『Mosfungus: Zalbag, who listened to the secret meeting between Rofel and Dycedarg, checked his father's resting place at the graveyard. As Rofel said, there is a poisonous mushroom, Mosfungus, growing in the ground, proving that Balbanes was murdered by the poisonous mushroom. Learning the truth of his father's murder by his own brother, Zalbag stood in front of his father's grave in shock... 』
[The scene is a grassy hill atop which a grave monument stands. Zalbag walks down the overgrown path to it. He turns and calls behind him.]ZALBAG: This way...
[A chemist follows him.]
CHEMIST (Male): Mister, wait...
[Zalbag turns and continues to the grave.]
ZALBAG: Father... Come here. I need you to take a look at something...
[Zalbag walks to the monument and picks a mushroom that grows there.]
ZALBAG: This...
[He tosses it to the chemist, who does catch it.]
ZALBAG: Do you know what that is?
[The chemist looks it over.]
CHEMIST: Of course! This is the Mosfungus, a Mushroom. It's poison isn't that deadly, though.
ZALBAG: No wonder...
[Zalbag turns to the grave and drops his head. The chemist tosses the mushroom in a nearby stream.]
CHEMIST: Mister.... We'd best be going.
ZALBAG: Why are you so scared?
CHEMIST: Don't you know? Mosfungus only grows on corpses... And tombs with Mosfungus corpses are major bad luck. They say Mosfungused corpses mean the end with that family's generation.
ZALBAG: Ok... You may go now.
[Zalbag tosses the man a coin.]
CHEMIST: Heh,heh...thanks, mister.
[He bows.]
ZALBAG: You must keep this a secret.
CHEMIST: I will.
[Zalbag turns back to the grave as the man departs.]
ZALBAG: Father...