『Son of T. G. Cid: Olan reappeared at rainy Grog Hill. He was the son of Orlandu, leader of the Nanten. Olan also knew of the High Priest's desire for the stones. You felt powerless due to your inability to change the tide of the war, but you drew strength from his words.』
[Ramza looks towards the empty Grog Hill in the rain.]RAMZA: I wonder what...father would've done?
[He turns.]
RAMZA: You're...
[A group of Nanten, led by Olan on chocoboback, approach.]
OLAN: We meet again.
[Olan rides to meet Ramza.]
RAMZA: The Black Lion's crest.... You're a Nanten?
OLAN: So, you killed the deserters for us. I never thought a Beoulve would help us.
[Ramza hangs his head.]
RAMZA: Not because I wanted to.
OLAN: I know. You didn't want to fight, right? Same here. I don't go after deserters because I want to. You know what I mean.
RAMZA: You knew me...
OLAN: Yeah, I saw your name and face on the wanted list... As a dangerous 'heretic', what did you do?
[Ramza raises his head.]
RAMZA: Are you going to try and catch me?
OLAN: Why would I do that? Our job's to catch deserters. No need for us to be involved. But your brothers are after you. Run before they come.
[Ramza turns around as if to leave. Then, he looks back.]
RAMZA: Why do you continue to fight?
OLAN: As long as your brothers point swords at us, it'll continue....
RAMZA: So if Larg quits, Goltana would, too?
OLAN: But that won't ever happen.
[Ramza turns to face Olan entirely.]
RAMZA: If you see Orlandu of Nanten, let me know. Some are urging Larg and Goltana for 'gain'. We're in the palm of their hands...They're the real ones to beat.
OLAN: Why Orlandu?
[Ramza looks to the ground.]
RAMZA: My father used to say he was his only friend...
OLAN: Orlandu's my father-in-law. I'll tell him that...
RAMZA: Do you believe me?
OLAN: I don't know why they're trying to collect holy stones. If it's for the people, I won't interrupt. But, if it's for self gain, Orlandu won't allow it. He'll promise to kill in the name of 'T.G. Cid'.
RAMZA: Do you know about the High Priest's plot?
OLAN: Yes, but there is no proof. We're investigating it, but you may know better.
RAMZA: If we prove it, would you stop fighting?
OLAN: Do you have proof?
RAMZA: Here's the 'Germonik...' ...no...nothing...
OLAN: No one knows whether the war will end or not. But I'm sure... Orlandu would quit...
[A voice sounds behind them.]
NANTEN KNIGHT: Olan, shall we go?
[Olan turns.]
OLAN: All right. I'm coming!
[He looks again to Ramza.]
OLAN: I must go, Ramza. Take care.
[He begins to leave, looking back to Ramza one last time.]
OLAN: Ramza, you're not alone! You have friends! Allies who'd risk their lives! I'm one of them!
[He rides away.]
RAMZA: ...Thank you, Olan.
[Ramza turns in the opposite direction and begins to walk.]