[Ramza walks through the streets of Dorter.]
MAN'S VOICE: So, the marquis has fallen.
[Ramza turns.]
RAMZA: And who might you be?
[The scene shifts to show a man in white templar robes standing atop a building.]
MAN: My name is Cletienne. I come in Lord Folmarv's stead, to see his will made manifest.
RAMZA: A knight of the templarate, then! Where is Alma?
[Ramza rushes up the street towards him, but is caught up in a bolt of magic.]
RAMZA: My...my limbs are frozen! What foul trick is this!?
CLETIENNE: A time magick of my own fabrication, its might all but wasted on one such as you. I thought myself overcautious in readying a trap, but it appears that was not the case. You'll find no avail in struggle. You've not thestrength of will to break free. Make your peace. You go to the gods.
[Cletienne raises his hand to cast another bolt of magic. The spell seems to fail.]
[An arc of the power from a holy sword attack rends through Cletienne, and he falls to his knees.]
WOMAN'S VOICE: Ser Cletienne. How long has it been since last we met?
[Cletienne stands as Melidoul walks onto the scene.]
CLETIENNE: Yours is an unexpected sight. Tell me, when did you don the traitor's cloak?
MELIADOUL: I was not aware I had. Is not that garment draped about your own shoulders? It is Isilud and I who were used, by you and all the others!
CLETIENNE: What of it, if you were?
MELIADOUL: Those sins will be atoned for. There shall be no mercy--not even for you.
[Additional enemy units appear.]
MELIADOUL: Know you the Stone's secret--what it is my father means to do?
CLETIENNE: He strives towards a grand and lofty goal. Of it, I will say no more. Such things exceed your feeble capacity for understanding.
MELIADOUL: You know the truth, and yet you aid him!? But...but why?
CLETIENNE: *chuckle* My reasons, you've no need to know.
CLETIENNE: This I did not foresee. But surely the time I've bought will suffice.
MELIADOUL: Ser Cletienne, wait! Is...is it true? Is my father...a Lucavi?
[Kletian stands]
CLETIENNE: You've eyes, have you not? Go and see for yourself.
[He vanishes.]
MELIADOUL: Could he...truly be?
MAN'S VOICE: So, the marquis has fallen.
[Ramza turns.]
RAMZA: And who might you be?
[The scene shifts to show a man in white templar robes standing atop a building.]
MAN: My name is Cletienne. I come in Lord Folmarv's stead, to see his will made manifest.
RAMZA: A knight of the templarate, then! Where is Alma?
[Ramza rushes up the street towards him, but is caught up in a bolt of magic.]
RAMZA: My...my limbs are frozen! What foul trick is this!?
CLETIENNE: A time magick of my own fabrication, its might all but wasted on one such as you. I thought myself overcautious in readying a trap, but it appears that was not the case. You'll find no avail in struggle. You've not thestrength of will to break free. Make your peace. You go to the gods.
[Cletienne raises his hand to cast another bolt of magic. The spell seems to fail.]
[An arc of the power from a holy sword attack rends through Cletienne, and he falls to his knees.]
WOMAN'S VOICE: Ser Cletienne. How long has it been since last we met?
[Cletienne stands as Melidoul walks onto the scene.]
CLETIENNE: Yours is an unexpected sight. Tell me, when did you don the traitor's cloak?
MELIADOUL: I was not aware I had. Is not that garment draped about your own shoulders? It is Isilud and I who were used, by you and all the others!
CLETIENNE: What of it, if you were?
MELIADOUL: Those sins will be atoned for. There shall be no mercy--not even for you.
[Additional enemy units appear.]
MELIADOUL: Know you the Stone's secret--what it is my father means to do?
CLETIENNE: He strives towards a grand and lofty goal. Of it, I will say no more. Such things exceed your feeble capacity for understanding.
MELIADOUL: You know the truth, and yet you aid him!? But...but why?
CLETIENNE: *chuckle* My reasons, you've no need to know.
CLETIENNE: This I did not foresee. But surely the time I've bought will suffice.
MELIADOUL: Ser Cletienne, wait! Is...is it true? Is my father...a Lucavi?
[Kletian stands]
CLETIENNE: You've eyes, have you not? Go and see for yourself.
[He vanishes.]
MELIADOUL: Could he...truly be?