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[Rafa and Barinten stand face to face on the roof of Riovanes.]

BARINTEN: Fool! This is what I get? Revenge for kindness!? Why do you think you're even still alive today! Because of me! I took you out of the garbage! Or did you forget that already?

RAFA: Revenge for kindness? You burned the village! You are the one who killed my parents! And you say it's revenge for kindness?'s justice!

[Rafa draws a sword and approaches him. He produces a gun, which he aims at her.]

BARINTEN: Justice? How can you kill me? I'm your father. I raised you! I'd like to see you try and kill me!

[Rafa doesn't move.]

BARINTEN: Hya, ha! You can't... And do you know why? Because your body recalls the terror... Don't worry...that terror will gradually subside. Hya, ha, ha.

[Malak's voice calls from below.]

MALAK: Is that true?!!

[Barinten turns as Malak scrambles up the roof.]

MALAK: Is what you said true?

BARINTEN: You're turning on me, too? You're both ingrates!

[He looks to Rafa.]

RAFA: I'll kill you!

MALAK: Stop it! Rafa!!

[Malak charges forward, intercepting the bullet as Barinten fires. He falls forward, dead.]

RAFA: Malak!!

[Rafa throws her arms around him.]

RAFA: Malak! Are you all right!

[Ramza races up the side of the building.]

RAMZA: Rafa! Malak!!

[Barinten turns towards him.]

BARINTEN: So, you're Ramza. ....Dont' move. Rafa, if you want to help Malak, bring the stone here. Malak should have it. Find it!

[Rafa finds the stone. In the meantime, a figure has crept behind Barinten.]

BARINTEN: That's right. Bring it to me! Hurry!

[Barinten turns to see a woman in assassin's garb behind him. She lifts him up by the throat.]


[With seemingly no effort, she nonchalantly tosses him off of the edge of the roof. Two other figures approach, one another woman in similar dress, the other the Marquis Elmdor.]

MAN'S VOICE: Can you hand me the stone?

RAMZA: M...Marquis Elmdor. Why are you here.....?

[Rafa puts the stone among her possessions.]

ELMDOR: No... Give it to me...

[The wind ruffles Elmdor's hair as Ramza races over.]

RAMZA: Rafa! Watch out!! They are not human!

ELMDOR: So you're Ramza, the heretic? I never really thanked you for doing me this favor. Thank you.... I don't want to have to get rough like Vormav did. Please understand. Now, hand me the stone and I'll ask Vormav to return your sister.

RAMZA: Where is Alma!? Bring her back!!

ELMDOR: Didn't you hear me? Give me the stone first.

[Rafa looks to Ramza.]

RAMZA: No, I won't.

ELMDOR: Are you abandoning her? I thought you came here to save her, knowing there'd be danger.

RAMZA: ......

ELMDOR: Very well. I didn't want to get rough but... Celia, Lede, go ahead! That girl has the stone. Get it back....!



RAFA: Brother......Malak......

RAMZA: Rafa!!


ELMDOR: I see why Queklain and Velius were beaten..... Celia, Lede, retreat! Listen Ramza, If you want our stone, come to Limberry Castle! We'll be waiting...!

RAFA: Malak......

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