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[Ramza enters a bar room. Two men nearby, a thief and a squire, are discussing something.]

PATRON #1: Did you notice?

PATRON #2: Notice what? How'm I s'posed to notice if ye don't tell me what it is I'm s'posed to look at?

PATRON #1: The menu, you clod! Take a glimpse.

PATRON #2: The menu? Oh, right. There's some new words on it. 'Me-lee'...And, uh, 'Ren-dez-vous.' What do ye s'pose those are?

[Ramza turns to look at the two men as they speak.]

PATRON #1: Some new manner of challenges, as I hear it. Melee battles are for sparring.

PATRON #2: Sounds like a rum way to test your swordarm.

PATRON #1: Friendly challenges, too - no worries of getting left to feed the worms.

PATRON #2: What about that other one?

PATRON #1: Rendezvous? Well, sometimes people look to hire two groups of adventurers for a job. That's how you meet up with t'other one.

PATRON #2: Ah, so you've to work together with another cull, eh? Not so sure as I could do that.

PATRON #1: Well, there aren't a lot of offers up yet either way. Sure there will be someday, though. Once more people catch wind of the idea, there will probably be some right interesting jobs.

PATRON #2: I s'pose I could try it sometime.

PATRON #1: There's more still. This is the good part. As I'm told, both participants get rewarded - with treasure!

PATRON #2: Why didn't you say that from the start? Let's get going!

RAMZA: Well, first we need to find another group...

[The bartender turns to him.]

TAVERNMASTER: You might give it a try, too, my lord. If you ever have the interest, just say the word.

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