『The Steel Giant starts!: When the 'Aquarius' stone was placed within the steel ball found at Goug, it began to transform. What appeared was a robot created ages ago, known as the Iron Giant. an 'Ancient treasure' You had the right to command the revived Iron Giant, and have your first command.』
[Besrodio, Mustadio, and Ramza stand in the Bunanza workshop before the mysterious orb again.]MUSTADIO: Will it really work with the stone?
BESRODIO: You saw it too, right? I'm sure it does.
[Ramza steps forward and presents the Aquarius stone to the metal ball. Sparks and lights flicker once more.]
MUSTADIO: Hey, look! It moved!
[The orb unfolds itself into a steel man who raises his arms aloft before stopping and releasing smoke.]
MUSTADIO: ... No? No go?
[Mustadio approaches it but jumps back as it springs into motion and turns to address Ramza.]
STEEL GIANT: System set up completed! Everything is normal! Master, what is your order?
MUSTADIO: Wow! It spoke!
STEEL GIANT: Master, your order, please!
[Mustadio turns to Ramza.]
MUSTADIO: Ramza, give him an order.
RAMZA: What!? An order? No, I'm scared!!
MUSTADIO: Don't be silly. You're his master!
STEEL GIANT: Repeat, order, please!
RAMZA: Well... well then... Dance!
[Mustadio puts a hand to his head. ]
MUSTADIO: Do better than that!
[The machine begins to dance.]
RAMZA: A, Alright...
MUSTADIO: He's... dancing...
[The machine stops.]
MUSTADIO: I wonder if he's strong?
STEEL GIANT: I...am...very...strong!
RAMZA: Well... well then... Beat Mustadio up!!
[He gestures at Mustadio.]
MUSTADIO: Do better than that!
[The machine turns to Mustadio and launches what appears to be some manner of laser attack at him, causing him to collapse to the ground. Ramza waves his arms and jumps in a panic.]
RAMZA: Help! Phoenix down! Where's the Phoenix down?