『Rescue of Marquis Elmdor: Victorious at the "Desert Rat Hole", you searched for the Marquis in the shack. You find Wiegraf, who was trying to stop Gustav from abducting the Marquis. Gustav criticized Wiegraf and was slain. Wiegraf vanished without harming the Marquis...』
[In the dim light of an abandoned building, Wiegraf faces of against another man in Death Corps colors. The bodies of slain fighters and the bound form of an unconscious nobleman lie upon the floor.]WIEGRAF: Gustav, why don't you give up?
GUSTAV: Your revolution can never succeed!! What we need is food and a place to sleep, not ideas! And we need it now!!
WIEGRAF: You only see the present. You have to fix the basics!
GUSTAV: And you think you'll do that? I don't think so, Wiegraf. Never!
[Wiegraf draws closer.]
WIEGRAF: Is that all you want to say? Gustav, good-bye.
[Wiegraf lowers his blade, drawing Gustav into a desperate swing. He misses. Wiegraf moves from dodging it straight to running the man through.]
GUSTAV: Ugh...u...
[Wiegraf removes his blade from Gustav's body and he slumps to the floor. He turns just as Ramza, Delita, and Algus arrive.]
RAMZA: Wiegraf!!
[Algus looks to the unconscious man on the ground.]
ALGUS: Marquis!!
[He moves forward and Wiegraf holds up his sword.]
WIEGRAF: Freeze!
ALGUS: You bastard!!!
DELITA: Stop it, Algus.
WIEGRAF: The Marquis is all right. Take him back to Igros.
[Ramza steps forward. Wiegraf lowers his blade.]
RAMZA: What?
WIEGRAF: Kidnapping wasn't our goal. We never stoop to such acts. You can have the Marquis, if you just let me go...well?
[Algus points toward him.]
ALGUS: Don't trifle with us! You can't beat us!
[Delita pushes Algus back.]
DELITA: Stop it, Algus. He's serious!
[Slowly, the three youths move along the far wall of the building, inching towards the Marquis while Wiegraf moves in the opposite direction towards the exit.]
ELMDOR: Ugnn.n....
[As Elmdor moans, the boys turn towards him and Wiegraf makes his escape. Algus turns as if to pursue, but Delita blocks his way. Ramza, in the meantime, moves to tend the fallen Marquis.]
DELITA: Let him go, Algus!!
ALGUS: Why do you stop me!
DELITA: The Death Corps will destroy itself! Don't risk it!
ALGUS: ...Ughh!!
RAMZA: He's all right. Weakened, but no serious wounds.
[Algus walks back towards where Elmdor lies.]
DELITA: Let's go back to Igros...