There are several instances when you need to select abilities, like when learning or using an Ability. Access online help by pressing the Select button, and you can verify them as ability effects. Some abbreviations in the help message explained below. They are used in the action ability.
Range: 'Firing Range'. Shows range of panels unit can target. When centered on you, you're the target.
Vertical: Term added to 'Range' or 'Effect'. Represents height (h) of the vertical limit of the firing range or effect range.
Effect: 'Effect range'. Shows range of affected panels from the target (when specifying a direction means how far it will affect). If only targeted panel's affected, range's 1. If it's marked 'ally', only allies within range are affected and if marked 'enemy', only the enemies within range are affected.
MP: Represents the used MP.
SP: 'Speed'. Magic charges by 'Speed' value before executed, similar to unit charge-ups. The higher the 'Speed', the faster it's executed.
↶: Represents any magic reflected off with the abnormal status 'Reflect'.
Calc: Any magic that can target a unit with math skills.
Add: Added abnormal status.
Cancel: Canceled abnormal status.
Range: 'Firing Range'. Shows range of panels unit can target. When centered on you, you're the target.
Vertical: Term added to 'Range' or 'Effect'. Represents height (h) of the vertical limit of the firing range or effect range.
Effect: 'Effect range'. Shows range of affected panels from the target (when specifying a direction means how far it will affect). If only targeted panel's affected, range's 1. If it's marked 'ally', only allies within range are affected and if marked 'enemy', only the enemies within range are affected.
MP: Represents the used MP.
SP: 'Speed'. Magic charges by 'Speed' value before executed, similar to unit charge-ups. The higher the 'Speed', the faster it's executed.
↶: Represents any magic reflected off with the abnormal status 'Reflect'.
Calc: Any magic that can target a unit with math skills.
Add: Added abnormal status.
Cancel: Canceled abnormal status.