『Divine Rafa: Rafa, the girl rescued at Yardow, spoke about the leader of Riovannes [sic] and the man fighting for rule of the kingdom. She spoke about Barinten's ambitions and his atrocities. But her brother, Malak, who wanted to help Barinten, asked for you and Rafa in exchange for Alma.』
[Rafa and Ramza sit together in what seems to be an abadoned storage building.]RAFA: Barinten wants only one thing. To be the king. They call him 'Weapon King' for making strong weapons and training many wizards.
[Ramza turns to her.]
RAMZA: There is one who incites the Grand Duke that is of the royal family. Killing Larg and Goltana set the stage for him to become a regent...
RAFA: Why do you keep fighting being branded a 'heretic'? I think I know why. But nobody'll thank you for beating him.
RAMZA: I'm not fighting for thanks. I'm fighting for honor and pride as a Beoulve.
RAFA: That's a lie....You aren't that noble. You can't ignore injustice or evil in front of you.
[Ramza shakes his head.]
RAMZA: You flatter me. I'm not that good. But what're you going to do? I must go to Riovanes to save Alma. But you barely escaped from there, right?
[Rafa hangs her head.]
RAFA: I must get my brother out...
RAMZA: Why are you two fighting?
RAFA: We're Fifty Year War orphans. I'll never forget those days looking through garbage and dead bodies for food... That's when Barinten saved us. I believed in God then.
RAMZA: Barinten built orphanages for the war orphans. But, he provided training to 'gifted' children to be professional assassins... You must be those children.
RAFA: We, Galthanas, have 'secret skills' of the family.... My Heaven skill and my brother's Hell skill. These two skills differ from magic... Barinten wanted them. But the family elder refused him. So he burned the village. He decided if he couldn't have them, he'd erase them from this world. He probably was excited when he found us among the orphans.
RAMZA: You tried to escape when you learned the truth.
[Rafa looks away.]
RAFA: We yearned for him to be like our real father... But even then...
RAMZA: ......
VOICE OF MALAK: So this is where you were hiding?
[Rafa and Ramza stand up, startled. Ramza looks around for the source of the voice.]
RAFA: Malak!
[A frog appears. It hops towards Ramza.]
VOICE OF MALAK: Listen, Ramza! Hurry to Riovanes Castle! Or your sister will be dead!
RAMZA: If you touch Alma, I'll show no mercy!
VOICE OF MALAK: Rafa, you're coming, too! Resist and Ramza's sister'll die because of you!
RAFA: It's not fair! They have nothing to do with us!
VOICE OF MALAK: This is not a warning... it's an order!!
[The frog explodes in a burst of light. Ramza shields his face.]
RAFA: Let's go, Ramza!
[Ramza turns to her.]
RAMZA: Sorry, Rafa! You had to do this because of us...
RAFA: It's not your fault. Don't worry.