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[The scene is a massive, age worn airship tangled with vines and rust. Vormav kneels before the unconscious form of Alma Beoulve.]

VORMAV: ...Why? Why doesn't Virgo work?

[He stands, clutching his head.]

VORMAV: The Holy Angel's spirit is around in here... Why...?

[His arms drop.]

VORMAV: Maybe it's Ajora reincarnated...? ...No, that can't be. Certainly, Virgo did react.

[He looks upwards to where Ramza and company have arrived.]

VORMAV: ...You're here.

RAMZA: That's far enough, Vormav! Virgo's not working! So give up and hand over Alma!!

VORMAV: No, it will work... It just needs more... You didn't hear? It just needs more blood... Lots of blood is needed for the Angel's resurrection. Much bloodshed since Ajora's death, but I guess it wasn't enough... I guess I'll have to go on another rampage...!! Heh, heh, heh.... Don't worry... I'll 'sacrifice' you first.

[Vormav holds aloft the Leo stone. There is a burst of golden energy that suffuses him, and when the light fades, he is transformed into a leonine Lucavi.]

HASHMALUM: Master, 'Bloody Angel'... Let me offer you 'blood' darker than wine and hotter than burning lava!


RAMZA: Alma! Hold on! Please! Open your eyes!! Alma!!

HASHMALUM: It's no use... You cannot wake her...

RAMZA: What have you done to Alma!?

HASHMALUM: Her existence impedes our goal... When she wakes, she will remember her mission... Her important mission to call our allies...


HASHMALUM: Master... you are not awake yet?

[There is a shimmer of light, and Alma awakens.]

ALMA: Ugh...Wh...Where am I...?

RAMZA: Alma!!

ALMA: Brother...Ramza?

HASHMALUM: I won't let you interfere. Bloody Angel!! I own life...for your resurrection...!!

[Hashmalum rends his claws into his own entrails and there is a sudden burst of golden light before he vanishes, letting the Leo stone fall to the ground. Alma stands up, her features transformed, her hair bone white.]

ST. AJORA: I have my body back...

RAMZA: Alma!!

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