『Celestial Globe found!?: Besrodio found another 'Past Tresure', in No.83 mine in Goug. The stone was affected by this machine that seemed like a celestial globe. A mark (♋︎) was present at the base of this item, like that of the steel ball. It seems a new stone is needed to activate it...』
[Besrodio, Mustadio, and Ramza stand in the Bunanza workshop, where a strange metal orrery has been built and set in motion.]MUSTADIO: Father, what's this big one?
BESRODIO: I built it from stuff found at drift No. 83, but uh...
RAMZA: It looks like a heavenly globe.
BESRODIO: Now that you mention it... I guess it does, hmm...
[Ramza approaches, and there is a spark of energy from the device.]
MUSTADIO: W, what was that?
RAMZA: It responded to the stone again?
[Besrodio kneels to look at the machine. ]
BESRODIO: What's this '♋︎' mark for? Holy Stone... ...indeed.
RAMZA: You want us to search for it right? Oh well...