[Ramza walks through one of Limberry Castle's courtyards. He stops as he hears a familiar voice.]
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: You'll not enter the undercroft on my watch. The way is shut.
RAMZA: Who speaks? Reveal yourself!
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Naive as ever, I see.
[Argath Thadalfus appears on one of the courtyard walls, his face grey and deathly.]
ARGATH: Ha! To think my luck so fair that we would chance to meet again!
RAMZA: Argath! How did-I thought you for dead!
ARGATH: Dead? Oh...Ramza...Your mind's as common as your friends! I did not -die-, I was reborn! Chosen by a greater power! I did not fall before, nor shall I here. That fate belongs to you!
[Argath summons demons to aid him. The rest of Ramza's party is shown to have arrived.]
ARGATH: You've no hope in this fight. Come! Let us kill these maggots!
RAMZA: So, your soul is bartered as well. Your grandsire would be proud.
ARGATH: How dare you! You, pampered and coddled from your earliest days! What do you know of our affairs? Of being made to toil for another's pleasure, near without reward? Being tred upon even by peasant filth, struggling endlessly to rise back to your feet-what do you know of this? I'll purge this kingdom of all who once dared look down on me! There is no place in the world for the meager!
RAMZA: You'll do nothing of the sort!
ARGATH: How do you intend to stop me? You who cannot even defend his own sister? A son of House Beoulve, and meek as a butterfly all the same! Ha ha ha!
RAMZA: Guard your tongue!
ARGATH: Worry not, I'll soon send your dear sister beyond the veil to be with you! Just as I did Delita's!
ARGATH: M-Mother... Help...me...
RAMZA: I'm on my way, Alma!
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: You'll not enter the undercroft on my watch. The way is shut.
RAMZA: Who speaks? Reveal yourself!
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: Naive as ever, I see.
[Argath Thadalfus appears on one of the courtyard walls, his face grey and deathly.]
ARGATH: Ha! To think my luck so fair that we would chance to meet again!
RAMZA: Argath! How did-I thought you for dead!
ARGATH: Dead? Oh...Ramza...Your mind's as common as your friends! I did not -die-, I was reborn! Chosen by a greater power! I did not fall before, nor shall I here. That fate belongs to you!
[Argath summons demons to aid him. The rest of Ramza's party is shown to have arrived.]
ARGATH: You've no hope in this fight. Come! Let us kill these maggots!
RAMZA: So, your soul is bartered as well. Your grandsire would be proud.
ARGATH: How dare you! You, pampered and coddled from your earliest days! What do you know of our affairs? Of being made to toil for another's pleasure, near without reward? Being tred upon even by peasant filth, struggling endlessly to rise back to your feet-what do you know of this? I'll purge this kingdom of all who once dared look down on me! There is no place in the world for the meager!
RAMZA: You'll do nothing of the sort!
ARGATH: How do you intend to stop me? You who cannot even defend his own sister? A son of House Beoulve, and meek as a butterfly all the same! Ha ha ha!
RAMZA: Guard your tongue!
ARGATH: Worry not, I'll soon send your dear sister beyond the veil to be with you! Just as I did Delita's!
ARGATH: M-Mother... Help...me...
RAMZA: I'm on my way, Alma!