『At Igros Castle: After meeting with Dycedarg, you met with your brother, Zalbag and your sister Alma. Zalbag, going after the thieves, claimed a spy heading to Dorter died while collecting information.』
[Ramza, Delita, and Algus walk along a stone bridge in the gardens of Igros. As they pass over the water, Algus stops, hanging his head. Ramza and Delita turn back to look at him.]ALGUS: ...My family was once respected like the Beoulves.
[He turns to look out over the water.]
ALGUS: My grandfather was captured during the Fifty Year War... He sold his friends out to the enemy to save himself. But, as he left the castle, he got stabbed in the back by a cadet just like myself. One of my grandfather's friends managed to escape and spread the story around. Of course my father didn't believe it, but everyone else did, they deserted him...
[He picks up a stone and tosses it into the stream below.]
ALGUS: Rank...Dycedarg would never meet with someone like me...
[He looks down. Everyone turns at the sound of another voice.]
RAMZA: Alma, Zalbag!
[The screen pans to show Zalbag, Alma, and Teta approaching. Alma waves before they walk over.]
ALMA: Brother Ramza. You came back.
RAMZA: Long time no see, brother.
ZALBAG: I heard how you beat the thieves in Gariland. That's worthy of a Beoulve. I'm sure father would've been pleased with you.
RAMZA: ....Thank you.
ZALBAG: Heh...haven't changed a bit. You don't like that much, eh? Delita, you look good. I heard about your role also. Just look how happy Teta is.
[Everyone turns to Teta.]
TETA: Delita, I'm so glad you're doing well.
DELITA: And you also. How is your schooling?
TETA: Fine. Everyone is so nice to me...
[Zalbag turns back to speak to the others.]
ZALBAG: I'd like to talk more with you, but I must hunt down some thieves. Pardon me.
RAMZA: I pray for your victory.
[Zalbag waves towards him as he begins to leave. Then he pauses.]
ZALBAG: ...The Death Corps have demanded a ransom.
ALGUS: What!?
[Zalbag turns back to speak to the others.]
ZALBAG: ...I can't understand it. The Death Corps claim to be anarchists, but they only rob and hurt the nobility. It's hard to believe they would kidnap the Marquis just for money.
ALGUS: Absurd! Why, they're nothing more than knaves, I say!
ZALBAG: The messenger we sent still hasn't returned. He's probably in trouble, but the nobles say there's no need to search for his whereabouts.
RAMZA: Where was he when you last heard from him?
[Zalbag turns away.]
ZALBAG: A trade city called Dorter, east of Gallione... ...Guarding a castle is boring work. Don't you think?
[Zalbag leaves. Algus moves in the other direction as if to depart.]
DELITA: Teta, I'm sorry. We must go.
[He approaches her as she shakes her head.]
TETA: Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself.
[They embrace.]
DELITA: Don't worry. I'll come back safely...so be a good girl.
[Delita moves to follow Algus, Teta following behind him.]
DELITA: Well then, let's go, Algus.
[The three depart. Alma bows her head.]
ALMA: What Teta said is not true. Actually......
RAMZA: Something wrong with Teta?
ALMA: She has been picked on at school because of her rank.
RAMZA: ........
ALMA: Sorry...I shouldn't have worried you like that. Teta will be OK. I'll be there for her. Trust me.
RAMZA: I'm not worried. But don't you overdo it.
ALMA: You're the one going too far to meet their expectations. Just be yourself and don't be restricted by your name.
RAMZA: You sound like our mother. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
[Ramza turns to leave while Alma looks on, a breeze blowing her hair and skirt.]
ALMA: Ramza.....