Below are transcripts of the three tavern rumors dealing with Ruvelia and her actions.

PSX Translation | PSP Translation. | Original Japanese.


from TBaatar's transcript.

The King Omdoria: There is a great concern over King Omdolia, who collapsed at Prince Orinas birthday celebration. The Board of Chamberlains reported his fever has subsided, but he'll take 3 weeks to recover. It will be several months before he can make any public appearances. But since most public policy is made by Queen Ruvelia, no turmoil is expected.

After the king's death: After the death of King Omdolia, Queen Ruvelia held the reigns of the government. Any officials objecting her policies were ousted, even elder statesmen. The Empress openly criticized the Queen, and was banished to Bunahan, never to return. It is said she was poisoned, but no proof was ever found.

Rescue of Princess Ovelia: Princess Ovelia, abducted from Orbonne Monastery has been safely rescued. The mastermind behind her abduction was Gelwan, a close official to Goltana and Queen Ruvelia. Trying to bring her son to the throne, it was the Queen's plan, to persuade the Minister -But, those supporting the Queen strongly deny these allegations-. Furthermore, the Minister has been already been executed. The one who rescued the Princess was a young Knight named Delita, an assistant Black Sheep Knight under Baron Grims. Recognized for his heroism, he is expected to be the next leader of the Black Sheep now that the seat is vacant since the Baron was killed fighting the "Ryomoku"!

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from Sugnuf's story translation.

King Ondoria III: The health of King Ondoria III has been a subject of concern since his collapse at the birthday celebration of Prince Orinus. The Board of Chamberlains has since announced that the king has regained consciousness and his fever has broken, but will yet require several weeks of quietude and bed rest in order to recover. Many speculate that it may be some months before the king resumes his official duties. However, Queen Louveria and her retainers have long been in charge of most affairs of state, and thus few problems are anticipated during the king's absence.

In the Wake of the King's Demise: Since the death of King Ondoria III, Queen Louveria's campaign to seize total control of the government has proceeded apace. All who oppose her - even members of the Council - are mercilessly stripped of their rank. Even the queenmother, who had openly criticized the actions of her son's wife, was banished to Bunahan, never to return. Her fate is unknown, although some say she was poisoned.

Princess Ovelia Saved: Princess Ovelia, abducted from Orbonne Monaster, has now been rescued. To the shock of many, the culprits were Duke Goltanna's aide Chancellor Glevanne and, it seems, Queen Louveria herself. Rumor holds that the queen instructed the chancellor to dispose of the princess, thus placing her own son next in line for the throne. Chancellor Glevanne has been put to death for the plot, but the queen denies all knowledge of it. The young warrior who saved the princess is said to be a lieutenant in Baron Grimm's Blackram Knights by the name of Delita Heiral. In honor of his achievement, he is expected to be given leadership of the knights in place of Baron Grimms, who was killed in battle against the Order of the Ebon Eye.

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from G's Cemetery.

国王オムドリア3世について: 先日、オリナス王子の誕生会の席で倒れた国王オムドリア3世の容体が心配されている。侍従庁の発表によると、熱が下がり意識は戻ったが、三週間の安静は必要とのこと。公の場に復活するには数ヵ月かかることが予想されている。とはいえもともと国政の大半は王妃のルーヴェリアを中心とした重臣たちが担当しており、大きな混乱はないようだ。

国王の死後: 国王オムドリア3世亡き後、王妃ルーヴェリアによる政治の私物化が進んでいる。自分の方針に異を唱える議員は容赦なくその地位を剥奪され、それが元老院の議員であっても同様だ。王妃に対してその態度を正面から批判していた王太后はブナハンへの蟄居(ちっきょ)を命ぜられ、そのまま帰らぬ人となった。毒殺されたとの噂もあるが定かではない。

王女オヴェリア救出: オーボンヌ修道院より行方不明になっていた王女オヴェリアが無事に救出された。誘拐犯の首謀者はなんと、ゴルターナ公の側近・グルワンヌ大臣と王妃ルーヴェリアであった。実の息子を王位に就けるためオヴェリアを排斥しようとする王妃を大臣がそそのかし、この回の事件に発展したようだ(ただし、王妃側は全面否定をしている)。なお、大臣はすでに処刑されている。ちなみに、王女を救出したのはグリムス男爵配下の黒羊騎士団副官で、ディリータという名の若い騎士。その功績を認められ、“亮目団”との戦いで戦死された男爵の跡を継いで黒羊騎士団の団長に就任する予定だ。

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