『Gift of the Magi: It was Lady Agrias's birthday, although she had forgotten the significance of the day. Young Mustadio had prepared a special present in anticipation, however. He had been eagerly awaiting the day for more than a month. 』
[Agrias sits in a tavern by herself, a glass before her. Mustadio and Ramza enter.]MUSTADIO: Hmm...
[The camera pans over to Agrias a moment as Mustadio steps back, uncertain. Ramza turns to her.]
RAMZA: Well? Do you intend to give it to her or not?
[Mustadio turns to him.]
MUSTADIO: Give...what? To whom? I've...I've no idea what you--
RAMZA: Mustadio!
[Mustadio looks down and then gets ready to approach.]
MUSTADIO: All right, all right...
[He walks over to where Agrias sits.]
MUSTADIO: Ah, Agrias! I, ah, I hope this is n-not...not a bad time.
[She turns to him.]
AGRIAS: Hmm? Is something the matter?
MUSTADIO: N-no, it's just, I - here!
[He places a wrapped gift before her. She looks down at it.]
AGRIAS: What's this?
MUSTADIO: It's a, ah...um - a present! I heard today was your birthday, so I, well...
[She picks up the present.]
AGRIAS: Today -is- my birthday, isn't it? I'd near forgotten. Who told you? Lavian? Alicia? Those two cannot still their tongues, can they?
MUSTADIO: Um...Anyway, I, ah, wanted to...to give you this. It isn't much.
AGRIAS: May I open it?
MUSTADIO: Ah, yes, of course!
[She opens the present.]
AGRIAS: Lip rouge?
MUSTADIO: Yes. Y-you're always busy fighting, and...and...Well, I know you've probably small time for such womanly things, but...I thought m-mayhap you might like to have that.
AGRIAS: I've small time, yes, but I chose this life for myself. It's not as though I regret it. Still, there are times...
[She turns to him.]
AGRIAS: Are you sure it's all right for me to have this?
MUSTADIO: Of course! Why do you ask?
AGRIAS: It cost a goodly amount, did it not? Surely a gift like this is wasted on a knight such as I?
MUSTADIO: No, not at all! Please accept it!
AGRIAS: Very well, then.
[She moves to put it on.]
AGRIAS: Do I look odd?
[Mustadio jumps a little, startled]
MUSTADIO: Wh-what? N-no! You look wonderful! Truly...truly so!
AGRIAS: Thank you, Mustadio. I will treasure it, as I do our friendship.