[The tutorial begins on a mock battlefield. A monk, knight, and chemist faces off against a knight, squire and chocobo.]
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: May I begin my lecture? The topic is 'Battle'. I'll explain everything from start to finish. First, select and place units that will join the battle. The number of units allowable depends on the battle, but 5 is the maximum. Sometimes you'll need to form two teams for one battle. If you keep on using the same units, your party won't be well-balanced. Select units after checking their growth and skills. There are some units you didn't select, but appear anyhow. These units are called 'Guest Units'.
[The battle cursor hovers over a monk, who is labelled as a guest unit.]
These units have their own ideas and move and fight by independently.
[The battle cursor moves to the center of the field.]
After you've selected your units, you'll appear on the field. Before the battle starts, the 'Winning Cond.' will appear. For example.
[Two different battle objectives ('Defeat all enemies!' and 'Protect chocobo!') flash across the screen.]
These and other Victory Conditions will appear in the beginning. Generally, you win by killing all your enemies. But, some are unique. The battle begins, and one unit will move and act at a time. The order in which the unit moves and acts is called AT (Active Turn). AT occurs when CT (Charge Time) reaches 100. The charge speed depends on the unit's parameter 'Speed'. The AT unit will carry out the move and act commands and attack enemies. Let's take a look at the AT Unit Menu.
[A male knight whose turn it is is selected, and the battle menu opens.]
'Move' 'Act' 'Wait' are the commands available for AT. During your AT, you may make one 'Move' and one 'Act'. Your AT will be completed if you perform both of them. 'Wait' completes AT without performing one of the two. Let's take a look at the other commands. 'Status' checks the unit's present condition. A detailed status will appear.
[A male knight's status screen is shown.]
'Auto Battle' puts the unit on its own. Once a unit's set on Auto-Battle, it'll automatically act each AT until canceled.
[The Auto-Battle menu is shown.]
Select from the 4 fighting methods and the unit will perform accordingly. 'Fight to Death' attacks target regardless of the danger. 'Support Ally' helps target ally regardless of the danger. 'Run for Life' avoids battles while recovering HP and moves to safer areas. Set a target for 'Fight to Death' and 'Support Ally'. Once you set Auto Battle, the rest is automatic. To cancel Auto Battle, select 'Manual' in the 'Auto Battle' command. But, since the Menu won't appear during a unit's AT in Auto Battle, you'll need to reset during another unit's AT or when you intervene.
[The Auto-Battle menu closes.]
'Status' and 'Auto Battle' can be done on non-AT units. Menus and cursors will not appear when either an enemy or Auto Battle unit is in AT. Intervene and open the unit Menu by pressing the △ .button. If the next AT's an enemy or Auto Battle unit, it will stop the battle at the next AT unit. Now, none of the units can set. To resume, select 'End', if AT unit isn't an Auto Battle unit from your party. The 'End' command is at the end of the unit's Menu. That's a brief explanation on unit commands. To sum up, select either 'Move', 'Act' or 'Wait' at AT and check unit's condition with 'Status'. Depending on the situation, select 'Auto Battle'. When you've stopped the battle, resume by selecting 'End'. Perform these commands and advance into the battle.
[The cursor moves through the battle menu options.]
Alright, now for Game Over. Units die when HP reaches 0.
[The battle plays out such that the male knight moves to attack an opposing female knight, who falls to the ground, unconscious.]
If you don't recover a unit and leave it there, its body will disappear. After that, a treasure box with an Item or spirit crystal will replace it.
[The male knight waits until the fallen unit turns into a treasure chest.]
Once a body disappears, it'll never return to life. Recover ally units soon after they die. If everyone in your party dies, the game is over. Watch your remaining HP and avoid dying. Have units in the battle that can restore life. Kill all your enemies and you'll meet the Winning Cond. and end the battle. That's all you need to know about the flow of the battle and unit Menus. I'll see you destroy the enemy and win the battle. That's all.
INSTRUCTOR DARAVON: May I begin my lecture? The topic is 'Battle'. I'll explain everything from start to finish. First, select and place units that will join the battle. The number of units allowable depends on the battle, but 5 is the maximum. Sometimes you'll need to form two teams for one battle. If you keep on using the same units, your party won't be well-balanced. Select units after checking their growth and skills. There are some units you didn't select, but appear anyhow. These units are called 'Guest Units'.
[The battle cursor hovers over a monk, who is labelled as a guest unit.]
These units have their own ideas and move and fight by independently.
[The battle cursor moves to the center of the field.]
After you've selected your units, you'll appear on the field. Before the battle starts, the 'Winning Cond.' will appear. For example.
[Two different battle objectives ('Defeat all enemies!' and 'Protect chocobo!') flash across the screen.]
These and other Victory Conditions will appear in the beginning. Generally, you win by killing all your enemies. But, some are unique. The battle begins, and one unit will move and act at a time. The order in which the unit moves and acts is called AT (Active Turn). AT occurs when CT (Charge Time) reaches 100. The charge speed depends on the unit's parameter 'Speed'. The AT unit will carry out the move and act commands and attack enemies. Let's take a look at the AT Unit Menu.
[A male knight whose turn it is is selected, and the battle menu opens.]
'Move' 'Act' 'Wait' are the commands available for AT. During your AT, you may make one 'Move' and one 'Act'. Your AT will be completed if you perform both of them. 'Wait' completes AT without performing one of the two. Let's take a look at the other commands. 'Status' checks the unit's present condition. A detailed status will appear.
[A male knight's status screen is shown.]
'Auto Battle' puts the unit on its own. Once a unit's set on Auto-Battle, it'll automatically act each AT until canceled.
[The Auto-Battle menu is shown.]
Select from the 4 fighting methods and the unit will perform accordingly. 'Fight to Death' attacks target regardless of the danger. 'Support Ally' helps target ally regardless of the danger. 'Run for Life' avoids battles while recovering HP and moves to safer areas. Set a target for 'Fight to Death' and 'Support Ally'. Once you set Auto Battle, the rest is automatic. To cancel Auto Battle, select 'Manual' in the 'Auto Battle' command. But, since the Menu won't appear during a unit's AT in Auto Battle, you'll need to reset during another unit's AT or when you intervene.
[The Auto-Battle menu closes.]
'Status' and 'Auto Battle' can be done on non-AT units. Menus and cursors will not appear when either an enemy or Auto Battle unit is in AT. Intervene and open the unit Menu by pressing the △ .button. If the next AT's an enemy or Auto Battle unit, it will stop the battle at the next AT unit. Now, none of the units can set. To resume, select 'End', if AT unit isn't an Auto Battle unit from your party. The 'End' command is at the end of the unit's Menu. That's a brief explanation on unit commands. To sum up, select either 'Move', 'Act' or 'Wait' at AT and check unit's condition with 'Status'. Depending on the situation, select 'Auto Battle'. When you've stopped the battle, resume by selecting 'End'. Perform these commands and advance into the battle.
[The cursor moves through the battle menu options.]
Alright, now for Game Over. Units die when HP reaches 0.
[The battle plays out such that the male knight moves to attack an opposing female knight, who falls to the ground, unconscious.]
If you don't recover a unit and leave it there, its body will disappear. After that, a treasure box with an Item or spirit crystal will replace it.
[The male knight waits until the fallen unit turns into a treasure chest.]
Once a body disappears, it'll never return to life. Recover ally units soon after they die. If everyone in your party dies, the game is over. Watch your remaining HP and avoid dying. Have units in the battle that can restore life. Kill all your enemies and you'll meet the Winning Cond. and end the battle. That's all you need to know about the flow of the battle and unit Menus. I'll see you destroy the enemy and win the battle. That's all.