『After Gustav!: Encountering the Death Corps in the Dorter Slums, you found Wiegraf, leader of the Death Corps. After defeating the Corps, you found out where the Marquis was being held. According to the captive, Gustav was behind the abduction of the Marquis. His motive was money...』
[Ramza, Delita, and Algus are in the room of a ruined dwelling, interrogating a captive Death Corps' swordsman.]ALGUS: You must be the Death Corps. Where is the Marquis? Where is he being held? Tell us!!
[The man remains silent.]
ALGUS: Your boss, Wiegraf was just here. Where did he go!?
[Algus shakes a little as he begins to lose his temper.]
ALGUS: Y, you bastard! Say something!!
[He kicks the man in the ribs, and he slumps to the floor. Algus then grabs him by the hair.]
RAMZA: Stop! Algus!
ALGUS: Damn.
[Algus lets go. The man begins to right himself.]
ALGUS: ...Listen carefully. In a moment, the Hokuten will begin to slaughter you. That's right, each of you are going straight to hell. Being a thief sure pays, huh? But you're lucky. You tell us where Wiegraf is going, and I'll let you live, OK?
FENCER OF DEATH CORPS: I don't know a damn thing.
[Algus kicks him to the ground. He falls hard.]
ALGUS: Watch your language! Never talk to nobles like that!
[The fencer crumples.]
FENCER: We're...not thieves.
ALGUS: What did you say!?
FENCER: ...Nobles never change. You think we aren't human. We risk our lives in the War for this country..... But you dumped us afterward. How are we different? Birth? Status? What the hell's rank?
ALGUS: You kidnap people for ransom! So don't act so great!!
FENCER: ...Kidnapping the Marquis was not Mr. Wiegraf's plan.
FENCER: We'd never kidnap a VIP.... for money....
RAMZA: Then, who? Who kidnapped Elmdor?
FENCER: .......
ALGUS: Talk! If it wasn't you, then who else would do it?
FENCER: ....Gustav.
ALGUS: Gustav? Who the hell is he?
DELITA: Gustav Margueriff... Captain of the "Death Corps".
ALGUS: So it WAS you all!
FENCER: No. We're fighting to beat you! We're proud that we fight for equality... We're different from Gustav!
[Algus kicks him to the ground again.]
ALGUS: Proud? Bastards!!
[Ramza gestures emphatically for him to stop.]
RAMZA: Enough, Algus!
[Algus turns to look at him and then turns back to the fencer.]
ALGUS: So, where is this Gustav?
FENCER: .... 'Sand Rat Cellar'.
ALGUS: Sand ra-a-a-ts?
[Delita, who has been leaning against a wall, straightens himself and stands.]
DELITA: Algus may not know what they are since he's not from here. 'Sand Rats' only inhabit the Zeklaus Desert north of Dorter.
[Ramza turns to Delita.]
RAMZA: Was there a village between Dorter and Zeklaus Desert?
DELITA: Not anymore. But there is a place where desert people used to gather...
RAMZA: ...Gustav and the Marquis may be there.
DELITA: Yes, probably.
[Algus turns to Ramza.]
ALGUS: What's that mean??
RAMZA: 'Cellar' means a rat's nest.