[Ajora, reborn into Alma's body stands before Ramza and his party. There is a burst of blue light. Ajora collapses to the ground.]
ST. AJORA: Ugh...what...What is this? Ugh...Ugh... He...Help...Brother...
[Ramza runs towards her.]
RAMZA: Alma!!
ST. AJORA: Brother Ramza... Stop...Don't interfere... Do...not...inter...fere... Do...not...inter...!!!
[A ray of blue light falls upon Ajora. Moments later, Alma, her visage her own, manifests a little ways away from her.]
RAMZA: Alma!! Are you ok!?
ALMA: ...Brother... I'm...alright... We have to...kill...Ajora...Hurry...
ST. AJORA: Are you...trying to...stop my...resurrection... I won't...let you...come out...my servants.
[Ajora summons a troop of Ultima demons to her aid.]
ST. AJORA: I will not let anyone prevent my resurrection...!
[There is a spectacular show of magic and light as the reborn Ajora transforms into the high seraph Altima.]
ALTIMA: Prepare yourselves...powerless ones!
[ONCE ALTIMA IS INJURED] ALTIMA: No... This can't be... You're the descendant of the one who killed me before. No...I won't be beaten... I will not be beaten...
[The initial form of Altima and all her servitors vanish in a burst of energy. In their place is manifested a grotesque, skeletal creature, wearing a crown like a papal mitre.]
ALTIMA: I will...kill you!!
ALTIMA: More...power.........
[The body of the arch seraph explodes in white light, surrounding the airship upon which Ramza and his companions stand. All vanish into darkness.]
ST. AJORA: Ugh...what...What is this? Ugh...Ugh... He...Help...Brother...
[Ramza runs towards her.]
RAMZA: Alma!!
ST. AJORA: Brother Ramza... Stop...Don't interfere... Do...not...inter...fere... Do...not...inter...!!!
[A ray of blue light falls upon Ajora. Moments later, Alma, her visage her own, manifests a little ways away from her.]
RAMZA: Alma!! Are you ok!?
ALMA: ...Brother... I'm...alright... We have to...kill...Ajora...Hurry...
ST. AJORA: Are you...trying to...stop my...resurrection... I won't...let you...come out...my servants.
[Ajora summons a troop of Ultima demons to her aid.]
ST. AJORA: I will not let anyone prevent my resurrection...!
[There is a spectacular show of magic and light as the reborn Ajora transforms into the high seraph Altima.]
ALTIMA: Prepare yourselves...powerless ones!
[ONCE ALTIMA IS INJURED] ALTIMA: No... This can't be... You're the descendant of the one who killed me before. No...I won't be beaten... I will not be beaten...
[The initial form of Altima and all her servitors vanish in a burst of energy. In their place is manifested a grotesque, skeletal creature, wearing a crown like a papal mitre.]
ALTIMA: I will...kill you!!
ALTIMA: More...power.........
[The body of the arch seraph explodes in white light, surrounding the airship upon which Ramza and his companions stand. All vanish into darkness.]