『Reunion with Ovelia: As she prepared for battle, Lady Agrias was briefly reunited with Princess Ovelia. Promising to return, Lady Agrias departed as Ovelia looked on with worry, unable to express her growing distrust of Delita. 』
[Ovelia is praying in the ruins outside of Zeltennia.]FAMILIAR VOICE: My lady.
[She turns. Agrias approaches her and kneels.]
OVELIA: Agrias!?
[Lavian and Alicia approach and kneel as well. Ovelia kneels down to meet Agrias at eye level.]
AGRIAS: Pray forgive the late hour of our coming.
OVELIA: Oh, Agrias! Gods be praised, you're alive! I'd no way of reaching you, and I'd feared the worst. Such a weight is lifted! Please, rise.
[Ovelia and Agrias both stand. Agrias lowers her head.]
AGRIAS: Forgive me. I gave cause for needless worry.
[Agrias looks up at Ovelia.]
AGRIAS: Ser Ramza aided me. I travel with him even now.
OVELIA: Then I owe Ramza a great debt of gratitude.
[Ovelia bows her head this time.]
OVELIA: You'll return to me now, won't you, Agrias? I need your sword and shield now more than ever. Your counsel I sorely miss as well. Please, Agrias, you will stay, yes?
[Agrias looks down for but a moment again.]
AGRIAS: My apologies, Your Majesty. I cannot tarry here, though it pains me to leave. There are nefarious forces afoot, who would take the helm of Ivalice and steer her to the doom of all. A darkness falls upon the realm, my lady, and it is but a matter of time before we are consumed by it. To turn a blind eye to this is to forsake the hallowed oath I swore: to defend this kingdom at the peril of my life. My sword is sworn to you as well, and I mean for it to serve. Your safety requires that this plot be stopped. It is not lightly that I abandon duty, but only for the love I bear you and our kingdom. I can but pray that you forgive me, Highness.
[Ovelia takes a step back and hangs her head, dismayed.]
OVELIA: I...I see. But-
DELITA'S VOICE: You're fond of this place, aren't you, Ovelia?
[Delita enters the scene. Lavian and Alicia stand and move behind Agrias as she approaches Ovelia's side and turns to him.]
OVELIA: Delita...
[He turns to Agrias.]
DELITA: Well met. Agrias, was it not?
[She gestures angrilly.]
AGRIAS: Unmannered dog! How dare you address Her Majesty by name!?
[Ovelia turns to her.]
OVELIA: Agrias, it's all right.
[Agrias turns to Ovelia.]
AGRIAS: But, my lady-!
OVELIA: It's fine. Pay it no heed.
AGRIAS: If that is Your Majesty's wish...
[They both turn back to Delita after a moment's pause.]
AGRIAS: Would that I had not to beg favors of such as you, but fate is not so kind. Responsibility for the well-being of Her Majesty the Princess rests in my hands. But at present, my hands toil toward another purpose. It is not without reluctance that I put my faith in you, but the choice is made for me. Please, let no harm come to Lady Ovelia!
[Agrias lowers her gaze.]
DELITA: Put your mind at ease. I will keep her safe.
[Agrias looks directly at Delita.]
AGRIAS: I shall trust your words. Should aught befall Her Highness, know that my vengeance, and your death, will be swift.
[Ovelia turns to her sharply.]
OVELIA: Agrias!
[Agrias moves to Ovelia to take her hands, giving her something as she does.]
AGRIAS: My lady. I want you to carry this, though I hope with all my heart you need not use it.
DELITA: Having a knife for protection may not be a bad idea.
[Ovelia takes the weapon.]
OVELIA: Thank you, Agrias.
[They part and Agrias, Lavian and Alicia all bow once more.]
AGRIAS: And now, I must take my leave.
OVELIA: Father watch over you.
AGRIAS: I promise this: When all is done, I shall return to you. Until such time, pray be safe.
OVELIA: I shall await your return.
AGRIAS: Fare-well, Majesty. And gods be with you.
[She stands.]
AGRIAS: Lavian, Alicia! With me!
[The three knights take their leave. Ovelia moves to Delita's side and lowers her head.]