site Mystik Haven
ENAngelA Final Fantasy IX fan site that took a two decade break between updates! Lots of art, fic, gifs, and other content!

Nibelheim: The ShinRa Mansion
ENAngelA gorgeous Vincent Valentine webshrine! Illustrations, doujinshi art, WinAmp skins.

A banner for the site Sygnus Star
ENAngelA network of Final Fantasy IV sites including an archive of fanworks and a completed fan novel!


A banner for the site Anime Web Turnpike
ENAngelAnime Web Turnpike; it's back!

A banner for the site Bonnibel's Graphics
ENAngelBonibel's Graphics; Beautiful beautiful gifs as far as the eye can see.

A banner for the site Eternia
ENAngelEternia; A fun, visually gorgeous personal website with a exstensive section for fanfic reviews (lots of JRPGS works!)

ENDerle Farms: A milk company that knows what true web design looks like.

ENAngelWindows 93: A horrible virus-ridden environment full of garbage tier apps.


If you want to link to Corpse Brigade, feel free to do so! You can use one of the banners below (if you want the old, bigger banner, it's still up here).

A banner for Corpse Brigade. A banner for Corpse Brigade. It features an animation of Algus being punched in the face. A banner for Corpse Brigade. It features an animation of Duke Larg getting stabbed.