When you need to select items, like equipping or buying an item. Press the Select button for online help, and you can check things like an item's efficiency. Some abbreviations in the help message below.
Attack Power: Represents the attack power of weapons. High value means strong weapons.
Evade: Means the evade % of weapons. Displays the probability of avoiding physical attacks with weapons, when ability 'Weapon guard' is set.
Physical: Physical attack values.
Magic: Magic attack values.
S-EV: Attack evade % of shields.
A-EV: Attack evade % of accessories.
AT: Increased attack power when equipped.
Move: Increased moving ability when equipped.
Jump: Increased jump power when equipped.
Speed: Increased speed when equipped.
HP: Increased HP when equipped.
MP: Increased MP when equipped.
Range: Firing range of weapons. Used for weapons with a range greater than 1, like spears or bows.
2-sword: Weapons that can be equipped in each hand.
Both hands: Weapons that can be held with both hands.
2-hands only: Means a weapon that can only be held with both hands.
Cancel: An abnormal status which cancels the target.
Add: An abnormal status which adds a target.
Attribute: Represents the elemental of a weapon attack.
Absorb: When equipped, represents an elemental that can be absorbed. When an elemental is absorbed, the HP is restored. For example, if it is 'Absorb fire', HP's restored with 'Fire'.
No effect: When equipped, elemental that becomes ineffective when attacked.
Half: When equipped, elemental damage is reduced by half when attacked.
Weakness: When equipped, elemental damage gets worse when attacked.
Strengthen: When equipped, elemental power is strengthened when attacking.
Always: When equipped, abnormal status always present.
No effect: When equipped, abnormal status that protects completely.
Abnormal status name (by itself): When equipped, abnormal status is added when battle begins. Not added when equip-changing during battle.
Operate Magic: When used, means a magic that seldomly operates.
Sq: Equip capability of a Squire.
Ch: Equip capability of a Chemist.
Kn: Equip capability of a Knight.
Ar: Equip capability of a Archer.
Mk: Equip capability of a Monk.
Pr: Equip capability of a White Mage.
Wi: Equip capability of a Black Mage.
TM: Equip capability of a Time Mage.
Su: Equip capability of a Summoner.
Th: Equip capability of a Thief.
Me: Equip capability of a Mediator.
Or: Equip capability of a Oracle.
Ge: Equip capability of a Geomancer.
Ln: Equip capability of a Lancer.
Sm: Equip capability of a Samurai.
Nj: Equip capability of a Ninja.
Cl: Equip capability of a Calculator.
Bd: Equip capability of a Bard.
Dc: Equip capability of a Dancer.
Items can be divided into the following 3 categories.
Attack Power: Represents the attack power of weapons. High value means strong weapons.
Evade: Means the evade % of weapons. Displays the probability of avoiding physical attacks with weapons, when ability 'Weapon guard' is set.
Physical: Physical attack values.
Magic: Magic attack values.
S-EV: Attack evade % of shields.
A-EV: Attack evade % of accessories.
AT: Increased attack power when equipped.
Move: Increased moving ability when equipped.
Jump: Increased jump power when equipped.
Speed: Increased speed when equipped.
HP: Increased HP when equipped.
MP: Increased MP when equipped.
Range: Firing range of weapons. Used for weapons with a range greater than 1, like spears or bows.
2-sword: Weapons that can be equipped in each hand.
Both hands: Weapons that can be held with both hands.
2-hands only: Means a weapon that can only be held with both hands.
Cancel: An abnormal status which cancels the target.
Add: An abnormal status which adds a target.
Attribute: Represents the elemental of a weapon attack.
Absorb: When equipped, represents an elemental that can be absorbed. When an elemental is absorbed, the HP is restored. For example, if it is 'Absorb fire', HP's restored with 'Fire'.
No effect: When equipped, elemental that becomes ineffective when attacked.
Half: When equipped, elemental damage is reduced by half when attacked.
Weakness: When equipped, elemental damage gets worse when attacked.
Strengthen: When equipped, elemental power is strengthened when attacking.
Always: When equipped, abnormal status always present.
No effect: When equipped, abnormal status that protects completely.
Abnormal status name (by itself): When equipped, abnormal status is added when battle begins. Not added when equip-changing during battle.
Operate Magic: When used, means a magic that seldomly operates.
Sq: Equip capability of a Squire.
Ch: Equip capability of a Chemist.
Kn: Equip capability of a Knight.
Ar: Equip capability of a Archer.
Mk: Equip capability of a Monk.
Pr: Equip capability of a White Mage.
Wi: Equip capability of a Black Mage.
TM: Equip capability of a Time Mage.
Su: Equip capability of a Summoner.
Th: Equip capability of a Thief.
Me: Equip capability of a Mediator.
Or: Equip capability of a Oracle.
Ge: Equip capability of a Geomancer.
Ln: Equip capability of a Lancer.
Sm: Equip capability of a Samurai.
Nj: Equip capability of a Ninja.
Cl: Equip capability of a Calculator.
Bd: Equip capability of a Bard.
Dc: Equip capability of a Dancer.
Items can be divided into the following 3 categories.
- Effective when attacking or being attacked (weapons, shields, accessories).
- Effective when equipped (defense weapons, accessories).
- Effective when used (use items, weapons).