『Reunion and beyond...: The war ended after many casualties. A funeral for Alma Beoulve was held at the graveyard in Igros. The bodies of Alma and her brother were never found, after they disappeared from the underground libary in Orbonne. After the people left, Olan and Balmafula appeared in front of Alma's grave...』
[A group of mourners gather in a cemetary green.]PRIEST: With the Father's blessing, you shall return to Earth. Guide Alma Beoulve's soul to Heaven with St, Ajora's divine protection... Farlem...
MOURNERS: ...Farlem
[The priest makes a sign and several of the mourners depart.]
MOURNER (Male): What a pity. She was so young.
MOURNER (Female): All the siblings gone..
[They depart along with the priest.]
MOURNER (Another Male): The youngest, Ramza won't even be buried. Sad...
MOURNER (Another Female): Beoulve's 300 year history is over now...
[As the last mourners file away, Olan and Balmafula walk onto the scene.]
OLAN: I'm sorry I'm late... Alma, Ramza. I wanted to come earlier, but it was too dangerous... Too risky...
[Balmafula approaches and lays a bouquet of flowers upon the Beoulve tomb.]
OLAN: Delita married Ovelia. A commoner brings peace to a chaotic kingdom, marries the Princess, becoming King. A legend that will be passed down for centuries. Delita may be a good person as you said... He made it look like he killed her then let her go, when her identity was clear. I guess he identified with her, having been used by Vormav...
[Balmafula gestures to something in the distance. She walks away.]
OLAN: Did my father die fighting heroically?
[Olan closes his eyes and shakes his head.]
OLAN: ......I'll come back again. Bye...
[He starts to leave and then turns to look back.]
OLAN: Are you really dead? I still can't believe you're really dead... I mean...you know...
[Silently, the figures of Ramza and Alma approach on chocoboback. Olan turns sharply, stunned.]
OLAN: !!
[The riders continue without stopping.]
OLAN: Wait! Ramza! Alma!
[Balmafula returns and Olan turns to her as she looks into the distance.]
OLAN: ...He's alive! Alive!!
[They both look to where the Beoulves departed.]
OLAN: ...Thank you. Ramza.