『The other power: Malak, who came to save his sister, fell in Barinten's attack. The 'Scorpio' stone, began to glow in Rafa's hand. Remembering Wiegraf's transformation you fel the danger of Lucavi. But the stone didn't summon Lucavi, it called the spirit of Malak back to the world.』
[Rafa looks over Malak's corpse on the roof of Riovanes castle. The sky glows red with the coming dawn.]RAFA: Brother, look...it's dawn.
[She closes her eyes.]
RAFA: Remember how we used to chat till dawn about things? I wanted to travel with you. We were going to go to the Galthana's hometown after the war... Remember? Brother.... say something....
[She embraces his body and lowers her head agains him. Ramza turns away and looks to the sky.]
RAMZA: Alma...
[Rafa and Ramza turn to look as one of the stones in Rafa's possession begins to shimmer.]
RAFA: What's this?
[She pulls out the Scorpio Stone.]
RAMZA: It's responding to... Rafa's spirit.........? It grieves Malak's death......... Wiegraf's despair and resentment summoned Velius... Then...
RAFA: You, too grieve his death? Thank you...
[Ramza reaches out his hand.]
RAMZA: No, Rafa... its...
[Scorpio flashes red, and a pool of radiant light falls into Malak's body from the sky.]
RAMZA: ...What?
[Malak begins to move.]
MALAK: Ugh... ugh...
[Rafa leans over him.]
RAFA: Brother...Malak!!
[He slowly raises his head.]
MALAK: Rafa....? Where am I....? What happened....?
[She throws her arms around him.]
RAFA: Brother...brother... I'm so glad.....
[Malak struggles in her grip a moment.]
MALAK: That hurts, Rafa... Ha, ha, ha...