『Those Who Squirm in Darkness: Getting information on Alma's location from Malak, you heard the name Vormav mentioned. It seemsFuneral wasbeing [sic] used by Vormav. To find Vormav and his real intentions, you began a trip to Zeltennia, where your friend Delita is...』
[Rafa, Malak, and Ramza all stand in the courtyard of Riovanes, the light now streaming in through the windows.]MALAK: The corpses were crushed by something real powerful.
[Rafa turns to Ramza.]
RAFA: Was your sister one of them?
RAMZA: No...she wasn't.
MALAK: She was in this castle. Probably gone now... Only 3 Shrine Knights were here...No one else.
[Ramza nods.]
RAMZA: I killed the one who turned into Lucavi. The other one, Izlude, was dead also... That means that the third one took my sister away...?
MALAK: Maybe they went back to the main church at Murond. They're following the High Priest's orders, right? Then the Knight who took your sister must've gone to Murond.
RAMZA: You think so? I doubt the High Priest knows the stone's secret. Wiegraf didn't know the secret until he contracted Velius... And I think that Izlude died fighting Lucavi.
MALAK: What do you mean?
RAMZA: Secretly controlling the war, to strengthen the Church's power... I'm sure that's the High Priest's true ambition. But collecting the stones and using the Brave Legend to use the people...
MALAK: You mean even the High Priest's being used?
[Ramza nods. He turns as Rafa speaks to him.]
RAFA: Who took your sister away?
MALAK: I believe it was Vormav.
RAMZA: He's probably behind it.
MALAK: What're you going to do?
RAMZA: I'm going to see Delita in Zeltennia.
MALAK: The one who replaced Baron Grims as leader of the Black Sheep Knights?
RAMZA: Delita's being controlled by the Church and the Shrine Knights. Does Delita know the truth about Vormav?