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Delita's Anger: Injured from the Death Corps attack, Dycedarg explained the Corps was nearly wiped out, and Zalbag was preparing for an attack. But, the assault would not begin until Teta was rescued. Then, Delita became outraged at Algus, who said there was no need to rescue a commoner.』

[Dycedarg is lain out in a bed. Ramza and Alma stand near him while Algus and Delita stand a little ways back.]

DYCEDARG: I heard you destroyed the enemies' hideout...Good job. Leave the rest to Zalbag and relax for a while...

[He turns to look at Ramza.]

DYCEDARG: No need to worry.... It's not that bad of a wound.

RAMZA: Teta....What about Teta.... ?

[Alma draws nearer. Dycedarg closes his eyes.]

DYCEDARG: As soon as we find their base, Zalbag will attack in force.

[Delita takes a step forward.]

RAMZA: W, What...!?

DYCEDARG: Death Corps is falling apart. Deserters are down to a few. Wiegraf will be caught... It's just a matter of time.

RAMZA: Teta.... Are you deserting Teta?

[Dycedarg turns to him.]

DYCEDARG: Don't worry. Everything's all planned. We won't attack until Teta's returned. For certain. I'd never abandon Teta. She's like a sister to me.

[His eyes shut once more. The scene changes.]

[Later, Ramza and Delita stand outside of the gates of the Beoulve manor.]

RAMZA: Wait, Delita. Where are you going? Just calm down!

[Delita turns to him, throwing up his arms.]

DELITA: Calm down? Are you kidding? I can't calm down!

[He moves as if to leave.]

RAMZA: You don't know where she is! Don't waste your time!

[Delita turns, grabbing Ramza by the throat.]

DELITA: Waste my time!? She is my only sister!!

[Ramza writhes as he attempts to speak.]

RAMZA: Remember, Dycedarg said... He'd never abandon Teta... So....don't ..... Ugh...I...can't breath.

[Delita releases him and he falls to his knees, coughing.]

DELITA: I'm sorry, Ramza. Are you all right....?

RAMZA: Y... yeah.... ...cough...cough...

[Algus walks outside. Both boys turn to look at him.]

ALGUS: Never believe in "never".

[He walks over.]

RAMZA: You mean my brother's lying?

ALGUS: If I were him, I'd never save a common girl.

DELITA: What did you just say.....?

ALGUS: I said I won't send troops to save you, commoners!!

DELITA: How dare you!!

[Delita punches Algus in the face. He falls. Ramza moves over to try and hold Delita back.]

RAMZA: Stop it! Delita!

[Delita struggles.]

DELITA: Let go of me! Damn you! Let go!!

[Algus rubs his face.]

ALGUS: Heh! Commoners are all alike. You'll never be nobles! Delita, You don't belong here! Understand, rascal!?

[Delita pulls forward a little.]

DELITA: Damn you!!

RAMZA: Enough! Delita! And you, too, Algus!

[Algus picks himself out and gestures with his hands.]

ALGUS: Ramza, don't you see? He's not one of us. You see, Ramza, we nobles can't live with them.

[He lowers his hands.]

RAMZA: Lies! He's my good friend. We're like brothers!

ALGUS: That's exactly the point. Don't act like friends. You are the son of a distinguished family. You cannot be with him. I'm sure your brothers would agree with me!

[Delita manages to push Ramza off of him.]

DELITA: Not all nobles are like you! I trust Ramza!

[He looks to Ramza before walking away. Ramza moves to confront Algus.]

RAMZA: Get lost! I never want to see you again!!

ALGUS: Don't say that. We're friends, aren't we?

[Ramza takes a step forward.]

RAMZA: I won't say it again! Get lost!!

[Algus shrugs and begins to walk away. Then, he turns.]

ALGUS: Their base is at Fort Zeakden. I heard it from your brother. There are several cordons, so you can't attack them from the front, of course. The only way is to attack from the rear. your best, you spoiled-rotten boy.

[Ramza takes another step forward.]

RAMZA: Get out!!

[Algus throws up his hands and shakes his head before leaving.]

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