[Ramza and his company confront Elmdor in the crypts deep beneath his castle.]
RAMZA: Elmdor! Give up! You don't have a chance! Let Alma go!
ELMDOR: Oh, you fool... She's not in this castle! The only ones here are the spirits of the dead...
[A number of specters and undead appear.]
ELMDOR: Your life shall also end, here in this graveyard!
[The purple light of a zodiac stone shimmers and bursts with energy, and Elmdor is transformed into a grotesque, winged Lucavi.]
ZALERA: Let's settle this once and for all...!
[From the doorway at the end of the hall, Meliadoul Tingel appears.]
MELIADOUL: What? The Marquis -- a monster?
MELIADOUL: This...is the power of the Zodiac Stone?
RAMZA: Now you know what I said was true! Your brother Izlude died because he found the truth and fought them!
MELIADOUL: Oh...my God! Does Father...Vormav know that?
RAMZA: Well...
ZALERA: Ha, ha, ha... So, you're Vormav's daughter? Just like Izlude, you 'body' isn't suitable for us... But your father's was...
MELIADOUL: Then, father was...!
ZALERA: Yes, he's no longer your father. He's now a blood member of Darkness. But no matter...For now you, and Ramza will die here!
MELIADOUL: What you said was true... I'm sorry...
RAMZA: It's ok, Meliadoul. Let's avenge Izlude!
ZALERA: Hashmalum...sorry. I'm leaving the rest to you...
[Zalera vanishes in a burst of light and his zodiac stone falls to the floor. His servitors vanish as well.]
RAMZA: Elmdor! Give up! You don't have a chance! Let Alma go!
ELMDOR: Oh, you fool... She's not in this castle! The only ones here are the spirits of the dead...
[A number of specters and undead appear.]
ELMDOR: Your life shall also end, here in this graveyard!
[The purple light of a zodiac stone shimmers and bursts with energy, and Elmdor is transformed into a grotesque, winged Lucavi.]
ZALERA: Let's settle this once and for all...!
[From the doorway at the end of the hall, Meliadoul Tingel appears.]
MELIADOUL: What? The Marquis -- a monster?
MELIADOUL: This...is the power of the Zodiac Stone?
RAMZA: Now you know what I said was true! Your brother Izlude died because he found the truth and fought them!
MELIADOUL: Oh...my God! Does Father...Vormav know that?
RAMZA: Well...
ZALERA: Ha, ha, ha... So, you're Vormav's daughter? Just like Izlude, you 'body' isn't suitable for us... But your father's was...
MELIADOUL: Then, father was...!
ZALERA: Yes, he's no longer your father. He's now a blood member of Darkness. But no matter...For now you, and Ramza will die here!
MELIADOUL: What you said was true... I'm sorry...
RAMZA: It's ok, Meliadoul. Let's avenge Izlude!
ZALERA: Hashmalum...sorry. I'm leaving the rest to you...
[Zalera vanishes in a burst of light and his zodiac stone falls to the floor. His servitors vanish as well.]